Wednesday, October 30, 2019

"Game 7, Baby! GAME 7!" Open Thread

Thank you, Zaza:


While you're here, let me know your best game 7 memory, across any sport. rob, you're not allowed to participate.


  1. I too caught Egg Man at end of episode 2 of Watchmen. It’s Gossett’s finest work since Enemy Mine.

  2. Holy shit, talk about a deep cut - I'm not sure I've thought about "Enemy Mine" in 30 years.

  3. This is my Game 7. My best, my worst, all in one. Still makes me shake my head.

  4. Apparently, dropping a deuce when your wife has a window treatment person over is considered bad form. Excuse me for having a rectum.

  5. The Tribe of William & Mary attempted 22 forward passes against Maine last Saturday.

    Guess how many different receivers caught those passes?

  6. Well they had 4 completions for 68 yds, so guessing things weren’t spread around well.

    We rushed out true freshman QB back to do that. Not sure why we didn’t do the redshirt thing w/ Hollis (Queens) Mathis after four games. Can that be done at the FCS level.

    Super-agent DLC stresses patience with new coach Mike London. He better get it done on the recruiting trail this year.

  7. time will tell, i guess, but the huge era hasn't been marked by strong coaching-related decision making.

  8. The answer was 1. One person caught passes Saturday. Hollis (Crew) Mathis will surely have better days.

    Sucker MC's who did not learn
    If you don't this time, we shall return

  9. My dad had lunch with a buddy who's an old chum of Jimmye's, who was griping (ostensibly in the aggrieved old white guy fashion currently favored by a some) that Huge's main objective in her hires was diversity, and that many athletic staff members have left.

    He also reported that the old coach had a ball taking in homecoming tailgates and the accompanying libations.

  10. Just finished up episode two of Watchmen. Not a comic book guy and wasn’t sure if I’d watch or not. Heard some great reviews so decided to try it a bit last night. Quite a show thus far.

    And Egg Man to close episode 2 was a lovely choice.

  11. I went to high school with Damon Lindelof and I’m not a fan. Watchmen is the only show of his I’ve watched.

  12. So Lindelof is below JoDeCi on Zman’s Teaneck celebrity rankings? Where do David West and Kevin Jonas rank?

  13. Few things in life bring me as much pleasure as surprising, yelling at, and generally terrifying neighborhood kids who want to TP my yard. I have seen parents drop off groups of kids who run out of cars with their arms full of TP. I want to slash their tires.

  14. They’re below Tamba Hali.

  15. The Isely Brothers and Dave Winfield are tied at #1.

  16. My wife and I enjoyed The Leftovers, though I definitely understand why it wasn’t a big hit. I’ve never seen a single minute of Lost.

    As I said before, I really didn’t plan on watching The Watchmen as I’ve got too much TV in my life to being with but the first 30 minutes sucked me in and I’m in until further notice at this point.

  17. Teaneck has a pretty solid list of celebrities. Isn’t David West (NBA) from North Carolina though?

    Sadly, Indian Harbour Beach has nobody of significance. Neighboring Satellite Beach has Ashlyn Harris, CJ Hobgood (World Surfing Champion) and (gag) Britt McHenry.

  18. David West was born in the Neck. I think he left in middle school. Doug Glanville and Tony Campbell are Highwaymen. Biggie lived in Teaneck for a minute. He was arrested in his apartment for possessing weapons while on parole. He had a crossbow and flamethrower, among other things.

  19. Also arrested in Teaneck:

  20. Good God, playoff baseball is nerve wracking.

  21. Can’t believe they left Scherzer in for the whole 5th. Can’t believe he gutted it out. He’s clearly not 100%.

    I don’t want the Astros to win again.

  22. Home plate ump hasn’t been kind to the Nata thus far.

  23. Mark is right. Balls and strikes ump has been bizarrely one-sided. That little rectangle makes it really easy to see misses.

  24. Hey there, exciting baseball.

  25. Howie Kendrick has a pair of huevos grandes.

  26. Pour some out for Deadspin. Was my favorite sports blog for over a decade. Will be missed.

  27. Crazy story, that. Solidarity.

  28. Same. Deadspin completely changed the way I looked at and consumed sports writing. Intelligent, original and irreverent.

    While we’re here, pour a little more out for the Warriors.

  29. Home plate ump has evened it out. I guess. Either way, he’s been terrible. Inexcusable in a World Series Game 7.

  30. Down by 32 to an Ayton-less Suns!!! At home!!!

  31. the post-series victory dogpile is one of my favorite things in sports

  32. That was fun. Congrats to the Nats fans. My boys and I had a very fun night at that stadium in August.

    Suck it, Bryce Harper.

  33. hello gheorghies
    you know what's fun?
    when your team wins the championship
    I hear this Nats team

  34. I thought Shlara was giving us a victory haiku.

  35. I love taking my kid trick or treating. Mostly because it’s great seeing her so happy. I do NOT love that it’s a record 90 degrees here today.

  36. 90 degrees is better than 65 with rain and high winds. Almost a few more years until our son with probably go with his buddies sans parents.

    Hellva a game last night. City of champions. Suck it, Snyder.

  37. Both my kids are out on their own. I decided to crank Black Crowes while hanging out front and doling out candy. Several families saw the Amorica cover on my phone. Well, I guess children need to learn about pubes at some point.

  38. my kid made second-team all-region in cheerleading. apparently i have good cheer genes.

  39. And tiny. That helps with the cheering and flying and such.

  40. We are home later than anticipated. First year the kids didn’t die mid trick or treating. Parents had to end it. My kid is on an all time sugar high. Bouncing off the walls and laughing maniacally. Tomorrow morning is gonna be rough on her.

  41. she's a base. kid is strong like bull. a little baby bull, but still.

  42. Some parent had the bright idea to give out pixie sticks last night. After trick or treating about 10 kids came back to our house to trade candy. This ended up with our spare room looking like a rainbow cocaine party that had gotten way out of hand. Cleaning up pixie stick powder caked on various surfaces is fun.I sure we'll be finding more of it in the furniture for the next six months.

    Otherwise, another semi-drunken night for the adults.
