Friday, September 06, 2019

I Don't Work There No More

Many of us endeavor to play at the games that brought us joy (and pain) as younger men. Mark plays basketball. I play soccer. Dave wears visors. Danimal swims, bikes, and runs. Increasingly, our bodies send us signals that question the wisdom of such efforts. I sprained my ankle badly enough playing soccer last November that it still hurt in February, for example.

I recently set a personal fitness goal, putting a stake in the ground and saying that I plan to be playing soccer when I turn 60. Ambitious, perhaps, but even if I'm successful, I've got nothing on Ryuichi Nagayama.

The 86 year-old Nagayama is a physician in Tokyo. More relevant to our topic today, he also plays lock for the Fuwaka Rugby Club, which is comprised of players aged 40 and above. Fuwaka RC was founded in 1948, and is one of about 150 clubs in Japan that field over-40 squads.

“You tackle and battle each other, but the gathering after the play is so enjoyable and fun,” says Nagayama, who knows his way around a rugby party, and according to legend, fucks up 'I Used to Work in Chicago' on purpose so he can shoot the boot for kicks. (Pun not intended, but it made me giggle so I left it in.)

As I type these words, I know for a near certainty that Whitney and Mr. KQ are feeling an itch that they can't quite explain. In Whitney's case, there's medication for that.

Here's to Dr. Nagayama and to never really growing up.


  1. Good for you all. I am still dealing w/ an f’d up back/neck and numbness in my index finger. PT and prednisone have done very little. I may need a discectomy, which is no bueno. My right arm/shoulder has half the strength of my left, and my marginally fit self is atrophying by the day. I can ride a bike, do a stair-climber and do planks/crunches. That’s about it. This all came from my aging body cutting me no slack when making tiny mistakes when working out. Good times!

  2. On the plus side, you don't have to sit on your hand to execute the phantom.

  3. Loudon County continues to be poppin off.

  4. oh, shit. i do believe i have an editorial assignment. purcellville is also the home of catoctin creek distillery, so i can make an afternoon of it.

  5. Look at Zman, manning the assignment desk and piling on TR from the top rope!

  6. I managed to convince zwoman that this was a good thing to buy but I convinced her too late and by the time I went to bid it was gone. $16k is absolute theft for a ZR-1.

  7. i think i am retiring from basketball so i can continue to play soccer and tennis (and skimboard and rollerblade). i will continue to aggressively wear my visor while pursuing all sporting endeavors.

  8. What are the best visor sports? Cycling? Beach volleyball? Softball? Ultimate?

  9. My 4th grader learned ultimate in summer camp. He is legit very good at it. He can do a bunch of different throws. He loves it. I’m trying to come to terms with it. I just don’t want him to be one of those kids that looks like a hippie but doesn’t party.

  10. Dick Stockton will still be announcing NFL games on Fox this fall. He turns 77 in November. We can’t do any better than this?

  11. Coming to you live from Greg’s bachelor party dinner in Austin, Texas. Temps have been over 100 each of the past two days but other than that it’s been great. Lots of friends of G:TB in town. And many others on top of that.

  12. Clicks for Greg, somehow arranging his bachelor party around a game between number 6 and number 9 ranked cfb squads.

  13. This morning zdaughter told me my breath smells like cat treats.

  14. My 4th grader’s soccer team won its first tourney game 8-0. They are up 4-0 at half in their second game. This is all well and good, but if they make a championship game, it will be at 1 PM tmrw. Suboptimal.

  15. Are y’all watching the women’s US Open final? OMDL!!

  16. Lots of Penn State fans in the town where Zman and I live. Would be delicious if they lost to Buffalo at home.

  17. So far today I’ve mowed and edged zlawn, and powerwashed zstairs, zwalkway and zcars. Thirty minutes to Bills/Jest, then the men’s final. What are the odds that I’ll be able to watch all of that without interruption?
