Saturday, November 16, 2019

No One's Jamming Her Transmission

When we last checked in on Juliana Hatfield, she was righteously pissed that we left her out of our pantheon of cute rock babes. To which, bygones. And, well, we're sorry. That was a mistake.

She appears to have gotten over it. The former Blake Babies lead singer just released an album that's solidly in a musical strike zone that's so mine that I didn't even realize it existed. Hatfield's new record is called, evocatively, Juliana Hatfield Sings The Police. On it, Juliana Hatfield sings songs originally recorded by...The Police.

Sexy female voice singing one of my favorite band's songs? Wheel. House.


  1. Hanging at an outdoor swim meet adjacent to St. John's River in Jax. A prelim finals sort which means top 10 in each event will come back a couple of hours after this afternoon session is done....probably 5ish. It is 52, overcast, and windy. You guys up north, I know, it's "balmy". No. It isn't. No sun, windy, and wet air have it feeling like 40. Mark will attest, 50 in FLA near coast does not feel like a normal 50. Will be that much better when sun goes down. Have asked the oldest of two swimming if he's thinking about scratching finals since many kids are. He is having none of it. Middle child could give two shits. Arrived at 1015...will get to warm up during intermission but will be here til about 7. Swim meets are cool.

  2. If I’m Tua I’m never playing another down for Bama. Again. Rehab and preparation for the NFL Draft.

  3. My 6th grader’s football team won their “Super Bowl” playoff finals game today. They won 16-14 with a 23 yd FG with less than a minute left in the game. They beat a team that was 7-0-1 coming into the game. Very cool moment and first “Super Bowl” ever for my town. We also had a rare sighting of Jets GM Joe Douglas. His kid is a beast.

    Makes the wind burn and hypothermia worth it.

  4. You didn't include a picture of the "Made in China" album cover?

  5. Dan Mullen isn’t a perfect coach but he’s the perfect coach for Florida at this time. Tough to overstate what’s he’s done in two years since taking over a semi broken program coming off a 4-8 season. My fall Saturdays are far more enjoyable than they’ve been in quite some time.

  6. Not up to Tua it seems. Dislocated and broken hip. Shitty end to a fantastic CFB carter.

  7. As predictable as this Minnesota letdown game is, it’s still a bummer.

  8. The 3:30 window got real interesting real quick. Fun ending to Texas-Iowa State and Auburn and Minnesota refusing to die. Too bad for the Tigers that Bo Nix Steve Saxed his gimme of a 4th down throw.

  9. Update: Gophers are dead. Auburn not dead just yet. Largely due to Jake Fromm being completely average. Well, unless he’s playing Florida.

  10. Saw Juliana a couple years back at Iota with Evan. She was super cool, Dando was whack. But KQ got a pick with him after that was one for the ages. Will she if she will post.

    WRFC beat UVA 99-8 today. ‘‘Twas a good day for us old boys at the pitch.

  11. To Dan’s point about the coastal Florida cold: It’s in the mid 50s here so the kid wanted to sit outside and drink hot chocolate after dinner. So we did. And then we lasted less than ten minutes. The wind off the ocean makes it feel significantly colder. And none of us are built for anything below about 70 for any real stretch.

    I’m now inside. In sweatpants and under a blanket

  12. All the ABC prime time games should be high profile and Big 12 games.

  13. Not sure how that “and” got involved.

  14. Baylor’s defense was playing so well. Until halftime.

  15. The momentum shift at halftime was staggering. Baylor’s O went from unstoppable to feeble. And Hurts decided to suck less in the 2nd half.

    Can we give Burrows the Heisman now?

  16. Dagger. Best day ever in Waco for 10ish hours. Things went downhill dramatically and poorly. Can’t say I feel bad for Baylor though. Fuck that school.

  17. Burrow won the Heisman last week as far as I’m concerned. Throwing for 500 yards this week didn’t hurt either.

  18. Caught the end of OU/Baylor game. When did the fake smock hoodie worn by the Baylor coach come into fashion? I missed the timing on that.

    Juliana has released four Albums in the last 18 months. One right after Trump won, about him. It's decent, catchy and angry. She also did a cover album of Olivia Newton-John songs last year. She still looks great and crush worthy in my book.

    Comments courtesy of beer.

  19. Any hoodie that isn’t an actual full hoodie is complete garbage. Apologies to Belichick.

  20. A guy I see at my gym played at Baylor in the 60s. He still follows them, but can’t support them after what’s gone on there.

    Speaking of covers albums, I just got hipped to a really good cover album from 1972 - ‘Lo and Behold’ by Coulson, Dean, McGuiness and Flint and produced by Manfred Mann, it’s an album of Bob Dylan deep cut covers, and it’s tremendous for both it’s quality and musical variety. Highly recommended.

  21. Ford’s new ad for their all-electric Mustang ends with a deep bass vrooming exhaust note.

  22. boy, is the washington football squadron dreadful. couldn’t happen to a better owner.

  23. Jets were getting two against those maroon corpses. That was one of the most no-brainer bets I've ever made. Haskins looks horrendous, they had 6 penalties in the first 16 minutes of the game, their zone defense is atrocious, and their WRs like to end their passing routes 1-2 yards shy of the first down marker.

  24. Broncos’ clock management on this drive is making me throw up in my mouth.

  25. just catching up on all the college visits and commentary. how did we graduate w&M? with so little stress?

    i went to the rutgers/ohio game yesterday. they covered the spread! i won twenty-five bucks.

  26. Washington could use a QB like Kirk Cousins.

  27. I’m gonna coach my 10 y/o’s travel baseball team this year. A kid on the team has this fun setup: parents divorced, dad is mentally (and physically) ill, mom beat breast cancer, mom got herself a set of LARGE implants to celebrate, mom got remarried to a guy in town, mom then got divorced from the second husband in a very hostile way. As a result, there are a ton of emails associated w/ the kid’s web site profile. I’m now getting angry emails from folks demanding I stop emailing them, when I have no control over emails tagged to kids’s profiles on a web site. Somehow the ex-wife of this woman’s second ex-husband is on the war path.

    You following all that? Me neither.

  28. just a finished a post on my weekend foray into sports gambling . . .

  29. dammit

  30. i'm still signed in as my wife. she was not particularly happy about the sports gambling . . .

  31. amazing three comment stretch for dave/catpell

  32. Just as the Starz documentary Leavenworth concludes tonight, there is news that Trump has pardoned the imprisoned soldier in question. The very credible and sympathetic folks who served under him have left their guts on the table in this piece to say what it kills them to say — that this platoon leader ordered what amounted to cold-blooded murder. It set back the operations in that region, it messed with the heads of the Americans involved, and oh, yeah, it meant a couple of innocents were slain. And Trump has clearly decided his base will appreciate the “kill ‘em all” mentality and utilized thimble-deep analysis and impact study before making such a move. Not shocking. But still wrong, immoral, and against American decency and humanity. Oh, well. Just another news piece I hope my kids don’t see.

  33. tribe are 17-point underdogs this evening in norman against the sooners. that sounds about right. we'll learn a lot about whether their 4-0 start is fool's gold or something sturdier upon which to build. i don't know why we're building on gold, but whatever.

  34. Time to lay some dough on the Sooners.

  35. Line down to 15.5 on DraftKings. People pressing Dane Fischer’s squad!
