Thursday, November 23, 2023

Baby, if you've ever wondered, wondered whether it was gonna post...

🎵I'm posting on the morn for you this Thanksgiving
This Thanksgiving...that clip from WKRP...🎵

Back on my bullshit bonus holiday content:


  1. Jim Maui was a hell of a guy. Owned a macadamia nut farm down by Lahaina. He singlehandedly stopped a Japanese division from taking the island shortly after Pearl Harbor. Locals loved him. He and Fred Chaminade came up with the idea of a collegiate basketball tournament to increase tourism. Jim died several years ago when his Island Hoppers helicopter crashed. Rumor was that he was wearing an idol given to him by Vincent Price and that had something to do with it. Everyone was so broken up by his death that they decided to name the tournament after him.

  2. thankful for that start to my day. and for you turkeys.

  3. rob, come join me on twitter dot com for #Thanksgifing

  4. Marls comment just slayed me

  5. The change from Driskel to Blough changed the Bears-Lions spread by a figgie. That seems...excessive.

  6. Is it pronounced Bluff, or Blow? Cause I really want to see a headline that says “The Lions have gone from suck to Blough”

  7. Happy Thanksgiving peeps. Preppin a Cajun turkey that will go on the egg here in about an hour. Two days ago our plan was to drive to TN to spend the holiday w a couple of my sisters and their families. We bailed for a variety of reasons. We were looking forward to it too, especially because we were going to escape our neighbors who are seemingly unable to do tgiving or Xmas on their own. We typically flip flop hosting, but not really bc we want to, but bc we are too nice to say no. The husband is top notch, the wife and 2 of their 3 kids....I’m very thankful for my sitch.
    As of yesterday at this time, said family had plans to eat with another family. The family in question has been afflicted with the flu, supposedly. We received a text last night at 7pm... “How big is your turkey?” Now we are hosting this family of 5, whose oldest (10) has semi-serious behavioral issues. Thankful for a lot, including on this day good booze and gtb.

  8. And especially the bio on Jim Maui.

  9. I put the o/u on Turkey size jokes at 4.

  10. You’re a good man Danimal. When I speak of I’ll speak well.

  11. +1, Teej.

    My family took vacations every year from 2015-2018, ever since our last remaining parent died. This year, for a few reasons, we stayed home. As I think about our T-giving dinner last year on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, where we had toes in the sand and watched an epic sunset while eating average food, I immediately regret the decision to stay in town. But it’s nice to save a few bucks.

  12. I’m grateful for the Teej.
    I’m grateful for all the gheorghies.
    I’m grateful for family, as I’ll be dining with daughters, dad, aunt, sister and her fam. As we get ready for my dad’s third wedding tomorrow. Giddyup.
    I’m grateful for every day. Even the crap ones.
    I’m grateful for Althea, Nassau, 1980.
    Peace, friends.

  13. Marls wins Thanksgiving. That’s it.

    I’ll consider this Thanksgiving a personal win if my kid isn’t puking throughout the day like last year. That wasn’t great. Wife and I ended up eating burgers from the bar up the street at 9 pm.

  14. Blough rhymes with cow.

    Trubitski rhymes with shitski.

  15. I always learn something new on GTB--thanks Marls!
    In 2012, I spent Thanksgiving in Maui, and caught a few games of the Maui Classic. Highly recommend enjoying this holiday on that island with your family at some point.

    Last night I watched the Aveett Brothers documentary. I didn't know they were a punk band before settling into their allt-country sound. And, I can't remember if most of the Gheorghies like or dislike this band. I'm in the like column.

    Happy Thanksgiving turkeys

  16. the avetts are g:tb approved, except that dave doesn't understand harmony

  17. The Lions QB does not blough at all.

  18. My brother in law made lobster Mac and Cheese. Game changer.

  19. The avett brothers doc is solid. Family is cool when it’s good. Typing this with 20+ family members at my Mom’s house.

