Saturday, May 11, 2019

If You Can't Say It, You Can't Do It

It's been a big fucking week, my friends. In 2017, a groundbreaking study from Stanford University "...found a consistent positive relationship between profanity and honesty; profanity was associated with less lying and deception at the individual level, and with higher integrity at the society level".

Then, early last year, Emma Byrne published Swearing Is Good for You: The Amazing Science of Bad Language, which extolled the virtues of colorful language, from enhancing workplace teamwork to increasing our pain tolerance.

Finally, this week, we moved more deeply into the golden era of the f-bomb.

First, in England, Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp, at a loss for prosaic verbiage to describe his team's epic Champions League semifinal comeback, said this (the whole thing is great, but the money quote starts around 1:08):

Then, a day later, Golden State Warriors coach, after his team overcame the loss of Kevin Durant to beat Houston in Game 5 of their Western Conference semifinal series, channeled Klopp. Literally:

Both of those teams have mammoth games this weekend, and potentially through June. May their leaders bring their fucking 'A' games.


  1. late to the comment party, but steph's 4th quarter last night was...hoooo

  2. I fell sleep around 9:00 while putting zdaughter to bed, resulting in over 10.5 hours of sleep. It was glorious.

  3. I stayed up and drank and watched basketball. I’m tired this morning but it was also glorious.

  4. new post at park the bus . . . it's magnificent

  5. fuck safety talk from Dave

  6. I just gave my wife a Peloton for Mother’s Day. I could probably burn the house down and she wouldn’t be mad at me.

  7. our friend buck once bought his wife a bmw, and we yelled at him for setting the bar for the rest of us. do we need to have a talk, mark.

  8. Listen man. I could only fight the privileged white women tide for so long.

  9. Buck is now divorced, so... lesson taken

  10. Squeaky just sent me a pic of him at a soccer match wearing his Pele signed jersey. Always knew I loved that kid.

  11. This reminds me of the time TR bought Tiara a vacuum cleaner for Valentine’s Day.

  12. Unrelatedly, zson answered the homework question “when I grow up I want to be” with “a fisherman.” I did not see that coming.

  13. You can save some money on college. Bright side and all that.

  14. He’s divorced? Doesn’t he have like a million kids? Sounds expensive.

    We still have that vacuum. It was/is a fancypants Dyson. And she likes to vacuum.

    My wife’s bday is late March and we got married in early June. So I have Xmas, V Day, birthday, Mother’s Day and anniversary over 5+ months. I’m big on consolidating celebrations.

  15. Rest In Peace, Harold Lederman. Hit God with that ‘Ok Jim!’.

  16. a very nice woman where i work has a weird cult-like obsession with her peloton. she does classes at 4:40 in the morning. apparently, if you get a "shout out" it's a very big thing.

  17. Happy mother’s day to all you mothers.

  18. the boys and i did one of those side by side replication pictures for my wife for mother's day-- my kids reproduced this cute photo where they were both holding stuffed animals in front of a bookshelf and they nailed it, same clothes, expressions, etc. alex then did some photoshop magic with layers and made it look the same scale. a good gift if you can pull it off.

  19. I should give my wife a photo of your kids as a gift?

  20. This is an all-timer bad weather day in May here in NJ. Miserable.

  21. sorry, my long-winded comment got cut short. my wife arrived home with groceries and the weather is awful so we helped her unpack the car. mother's day hustle. they actually canceled both soccer games, which never happens. weather is atrocious.

    zman, please do not give pictures of my kids as gifts. that's creepy.

  22. Re jersey: Found out Pele if pronounced slightly off is slang for dick in Portuguese. At least that's what one of buddies in town tells me. His son (10 years old) was the only kid who knew who Pele was. Which brought about that piece of trivia due to the fact his son would miss pronounce Pele's name repeatedly when growing up.

    The more you know.

  23. I had no idea that Norma Jennings from Twin Peaks was married to Quincy Jones.

  24. ‘Twas a beautiful Sunday here. Spent some time in the pool. Now it’s a fucking monsoon and my street is half flooded. Very, very Florida.

  25. winter is here in new jersey . . . perfect for game of thrones (which has to be better than last week)

  26. That Kawhil trade looks better by the day.

  27. Holy shit, Game of Thrones! I don’t want to hear one book reader bitch or complain. That was 80 bad-ass minutes of telly.

  28. Who loves ya, baby?

    That’s some bad ass Telly

  29. I can't hate on last night's episode. When she said "Let it be fear" it was clear that in her mind the only way she could take and keep the throne is if everyone, including the masses, was scared of her. And at the end of the day it's a TV show.

  30. i loved last night's episode. so much hate in my department though. i think she had perfectly good reasons to flip the switch, everyone was conspiring against her. so she exercised the nuclear option. i hope she does it again. they could call the last episode nagasaki. reminded me of "the day after" TV movie from when we were kids. jaime and cersei deaths were perfect too, the inescapable bowels of the castle was a perfect representation of their love.

    i don't know what the fuck people expected

  31. From the womb to the tomb.

  32. Dave's car!

  33. That is a perfect car for Dave at OBFT!
