Friday, August 16, 2019

Goon for Goons

A not insignificant contingent of Gheorghies is tearing it up at OBFT. They could probably use more content. In an effort to facilitate good times, I’ve embedded “Heaven is Humming,” a new album by a new-ish band called Goon. Squeaky and Dave will like it because it sounds like other stuff they like. Whit will like it because he likes everything. Everyone else will tolerate it because they’re too drunk to care.

I think it sounds like My Bloody Valentine smushed with Alice in Chains. "Northern Saturn" and "Critter" are my faves so far. Enjoy.


  1. School started this week in eastern Central Florida. I’m too tired to produce content.

  2. I really like Tarantino movies so the wife and I planned out a late afternoon date for Once Upon A Time in Hollywood followed by dinner and drinks. And then the showtimes changed dramatically yesterday. No afternoon showings and the length of the movie throws the whole plan out of whack. Guess we’ll make due with some late afternoon bar hopping. Things could very be worse but I was really looking forward to that movie.

  3. Anyone else run over a dead squirrel with their lawnmower today?

  4. No, but I’m on day 3 of a debilitating pinched nerve in my neck. Apparently every neck and spine specialist in NJ took Friday off. Losing feeling in fingers and in debilitating pain. Made the 6-hr round-trip drive to get my kids at camp today fun.

    I have a date with some Valium tonight. Looking forward to getting sleep. Neck and back injuries are no bueno.

  5. That’s what you get at those fly by night massage parlors.

  6. I herniated a disk in my neck years ago and lost feeling in multiple fingers. Had a bunch of other shitty side effects as well (wrote a post about it). The tip of my right pointer finger never regained feeling. Godspeed, TR.

    In other news, the wife and I are out. I’m sipping a whiskey and Tame Impala’s “The Less I Know the Better” is playing. Missing out on a movie isn’t that bad.

  7. I have numbness in two fingers now, so that news is pretty awesome. Thanks for ruining my night, Mark!

    I scooped the kids from camp. The younger one missed his birthday, which happened when he was there. We told him he could pick a spot for dinner. And so we’re off to Benihana, where the crowd is as motley as it gets on a Saturday night.

  8. gheorghe muresan liked one of my tweets, so i think i've served my purpose in this world

  9. Thought: Doin Time was a Sublime song whose framework and main lyric owed to Summertime by George Gershwin. Brad Nowell assed his own lyrics and style and made it his.

    Lana Del Ray’s cover of that song adds her style but is lyrically unchanged. Why wouldn’t she follow suit and make it all hers instead of singing about Bradley and the LBC? It coulda been a contender to be something special.

  10. Perhaps she isn't good at writing lyrics?

  11. She should've covered Mungo Jerry’s In the Summertime instead.

  12. Have I told you the story of how KQ’s godfather coined the phrase “I could’ve been a contender, I could’ve been someone”?

  13. That’s a story I want to hear.

    TR’s great grandfather used to chill, smoke opium all day and smack insolent grandkids in the head. But if you were a dad in Tehran in the 1950’s with 6 kids and 20+ grandkids, you might do the same.

  14. On the topic of drugs, I now have a cocktail of Valium, oral steroids, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, scotch and edibles going to get through the day. Diagnosis is a C7 pinched nerve. No fun.

  15. mr kq’s godfather was budd schulberg?

  16. or kq’s. reading is fundamental.

  17. Buddy didn’t coin it, just ran with it
