Sunday, October 06, 2019

Crosslander I: The Listening

I spent the better part of 15 hours in the car with my kid this weekend, rolling through the turning leaves of Upstate New York on a pair of college visits. Since it seems to require an engineering degree to figure out how to play music from a mobile device through my Mini's audio system, we chose our entertainment from the diverse selection available on SiriusXM. A handful of highlights for your listening pleasure:

We had the good luck to be traveling during SiriusXM's coverage of Austin City Limits, so we heard several really good live sets. Judah and the Lion are dork-rockers in the extreme, over the top in their efforts to engage their fans in singalongs and high-energy action. They covered Blink 182's 'All The Small Things', as well as arena staple Rock 'n Roll Part 2. They're a really fun live listen.

When Billie Eilish started her set with 'Bad Guy', the crowd went batshit. Near as we could tell, the batshit never stopped. Folks love that young lady.

Bridie Monds-Watson is a 19 year-old from Derry, Northern Ireland who records as SOAK. She's something else.

The Avett Brothers showed up to perform a live session on The Spectrum on Saturday morning, backing their new album. This is their first overtly political record, as the first single, 'Bang Bang' might hint.

Local Natives got a lot of run with 'Megaton Mile', as did Spoon with 'No Bullets Spent'.

Whirlwind trip for me and my girl, and maybe one of the last times we'll get to do that before she goes to college. I love that she loves music, and I love even more that she wanted to listen to it with me instead of putting on headphones and withdrawing into her own world. I'll remember this trip for a good while.


  1. Pretty cool Dad experience. Your weekend was much different from mine.

  2. Very cool for you and your daughter. Priceless. Had a similar trip up to western Mass with my oldest to see Smith College. Jammin tunes the whole way. With a side trip to Treehouse of course for her first ever taste of beer. “That’s terrible! Tastes like soap!!”

    Also, digging the Derry lass.

  3. That sounds like a great bonding experience, even if you should still push your daughter to JMU, VT, UVA or W&M.

    And I love Spoon. I got into them in my mid 30’s (Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga is an all-timer). There’s something distinctly adult about their sound. After some life experience, I really got into them.

  4. Pour some out for the mighty Ginger Baker.

    Pour much less out for Rip Taylor.

  5. Speaking of which, McRib is back.




  6. I made the mistake TR referred to in previous post today - not bringing headphones to the gym. Today's soundtrack started with Biggie, which was promising and surprising. It went downhill from there, and Bonnie Tyler was doing 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' as I scurried away as quickly as possible.

  7. Every now and then I get a little bit lonely, Marls.

  8. Saturday night I took in a rock show from 90's/00's indie stalwarts Built to Spill. Great stuff with a couple of fantastic covers to close the show: "Bennie and Jets" and "Waterloo Sunset." Fans of ORF Rock may recall my co-host Penny Baker's hatred of Elton and fondness for The Kinks. She was there and loves Built to Spill. It was a whirlwind of emotions for her.

  9. nobody tell tr, but the tribe men's soccer squadron is on a three-game winning streak with a 275-minute shutout streak to boot.

  10. They’re 3-4-2. Let’s celebrate mediocrity. Maybe we should throw a ticker tape parade down DoG Street.

  11. spoon is great. billie eilish as well. but that other stuff? yeesh. i would have made her listen to some educational podcasts. she is going to college after all.

  12. I’ll bring the pb and mustard

  13. Yadi Molina: pretty clutch.

  14. i once wished a boss happy yom kippur, because young and dumb. thought you'd enjoy.

  15. usa v argentina tonight at 1145 pm american time. come get some, caballeros.

  16. Speaking of holidays, Happy Pierogi Day and Happy Fluffernutter Day to all.

  17. In other news, Zion Williamson is getting $75 MM over 7 yrs to rep the Jordan Brand. And his rookie contract will pay him $45 MM over his first four years.

    $120 MM in career earnings and he’s not old enough to legally drink. Not too shabby.

  18. i am the father of an adult, as of today. she plans to celebrate her newfound adulthood by getting a nose piercing and a tattoo. not necessarily in that order.

  19. Boy, Canada has had a humbling World Cup. If only they played rugby on ice.

  20. I think “happy Yom Kippur” is appropriate. Yes, anybody celebrating is hungry and cranky, but after 24 hours they have atoned for any douchebaggery in the last year. Not too shabby.

  21. How is your adult handling paying for her own food and clothes? Or does adulthood only extend to body art and voting?

  22. mini yom kippur weekend tomorrow! we should have every wednesday off, really puts the week in perspective.

  23. I’m in the process of listening (loudly) to every Police song to compile my top 5. Suggestions appreciated.

    Stewart Copeland is a whacky dude but that boy could could drum his sticks.

  24. Funny timing on this comment. I fell down a Police rabbit hole a few weeks ago. So much good early stuff. And works with the vibe I want when leaving work.

    My top 5 candidates (without too much thought, excluding most mega-hits and in no order): Canary in a Coal Mine, So Lonely, Synchronicity I, Voices Inside My Head, Next To You, Can’t Stand Losing You, Man in a Suitcase, Bed’s Too Big Without You. Be My Girl is fun too.

    The whole vibe of the Zenyatta Mondatta album is great.

  25. I always thought Vampire Weekend owes a debt of gratitude to The Police.
