Friday, January 11, 2019

It's the Time of the Season

Three months ago yesterday, we filled you dedicated readers in on the latest batch of nominees for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  In addition to the roster of talent, I gave you my predictions as to who would get the nod this year:

And here are the results:

12 out of 15 nominees correct.  That's 80%, a C average.  We will take another crack at it next year and see how we measure up -- perhaps including all of GTB's Music Department staff. Which we said last year.

In the meantime, we present you the soon-to-be-inducted rockers:
  • The Cure
  • Def Leppard
  • Janet Jackson
  • Radiohead
  • Roxy Music
  • Stevie Nicks
  • The Zombies
I was actually pretty enthused by the announcement, even as more and more people take aim at the RnRHoF as being a pointless, off-the-mark institution run by cheap, biased jackasses. Or, as Johnny Rotten put it, a piss-stain. Here's an amusing recent article chronicling 17 awkward, insulting, and off-putting moments from the induction ceremonies of the last 30 years. Guess who was mentioned first???  You know who it was.

Eh. It's fun.  And it's not like it's the goddamn Grammys.

So The Zombies got in! It was wishful thinking on my part to make that call, but I'm glad for them. I mean, there's every chance that ubiquitous Walking-Dead-and-the-like zombie-mania over the last few years led to a surge in popularity, or maybe someone even thought that's what they were voting for, but hey, they're in. They're great fun and were likely the first to sing "Who's your daddy?" on the radio.

And The Cure! I'm a big fan and yet didn't think they had the Hall voters swayed. Very glad for Robert Smith & Co. It's just like a dream.

Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me came out a couple of months before Hysteria, but they might as well have emanated from different planets. Their fans certainly did . . . though I can claim to have owned both albums. On cassette.

Back to the modern era... here's a Spotify playlist of tunes from those that got the call.  Enjoy.


  1. I loved Def Leppard back in the day. Bummed that you overlooked High and Dry in your playlist. Me and My Wine and Bringin’ on the Heartbreak are (almost) bangers.

    I think Pour Some Sugar on Me or Stairway to Heaven were the theme songs to my middle school dance. Both were great for awkward middle school slow-dancing.

  2. Pour some out for Verna Bloom, a pioneering cougar.

  3. past dave saw the cure couple times in high school and past dave did not love them-- too dirge-like for me then. present dave listened to both disintegration and pornography within the last week. past dave would have hated present dave.

    past dave loved the album "high and dry" and despised "hysteria." present dave could care less about either one.

  4. according to the failing new york times, the fbi opened an investigation into whether trump was being controlled by russia, just after he fired comey. that investigation was turned over to robert mueller and has yet to be resolved. nothing to see here. we're not living in the most fucked up time in our country's history since the civil war. not at all.

    we're living in a goddamn simulation. i hope one of you is neo. my money's on teejay.

  5. My bulldog carried a large dead squirrel into the house tonight. That was fun.

  6. my son's a large dead squirrel, and i love him. i love my dead large squirrel son.

  7. Large Dead Squirrel Nut Zippers on tour this year

  8. Rob just pulled a Heathers quote out of nowhere.

    Happy 39th birthday to Shlara.

  9. 'quote' is a bit strong. i prefer homage.

    and shlara is aging better than all of us combined. in our defense, she's 39 and we're 269ish.

  10. Thanks for the birthday wishes
    Besides Mr KQ, I think I may be the oldest person in this little band.
    Luckily, I look younger than most of you dudes--maybe even all of you.

    Will share something that I realized walking into my office today
    My security key only gets me access to two floors in my building: 6 and 9
    And my first thought after realizing that was "I have to tell the Gheorghies this news"