  20. I love the Avett Brothers. Rootsy does not. I like the doc as well.

  21. Always fun watching the Cowboys fail.

  22. Bills are officially frisky. We’re all stunned.

  23. I love watching the Cowboys lose on Thanksgiving. I’m with my Cowboy-loving brother-in-law and I had to pretend I wasn’t absolutely loving it.

  24. I could see the Bills being a gheorghie fave down the stretch. We’ve got a Bills bar here in Norfolk (the Dirty Buffalo, a Triple-D visit) where Bruce Smith and I hang out. This is a preferable option to exclusively rooting for the dreary dreck that is the Washington football team.

    I can’t believe I think the Bills bandwagon is better than ours. Ugh.

  25. The Bills bandwagon is better than the Bucs bandwagon. Probably says more about the poor choice of professional football teams of some of us than anything else if we’re being honest.

  26. The Bills suddenly appear to be running Charlie Weis’s offense circa 2001-2004.

  27. Charlie Weis is more than happy to take credit for Buffalo’s success.

  28. anyone know where the bills’ head coach went to college?

  29. I think the Bills Head Coach went to the same college that has a basketball program that was doomed...and buried by an internet outlet. Until the season started. I could be misremembering though.

  30. Started “Peaky Blinders” tonight. Finally. Three episodes in. Love it.

  31. They flashed a photo of McDermott in his college uniform on the CBS broadcast, but Nantz never said W&M. F that guy.

    My wife added key lime pie to the dessert platter tonight. I ate it w/ aplomb. Key lime pie and chocolate cream pie are sneaky faves of mine.

  32. Peaky Blinders is great. Worst title ever though.

  33. Commonwealth Cup shaping up to be another nail biter.

  34. Overserved last night result8ng in non-stop picking of leftovers.

  35. my kids' high school avenged their only defeat of the season with a 30-7 win in the virginia class 4c regional football finals. i've watched a lot of high school football this season, and it's fun to see kids that i've known since they were 5 have such success. it's less fun to see/hear the high school hero dads who know everything about the game and would've made every play that the 17 year-olds fail to make.

  36. happy for juwan howard about the way his collegiate coaching career has started. always liked that dude.

  37. just purchased my christmas gift to me - a february flight to glasgow to see ireland play scotland in six nations action in edinburgh. much excite.

  38. Whoa, need a wingman at Murrayfield?

  39. if you wanna chaperone a bunch of idiots, i'm sure we could arrange it

  40. Florida is following up their win of the tournament in Charleston with an uninspired first half that has them down 8 to Marshall at the half. Not an ideal start to an important weekend for Florida athletics.

  41. 5+ minutes into the second half and Florida doesn’t have a single assist. That’s probably not great.

  42. The oldest kid (just turned 18) is in Gainesville for the weekend. She’s in the neighborhood that I lived in many years ago. Hanging at all my old haunts. We, friends, are old.

  43. After spending 5 hours hosting dinner and drinks w/ FOG:TB Dr J and his awesome family, he and I spent 3 hrs drinking bourbon and retelling old stories from the early 1990’s. Many laughs were had, in between prayers for Zman and his crippling diarrhea.

    As a wise man said here minutes ago, we, friends, are old.

  44. I was quite confused when I ilen d this post this morning. Was a fun re-read though.

    Also- nobody cares- but the Magic are good and that makes Greg and I very happy.

  45. Great to have TR back.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
    Appreciate ya.

  46. ooooos, I accidentally rose TR from the dead. It’s a Thanksgiving miracle
    - lazy poster T.J.

  47. I hope Zman's issues have resolved in the intervening four years.

  48. I fell for the TR flashback dream

  49. Thanks for your concern rootsy, my stools are solid and robust.

  50. Glad to hear it. We should probably stop there on the details, or Rob will want it turned into a post.

  51. Yay, it’s the fucking Dallas Cowboys. Officially laying a big fat curse on them.

  52. hi gheorghies

    T’ain’t thanksgiving any more but I’m still thankful for ya
