Sunday, April 28, 2019

Crush Groove 2: Katie Lou is Who

Our fondness for former Delaware Blue Hen and current Washington Mystic Elena Delle Donne is long-documented. She's been every bit the stud in the professional ranks as she was in college, averaging 20 points and 7 boards in six professional seasons, and winning the WNBA MVP award in 2015. She still tops the list, number 11 in our program, number one in our hearts.

But she's got some competition.

I don't, as you might imagine, watch a ton of ladies' hoops. Call me shallow, and you might be right, but it also isn't on offer nearly as much as men's. I do, though, try to watch the women's Final Four every year. And this year I was reminded of a player who caught my attention way back when she was a freshman.

UCONN grad Katie Lou Samuelson is a 6'3" wing with a great touch from deep and advanced offensive instincts. She made 41.7% of her three-pointers in college, finishing her career with 371 triples. She scored 18.6 points, pulled down 6.6 boards, and handed out 3.9 assists a game her senior season. She's really fun to watch on the court.

And back to the shallow thing, she's athletic-cute on the court, which is nice. But she looks like this off the court, about which I had no idea (hey, if Shlara gets to objectify Jay Wright, I can think a lady baller is attractive):

Huge Larry Bird fan, to boot, and she just got drafted by the Chicago Sky, the same team that brought Delle Donne into the league. I think it might be fate.


  1. Zman... don’t give up. You got this.

  2. Thanks Whit. After a cup of coffee and some bacon I felt much better. I’m off the wagon.

  3. I read Cursed Child to my youngest. Craig Bowker Jr was our favorite character.

  4. Reading a play out loud to a kid is a pain.

  5. For the record, the original Krush Groove had a K.

    And D. M. C.

  6. Ironically, my life is overpopulated with Italians (I don’t care for Italians but married one). Today was one of those days. Baptism followed by a reception with the Bizzarro clan. All day affair. Alcohol had its place in life.

  7. Did you have any galamad or ganool?

  8. Reading a screen play aloud is/was indeed brutal.

    GoT on in a shade under 69 minutes. I have not been this excited for a TV episode since the season finale of Breaking Bad. There’s gonna be some characters dying tonight.

  9. So many people are dying. I’m so ready for this episode. Probably gonna have a little too much wine for Sunday.

  10. We are deep into Marvel universe here! And boys and I saw Endgame today. WOW! Not often a film surprises multiple times. Saw a meme yesterday that showed Bran and Sansa on one side, Tony/Ironman on other and caption read, “Hoping the Starks are victorious this weekend!” Ha!
    Enjoy your drinks with GoT

  11. Rob, I sense a bit of a racial bias in your selection of favorite G:TB hoopsters, distaff division. That and your focus on her looks only serve to reveal your true identity as a foot soldier for the white patriarchy. I hope you are feeling the appropriate amount of shame.

  12. In related news, it's Jerry Seinfeld's 65th birthday.

  13. And Marls, I heard from reliable sources the White Horse has closed down. Bad times for Dylan Thomas's ghost and me.

  14. White horse is “closed for renovations” and the new owner is a schmuck. Folks are fearful that he is going to f things up. Time will tell.

  15. it's all gam of thrones in the eb english department. we have a very sophisticated pool with 2.6 trillion possibilities and a lot of opinions. i liked the episode but there were a lot of times main characters were buried under undead and then came back to life a few minutes later. only one person in the pool called arya as the killer . . . i had beric.

  16. I had Arya. She’s been training as a ninja assassin for five seasons and Bran said “You’ll need this more than I will” when he gave her a Valeryan steel dagger. Seemed like strong foreshadowing to me especially given that Bran can see the past present and future. I thought Brienne and Jaime would get got though.

  17. In other news, I made lamb burgers with tzitzeke, twice baked potatoes and asparagus for the grownups, and chicken nuggets with Mac n cheese for zkids. I cooked my ass off tonight.

  18. zmother-in-law watched GoT tonight. She called us asking "Who killed the White Knight? Was it Jorah?" It's like she watched a completely different episode, but she saw the Night King die. "It was awl gray and dark, who needs that for an hour and a half?"

  19. Susanna Hoffs inducted The Zombies. She’s 60 and looks fantastic. Rob, check it out.

  20. Mornin! Yesterday, Stern discussed Seinfeld's birthday celebration over the wkd, a star-studded affair indeed. And today, the darkness that was this most recent G.O.T. His complaining made me feel so much better. My wife and I thought we needed a new telly, and bitched throughout about not being able to see anything. WTH. Two Valeryan steel swords out of four.

  21. DTrain has returned to the station

  22. Willie Nelson turned 86 yesterday. His music festival, which includes his son, Bonnie Raitt, Alison Krauss, and the Avetts, comes here in Sept. I’ll likely go see him for the first time since I caught him at the Cape Cod Melody Tent and its rotating stage in 1993. God bless Willie Nelson.
