Sunday, February 17, 2019

Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Chakra

I have dabbled a bit in yoga in my adult life. Theoretically it seems like a good idea. It combines flexibility, breathing, introspective thinking and fit women in yoga outfits. When I was out of shape and tried yoga, it was a bummer. I felt like Phillip Seymour Hoffman in the scene in Boogie Nights when he's out shopping with Wahlberg and John C. Reilly. You know, this one.

I have done hot yoga in my town on occasion in recent years. It is an intense workout. But it comes at a cost. The classes contain many dudes who like to do their workouts shirtless. The classes sometimes are packed to the point of causing claustrophobia, and the hot yoga results in intense sweating, which means clothes, a towel and a yoga mat need to be cleaned every time. So when you're profusely sweating and exhausted and the hairy fingers from a shirtless dude are inches from your face while you're both twisted up, it can elicit feelings of anger that are not in the spirit of traditional yoga.

One brewery in Houston seems to know how I feel. Brash Brewing started hosting Rage Yoga events twice a month. What is Rage Yoga, you might ask? Well, allow the Tube of You clip below to explain.

So the next time you're in Houston with zero fucks to give, get a beer and get your shout on at Bash Brewing. If you choose not to, you can at least be happy that the phrase "throwing down fist unicorns" has entered your lexicon.


  1. I assumed the namaste tag would involve a Curb Your Enthusiasm reference.

  2. i wanted the rage yoga clip to actually show some rage yoga.

  3. The character of Scotty is underappreciated (except by TR) relative to the others in the brilliant ensemble that is Boogie Nights.

  4. Is Sacramento sure they want to go by “Sactown”? It’s not the most pleasant of nicknames. I can assure you that the cities of Dickinson, NY and Countryside, IL have opted out of similar nomenclatures.

  5. i'm more of a reed rothchild "how much can you bench?" kind of guy.

    we went and saw rutgers play iowa last night. they lost at the buzzer, insane, but rutgers is playing basketball for the first time in many years. it was really fun (and a five minute ride). i hope this continues.

  6. I always thought Scotty J looked like FOGTB Michael Jack.

  7. Anyone else nearly slice off their fingertip with a bread knife today? Urgent care is an absolute shitshow.

  8. You are the third friend of mine to do that in the last month. What is going on?

    Good luck at urgent care, Roots

  9. I’m a huge Philip Seymour Hoffman fan. Used to see him all the time in the West Village in the late 90’s, when we both lived there. He was able to do his thing and stay under the radar. He probably had a nicer apartment than me. Always loved that dude. Talented Mr Ripley, Magnolia, Hard Eight, the play True West. Always crushed it.

    And that Scotty performance was gold!

  10. He was also great in Charlie Wilson’s War, Almost Famous, Big Lebowski. He is missed.

  11. zwoman took me to see him in Death of a Salesman at my request. At the intermission I said “I forgot how sad this play is” and she said “um, yeaaaaah!” Hoffman was tremendous. His last scene is the second to last scene so when everyone comes out to take a bow he hadn’t been on stage for at least 15 minutes but he was still in a snotty tearful lather from his fight with Biff. Doing that six days a week has to take a lot out of you.

  12. I too love Hoffman. He chose and killed in so many interesting roles. He’s brilliant in The Master.

  13. Villanova-St. Johns in the garden is fun. I’d love for the Johnnies to be a big time program again.

  14. The Disney cruise was a quality experience. Not exactly cheap but certainly a good value if you have young kids. It’s made much better by our proximity to a port (45 minutes). Cruises are like Vegas for me though. 4 days is the limit. Otherwise I’m gonna sleep half my time away.

  15. twitter question that intrigues me: 1992 dream team versus the best players of this era. i have such a personal bias for that '92 team based on their place in history, but i think lebron, durant, steph, kyrie, kawhi, embiid, et al could take them. just the natural evolution of things.

  16. The urgent care did not deem my situation urgent, presumably because I showed up with my own roll of paper towels to take care of my mess. Nonetheless, three hours and only two stitches later, I finally got my finger sealed up. I could have maybe taken care of it with glue, but it looked like Beaker's mouth.

  17. Beaker’s mouth. Nice visual, Rootsy.

  18. cut the hell out of two fingertips cutting a bagel a few months ago. should've prolly had stitches. instead, just seeped blood for a few days. have a cool scar now.

  19. J Cole is not impressive. It’s possible I’m not the target demographic.

  20. Guy who stitched me up said fingers heal well on their own. I guess the sanitary advantage was worth my $20 copay and a few hours of time.

    Kid next to me was following a pro bowling event intently and providing secondary commentary on what was happening. I thought he was there with his sister and parents, but turns out he's just in a bowling league with them and tagged along to urgent care?

  21. i learned today that lee petty was known as 'squirrel' and his son richard, later to be called 'the king', was known as 'squirrel junior'. this has implications.

  22. All Star game got fun! My kids’ favorite moment is the Linzess commercial. It’s a constipation drug whose commercial is filled w/ unintentional comedy.
