Monday, July 01, 2019

Whimsy for the Winsy

We have a swingset in our back yard, a relic from a time when my children actually used such a thing. It's a bit rickety, and it's been generally unused for at least four years. It sits on a nicely leveled raised bed, framed by railroad ties.

One of my pipe dreams, home improvement category, is to remove the swingset and replace it with a tiny house/man shed/retreat. Something like this:

But I saw something yesterday that has me reconsidering the art of the possible.

Minnesotan-by-way-of-Alaska Gabe Emerson also wanted a small place to call his own on his friend's remote property. After first seeking to acquire an old plane fuselage, he went one better.

He bought a monorail.

Seems the Minnesota Zoo decommissioned one and had no idea what to do with it. Once Emerson convinced them he was serious, they sold it to him for a song. Or for $1,000, to be precise. It cost another $5,000 or so to dismantle and move the six-car train to the property, which is a steal, considering.

Emerson built a deck and is in the process of renovating and updating the cars. But he and his friends have already used it as an alternative to tents, and he's likely got the most unique cabin in Minnesota's famously cabin-crazed culture.

Now all I need to do is find a monorail.


  1. Wilco in Charlottesville Friday, Nov 8. Tickets on presale today, password Hummingbird. Join me if you will.

  2. That is unique and cool!
    So, our family embarks on its grand U.K./Europe adventure tomorrow. We fly out from Dulles at 6:30 overnight to London. My children (16, 14, 12) have never flown! A couple of you may remember my sophomore year roommate, Deb; she meets us Wed morning. She married a Brit from Manchester and lives outside London.
    If you’re bored, I shall try to chronicle the trip at an old blog space I don’t usually use: Will see if it really happens.
    Here’s to vacations!!

  3. Happy Bobby Bonilla Day, everyone

  4. Late on this, but wanted to salute Squeak’s comment on outside showers. They feel like a cheat code on life, and having a beer in there is what vacation is all about.

    We are back in Sea Island. Second year in a row, but probably the last for a while. Travel baseball makes the trips hard. This may shock some of you, but Georgia in July is hot! We went fishing this morning and caught 15 or so fish, including trout, yellowtail, bonnethead shark, and a ~3’ blacktip shark my 11 y/o hooked and reeled on his own. Special vacation moments.

  5. Safe and super fun travels, Donna. Let's hope the bloke from Manchester isn't Liam Gallagher.

  6. And outdoor showers are the shit. A key feature of the site of the OBFT.

  7. Warriors retiring KD’s number. That seems premature, but I root for a team who hasn’t retired the number of anyone who played for them later than 1981.

  8. you gotta read what sue bird wrote about megan rapinoe:

    also, bon voyagee, donna. that sounds like a blast.

  9. megan rapinoe not starting for the uswnt against england. i hope jill ellis knows what she's doing.

  10. that last part was typed in a whisper

  11. Fun half of soccer. Our back end has been a little shaky and we’ve given a few too many away in the midfield. Nice service into the box offensively though.

  12. there are a lot of double entendres in that comment that i will leave to whitney to pound into the ground

  13. and agreed, it was a great half of soccer. high-level stuff from both teams.

  14. This has been a bonkers match. Second year in a row we have had World Cup soccer on at the pool bar on vacation. Dying to know the reason behind the Rapinoe decision. Seems disciplinary?

    US women blew a couple high quality chances to give themselves a 2-1 lead. Got lucky in the end.

  15. I meant a 2 goal lead. Sorry. Blame the day-drinking.

  16. guessing the rapinoe decision was part that she had a tweaky hamstring, and part that lucy bronze, england's right back, is an excellent player and press was more likely to be able to get up and down the field in defense as necessary. jill ellis might know more than us.

  17. At an oyster roast dinner on vacation. Great food. Great cover band. And Rick Patino two tables away, w/ his family.

    No sex on the dinner table tonight, Ricky!

  18. TR hob knobbin on St. Simon's. Have you seen the new boat they had built that is outside the Cloister?
    One morning you need to get over to Southern Soul bbq at 1030/11. Famous and deserved....right down the road from Lodge/golf.
