Monday, October 21, 2019

From the This Doesn't Suck Files

I promise a full post with the highlights of my trip to Spain, as soon as the jet lag passes (and upcoming trips to Minneapolis and Chicago over the next six days are done). Until then, an amuse-yeux of sorts to whet your appetite:

This photo of the Alhambra was taken at sunset from a little cafe called El Balcon de San Nicolas in the Albaicin district of Grenada. My man Marls has been to this very spot, if I'm not mistaken. If anything, the picture understates how stunning the view is. Funny story about the follow.


  1. Very jealous of that trip. Wife and I may try to do something eventful when we have our kids locked up at sleepaway camp in 2020.

  2. And from the “This Sucks” File: opioid-induced constipation.

  3. zson announced that he’s going to name his first son Eastwood.

  4. I have been to that very spot. It’s the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen. Of course the amount of rosé imbibed might have something to do with it.

  5. Wife and I both already finished Farrow’s Catch and Kill book. Fantastic story of reporting. And of massive scumbag men wielding power.

    I still can’t believe Andy Lack and Noah Oppenheim both still have their jobs.

  6. did you read washington irving yet?

    also, "fentanyl inc" is a non-fiction mindbender
