Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tuesday Fluff, John Oliver Style

Welcome, welcome, welcome to Gheorghe: the Blog. I'm Whitney, most of the time, and thank you so much for joining us. There's just time for a quick recap of the week... or just some filler.

Today is John Oliver's 42nd birthday, which makes one say two things instinctively: (1) Happy Birthday, and (2) I would have bet $500 that he is older than I am. Huh.

Anyway, his HBO show, "Last Week Tonight," which airs most Sunday nights at 11:00, stands out as both my favorite television programme (he's English) and the only way that I choose to get my news of the nation and the world these days. It's like eating a dirt sandwich but on banana bread.

And so, to move on from the Gheorghie Easter post, I give you a segment that may well not convey to your out-loud laughter, but when it aired 6 or 7 weeks ago, it made me laugh until I cried and almost peed. Similar to the Monty Python sketch about the funniest joke in the world that people die from laughter upon hearing it, this bit -- so stupid that he makes fun of himself later in the show for having done it -- nearly drew fluids of multiple kinds from my body.  Powerful stuff.

Here it is. Watch the first 3 mins. The part that had me in tears begins at the 1:25 mark.

Okay, I guess we aren't quite done with Easter. This is 1:15 of ridiculousness and NSFW.


  1. it's as funny as advertised. hard to clean pee off of an aeron chair, in case you were wondering.

  2. espn2 televised collegiate spikeball last night. everybody coming to obft needs to do some training. we'll be conducting tryouts for our select touring team.

  3. I love frisbeer, especially because Dave is bad at it and he gets upset when I play too aggressively.

  4. Whitney to your earlier Q - We will be at the Bitter End in NYC on Sept 7 for bro in law TJQ's band The Route 4s repeat performance at said venue. Highly encourage any and all Gheorghies to join in. Will be a great show - Whit you should join us just looked Phillies in town for Mets we can all heckle Harper!

  5. I used to live on Route 4. My high school mascot was named after Route 4. I did countless stupid things on around and under Route 4. But I've never heard of The Route 4s.
