Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Twelve Days of Gheorghemas: Day 4

On the fourth day of Gheorghemas, Big Gheorghe gave to me

Four Badass Women
Three(+) Decades of Love's Labor
Two Things You're Needing
And a Fat Guy in a Sweet T

The patriarchy is long overdue for kick in the teeth, and Shlara lights today's Gheorghemas candles to highlight just a few women who've put on their kicking boots.

The future is female Gheorghies. Embrace it.

I know you appreciate, admire and honor all of the women in your immediate orbit. That’s great. Don’t stop. (If you want to know what that looks like, check out Teej’s social media feed to see how he supports his wife.)

In fact, consider doing more to show them that you have their back. How? Make it your Gheorghemas resolution to do more to champion them and other women that you don’t know personally. Start with these four badass women.

Emma Gonzalez

Emma captured America’s attention with her passion, determination, and raw emotion following the Parkland school shooting. She is one of the most recognizable Parkland student leaders who refused to let America offer their thoughts and prayers alone. She also partnered with students from traditionally ignored and forgotten schools to build a platform and empower students across the country to share their story and advocate for their own safety. Emma is changing the conversation in this country around guns. And, at 18, she’s only getting started.

Aly Raisman

Aly was a champion in the gym and she brought that grit to the courtroom in January to lead a group of 100+ women in testimony to convict Larry Nassar and hold USA Gymnastics accountable. Pure courage. Unbelievable strength. I’m grateful that she used her voice. ESPN agrees.

Brittany Packnett

You probably don’t know Brittany, but you should. She’s a Teach for America executive and the co-founder of Campaign Zero, a policy platform to end police violence. She’s one of my favorite hosts/guests on the Pod Save America/Crooked Media roster of shows because she makes me think and laugh. We all need to listen to what Brittany is saying.

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy is a boss. She is one of the most effective House Speakers in history. (Before you dismiss this idea, go ahead and do your research. You’ll see I’m right.) She knows how to listen, build coalitions, and get to consensus. Even in the minority, she negotiates winning deals. She gets shit done. And while the patriarchy is constantly taking shots at her, she just brushes that dirt off her shoulder and keeps it moving to benefit the country.

There are only four women here because I volunteered for Day 4. There are many, many more women you don’t know about, and you should. So, this Gheroghemas, I invite you to open your eyes to the women outside of your orbit and start your own list of badass women to admire. Ask the women in your orbit who they admire. Make this a habit. Your life will be better for it.


  1. "Don't characterize the strength that I bring" said Nancy Pelosi. She's a boss indeed. Read this:

  2. That is such a painful read. It’s like arguing with a little kid. Maybe a snotty teenager at best.

    “People with tremendous medical difficulty and medical problems are pouring in, and in many -- in many cases, it’s contagious.”

    Textbook demagoguery.

  3. Tim Kaine was espousing the merits of the women who won seats in Virginia in November. All strong women who had uphill battles and won. It’s nice to think our state is doing some things that make sense, if our country on the whole isn’t quite.


  4. And now for something completely different...

    13 of the Best Bottom Shelf, Cheap Bourbons, Blind-Tasted and Ranked

  5. It’s awful quiet here today
    Did I scare you guys with this post?

  6. That's a negative Shlara....solid post-up for sure. December is supposed to be quiet & sleepy for me, not this year.
    And speaking of bad-ass women, we are all familiar w/Ronda Rousey's exploits in the octagon. We can add "ACTOR" to her accolades - Just saw Mile 22 w/Marky Mark and others, and of course Ronda. She was great. Good movie.

  7. It’s the sequel to 8 Mile, correct?

  8. I wish I had not read the Trump Pelosi Schumer transcript that Zman commented. It reminds me how I think so little of a substantial quotient of my fellow Americans’ intelligence.

  9. Fantastic post Shlara! (y'all knew I'd chime in on this one.) I am here for this as a recurring theme.

  10. i don't say this to be flip, or to curry favor. it's long past time women were in charge.

  11. Good post, Shlara. You should have had Day 9 or 11. And I echo the site's Grand Poobah: more women should be in charge of more stuff. This essay by Lili Loofbourow from a while back rings true.

    One of her major points is that men benefit from the notion that they're the only gender qualified to hold important jobs AND they're too incompetent or clueless to be held accountable for their behavior.

  12. I just ordered sashimi at an airport bar. Haven’t eaten yet, but immediately regret the decision.

  13. That might not be awful if you're in the right airport. Narita or Itami, you're fine. Newark or Houston not so much.

  14. zman airport name-dropping humblebrag!

  15. Geez, a whole bevy of Gheorghemas goodness to catch up on for me.

    I do think one area where men rule supreme is in irrational confidence.

    I'm watching my oldest try and pull results out of his ass at the end of his first semester in high school. He reminds me of myself flailing in my early days at W&M. It's agonizing, and we're left wondering whether this nerdy little private school is the best choice for him.

  16. To be clear, I've never been to Houston. I just picked that airport because there's a reasonable likelihood that TR is there and I cannot imagine it would have anything resembling acceptable sashimi.

  17. rootsy, does this mean that your son is hanging out with a bespectacled older Yankee with a deep collection of hiphop music and a penchant for being a bad influence?

  18. So you all buying into WallCoin? Sad thing is a lot of seniors would 'donate' to it to help build the wall. What the hell.

  19. Rootsy spent a lot of time with a lot of Jersey folks back in the day.

    And it’s Logan, Zman. Coastal city!

  20. In a Virginia high school with 63 kids his access to residents of the dirty jerz is sadly limited.

  21. Watched a couple more Hip Hop Evolution episodes tonight-- thanks for reminding me about it TR! i started and then forgot all about it. so good. so much better than "making a murderer," which i pretty much slept through (aside from the last two episodes, which were anti-climactic at best).

  22. I assume we’re all watching Dr Pimple Popper’s 12 Pops of Christmas, right?

  23. Terrific post! Again!! Pelosi rocks! And so many others, too. Here’s to hoping all the newly elected women will get things turned in a more positive direction for our country. One can hope!

  24. Yoodge commenting efforts here lately.

  25. Detroit airport has fantastic sushi. Odd until you realize the number of direct flights from Japan.

    The Cleveland airport has a restaurant that touts having the “world’s best crab cakes”. I’ve always assumed it’s the kind of crabs you get from casual coitus not the kind from Maryland

  26. So, I'm pretty sure I'll be Greta in about 30 years
