Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The New York Post is En Fuego

While we ponder and lament the downfall of local newspapers, it's important to remember that the NY Post, which is anything but a scrappy small-town paper, continues to deliver the goods. It gives you the news in a low-brow fashion, while putting lots of sizzle on the steak. When I used to commute to NYC via train, I would read the digital versions of both the Wall Street Journal and the NY Post each morning. I needed my business and local news, and I loved the high-brow/low-brow 1-2 punch of these two papers. I ignore the editorial sections of both papers, so I don't want to hear gripes about the evil Murdoch empire.

Anyhoo, the NY Post has been killing it lately. And by killing it, I mean having audacious titles designed to attract eyeballs. So as we prepare to eat turkey, drink alcohol and watch bad football, I wanted to share a recent trio of impressive articles. You should note that one of the articles relates to a trend I first brought up a few days ago. I am an influencer. 

Wishing you all and your tan perinea a happy Turkey Day. 


  1. who’s responsible for giving tr the remedial post-spacing guidelines?

  2. Don’t sweat it, Rob. TJ will be posting WKRP clips in short order.

  3. I’ve been a Jeff Van Gundy fan (as an analyst) for a long time but he’s gone full curmudgeon.

    The NBA season is too long. Rest matters for the long term health of the stars of the league.

    It’s convenient to blame the players. The owners are making a fucking killing. They’re gonna need to take a loss for a shorter season. That’s the reality of the situation. They still won’t take a loss long term. Professional sports ownership is a cash cow. Love rights and whatnot.

  4. Rant over. Brandon Ingram is nice. LeBron is a fucking robot. A basketball genius robot.

  5. that guys crotch is en fuego.

    happy thanksgiving!

    that's my favorite line from "pieces of april"
