Tuesday, November 19, 2019

New Music Tuesday, Featuring Michael Kiwanuka

I am an Apple Music guy, not a Spotify guy. I don't have a great answer why that is the case. But it's how I roll. Either way, today's technology is neat b/c we all have a nearly infinite music selection on our phones. I often hear about, and then download, music without much thought and then give it a whirl whenever I feel up for it.

I caught a mention in a magazine (remember them?) last month about a new album by a young British singer/songwriter named Michael Kiwanuka. The review was very positive, so I found and downloaded the album in ten seconds on Apple Music. I listened to the album, and to quote a smart guy I saw on the TV...

Image result for dumb and dumber i like it alot gif

It's sometimes funky and more often mellow, and this seems like the right time of year for that mellow vibe, as I chill in front of the fireplace with brown liquor at night. So I'll give you three recs to hopefully get you to fall down a rabbit hole. Two are from the latest album and one is from an older album.

The first tune is You Ain't the Problem, from his new album. It's a funky mix of rock, jazz, folk and Afrobeat grooves. The video is hard to explain, but the tune is awesome.

The second tune, also from his new album, is I've Been Dazed. It's mellow and mournful and blew my mind a bit. Its lyrics resonate to me for personal reasons.

The third tune is Kiwanuka's first big "hit" from his second album a few years ago, Cold Little Heart. You may have heard it on Big Little Lies or in movies. It's smooth and soulful. The video intro is 90 seconds, if you find it's too long for your meager attention span. And in case you're wondering, yes, that's Atlanta/Get Out star Lakeith Stanfield in the video.

He's touring heavily this winter.  Go get some.


  1. I also like it. I like "Hero" off the current album and "One More Night" off the prior one.

    I am a Spotify guy, not an Apple Music guy. I don't have a great answer why that is the case. But it's how I roll.

  2. Chuck Todd has morphed into Chris Elliott.

  3. Does he cover anything else off of No Jacket Required?

  4. He does do a song called "Home Again," which isn't far off from "Take Me Home." Nothing close to "Sussudio," though.

  5. Is anything close to Sussudio though? It's a great, great song. A personal favorite.

  6. Devin Nunes just stated that one of the "most disturbing" things showing alleged hostility by Ukrainian officials to then-candidate Trump was that one particular official "mocked [Trump] on Facebook and Twitter." And this is disturbing because Trump would never mock anyone on Twitter?

  7. I like Sussudio. My favorite Phil Collins song (a conversation destined to make Dave yell) is "I Don't Care Anymore." Fantastic early 80's angry pop/rock.

  8. I'm assuming "Easy Lover" is ruled out because its a duet, yes? I had a brief Phil Collins phase in the early 80s, but he fell out of favor for Wham! and U2. But since I heard Jimi Hendrix at age 10, I've been lone gone.
