Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Gheorghentines Day

It's our namesake's birthday - let's show him a little love on this special day.


  1. It's Jim Kelly's birthday too.

  2. I’m celebrating Gheorghentines Day by going on a Disney Cruise with my family and another family with two daughters of similar age to my youngest. We let the teenager bring a friend so she won’t be a total asshole for the entirety of the trip. We hope.

  3. The bad news is really starting to drip drip drip down on R Kelly.

  4. 23 years ago today, i spent my first valentines day with my new girlfriend. we went to 7-11 for ham and cheese wraps, then i invited her to come to my rec league hoops game. she declined and went home. she reminded me of that this morning as we got ready for work, giving me props for setting the bar so low that every valentines day since has been a gift. i'm pretty romantic.

  5. you also set the bar low when you play limbo.

    and some flat hat investigative reporter probably read that "upright limbo champ" yearbook entry recently . . .

  6. Tea for the Tillerman still brings it.

  7. the knicks are 10-47? i feel like tr owes us some sort of diary/post/cathartic unburdening about this.

  8. Tweaked the hifi setup this eve. Highly encourage any and all Gheorghies to come by and sit in The Chair. Will provide Aslin. Win win.

  9. That is hi fi, the highest quality fidelity.

    But you got it modified, which kicks it up another three or four quads per channel. But that's technical talk.

  10. You hear the bass? It curls up your belly. Makes you want to freaky-deaky, right?

  11. Simmons has a new podcast up with Bob Arum. He’s 87 and has no fucks to give. He talks about the JFK assassination, smoking weed, boxers’ sex lives, the mob and Don King. Highly entertaining.

  12. new post up at park the bus. i do some serious investigative reporting and link trump to some shit in my local park:

  13. Day 3 out sick, sort of. (Had to go in for a few hours yesterday and run an important meeting. Dedication, people.) Finally feeling normal again. The Whitdog is back.

  14. And Dave...

  15. He's obviously back if the Whitdog is referring to himself in the third person again!

    I was killing a few minutes earlier and stopped into a place downtown to peruse some vinyl. I bought four LPs - $10,$8,88 & $7. The guy manning the shop was either too high to math, and/or lacking in elementary computation skills.

    He literally spent five minutes flipping through them, muttering under his breath. After four of those minutes had awkwardly passed, I asked if all of the sticker prices were correct (they were) and asked if he needed my help calculating tax on $33. He told me if I was paying cash, we didn't need to worry about the tax. I gave him two twenties and asked for a five and two ones back. I probably could have gotten a better deal if I'd opted to be scurrilous.

  16. Fancy words, fancy math. I do it all!
