Friday, May 03, 2019

Of Mics and Men

About six years ago I wrote what I consider to be one of my best posts here--a long rambling description of my old Subaru as an introduction to a meditation on the 20th anniversary of "Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)." Simply put, you can never have too much Wu-Tang.

To that end, I encourage you to watch "Of Mics and Men," a four-part series about the Wu-Tang Clan that will start May 10 on Showtime. Here's the trailer.

I think it will be eye-opening. The Wu is just like us! Who can't relate to a story like this, for example.

Bong bong.



  1. Need to subscribe to Showtime for a week I guess.

    Pour one out for Chewie.

  2. the way jim jarmusch talks about odb is deep, man. pretty great.

  3. Tribe pitcher article in the local sports section. 4-2, 2.82 ERA. Most notably to TR, though, he graduated summa cum laude in three years. Honestly, these people...

  4. Denver may decriminalize mushrooms. The hippie homeless are gonna love that one.

  5. I may be headed to Denver soon.

  6. 50/50 chance a buddy and I go to red rocks for widespread panic in late June.

  7. A good friend of mine and a couple other semi friends are going to Red Rocks to see Shpongle and a few other acts next week. They’ve rented a bus to transport them that will allow them to partake in many forms of substances. I am incredibly jealous. Red Rocks is very high on my venue list (music, sports).

  8. I was wrong. Shpongle is this weekend. Lots of super high people at Red Rocks. Per usual.

  9. I love Damian Lillard. But my dude has some bad tattoos.

  10. TR, if you are one tenth as bad assed as your CNBC persona is, stop weasel-wimping out right now. WP is calling. Answer with a polite helloooooooo...

  11. I’m sorry, gheorghies. TR, very sorry for the aggro imitation of Igor.

    Also, hi...........

  12. Yeah, not nearly as good a look for TR as the CNBC appearance. I gotta go MC our school's annual Strawberry Festival today.

    If you want me to shame anyone from the stage, write their name and offense on a $100 bill and consider it done!

  13. Tough crowd. Can we go back to making fun of Dave?

  14. On the topic of haters, this quote I read on-line really made me laugh:

    “Vampire Weekend’s discography is the official soundtrack of gentrification.”

  15. But it’s ok to shit on me. Pile on!

    Vampire Weekend is gentrification but if I listen to reggae or Peruvian afrofunk am I committing cultural misappropriation?

  16. anybody know anything about franklin & marshall college? touring it with my kidlet today. it’s a gorgeous little school.

  17. I played in a tournament at franklin & marshall during my short lived college basketball career. Hit 5 3s in the semifinals (not so humble brag).

    Seemed like a cool place. Certainly better than the rural, Baptist University that I attended.

  18. I have three peeps who went to F&M. They loved it.

    Not like F&M’s the New Orleans bar that hits its stride at 3am. But also fun.

  19. I saw a band last night called Bella’s Bartok in a teeny tiny venue. They are outstanding. They have a bit of Gogol Bordello to them.

  20. met a dude at a bar in lancaster this afternoon who has an older brother that went to w&m. turns out that brother is the very same dude that thrashed me in the intramural wrestling tournament my freshman year. small weird world.

  21. I thought I’d won $275 on the derby. Which was nice since I broke my self imposed shoe ban to buy some Jordans today. least I still have a new pair of shoes coming my way soon.

  22. just earned myself a blanton’s bottle stopper. proud day.

  23. My mother in law retired this week so my wife is throwing her a surprise party tomorrow. A friend who’s chef is catering the party so my wife and I are at his restaurant/bar and doing prep work and drinking. Being a good husband can be fun.

  24. This is one hell of a game.

  25. Okay, it’s a little less fun when it’s approaching midnight and the end isn’t clearly in sight. My old ass needs to go home. I type that as I just downed my first Jager in quite some time.

  26. who's making fun of me? you talking to me?

    watched "fast times" with my kids last night. i forgot how weird that movie is. so funny and sean penn steals the show but also weirdly plotless and mundane. and the dudes look REALLY old for high school. judge reinhold sounds like a forty year old .

  27. Tearing down the highlights of our heyday one pillar at a time in the least fun way possible. That’s our Dave!

    Next up: a grown man hanging around high school boys and dating young hot girls is just creepy, I don’t care if he acts cool and rides a motorcycle and has a catchy nickname like The Fonz.

  28. Read back through Z's original 2013 post and I gotta say, Schmandy doesn't come off well. I've still got love for him, since he drove me to my first Dead show in Charlotte with Ian. But he should have listened to Zman.
