Friday, December 28, 2018

As On Brand as On Brand Gets

Sometimes, post copy isn't even needed:


  1. I finished both seasons of Ozark this week. I now I’m late to the game on this but it’s really good. I was going to start season 4 of Narcos but decided to watch Black Panther last night instead. I made it about 45-50 minutes in and turned it off. It just wasn’t interesting. I didn’t care about the story or even any of the characters. I guess I’m too old for superhero movies.

  2. We are five episodes into Ozark Season 2, started it right before Christmas and binged the entire first season in a day. Need to wrap Season 2 this weekend.

  3. Just watched Season 1 of The Bodyguard. Did I mention this already? If so, my deep apologies. It is worth the watch.

    In other news, Danimal runnin w/out the wife & kids for 3 1/2 days starting in 3...2....1.....

  4. I only have two episodes of Ozark season 2 left. I’d already be done but the wife demanded I wait for her. Watching TV with her can be a pain in the ass. She doesn’t have the binge ability that I do.

    I’m excited to start the new Narcos. The new storyline and setting have reinvigorated my enthusiasm for the show.

  5. I’m meeting my wife for lunch sans kid because she’s finally able to take some time off around her birthday (NYE). These Pacificos are going down way too easy.

  6. I would have gone with the gravelly voice of my man MCA as matched with Animal and the high-pitched whinerap of the K-I-N-G-A-D Whammy as Beaker. But that’s just me. Easy for me to criticize a nice work of art like that from a beach looking out at the Gulf as I do nothing productive.

    I’m still partial to B&E doing Ante Up. It’s the platinum standard.

  7. Zman’s racist.

    Movie is good, dude. Big screen experience helps.

  8. When Bilbo Baggins/Lester Nygard showed up as a CIA agent and he got shot while fighting Wallace who came to get a one-armed man named Claw who has a mechanical hand I said “Whatever” and went to bed.

  9. I prefer to think of him as Tim from Slough.

  10. klaue is gollum. gollum is klaue. bilbo and gollum in the same movie. z's mind blown.

  11. And Jefferson from Fast Times reprised his Idi Amin accent to referee a fight in a pool on a cliff and practice alternative medicine. A fight which was surprisingly close given that the protagonist had just drank the special serum that gives him superhuman strength etc.

  12. he drank the anti-serum, which took away his superhuman strength, z. listening is fundamental.

  13. Tim from Slough is a good pull. He was also the guy in Love Actually who was a porn blocker.

  14. tribe opens caa play tonight against jmu. w&m is 4-8, but had the 43rd toughest ooc schedule in the nation (and 2nd hardest among caa teams).

  15. I got a sweet Beastie Boys hoodie featuring the original logo for Xmas. Clothing from turntable lab rarely disappoints.

    I liked Black Panther but it wasn’t what I heard many make it out to be. Enjoyable but hardly mind blowing.

  16. I got the beastie boys book from my sister. It’s amazingly voluminous and perfectly designed for my ADD.

  17. O/U for Alabama/Oklahoma is 77.5. Gotta bet the under, right?

  18. Yes, if I had to bet on that game that’s the one I’d choose.

  19. Just started binging Homecoming tonight...four episodes in

  20. Whitney has been binging Homecoming for a quarter century.

  21. alabama averages 50 points a game. just sayin.

  22. Wife and I are dog sitting another dog. We crated both and went to another couple’s house for dinner. We came home to find the dog we are watching had shit all over his crate. I mean ALL OVER his crate. It was in his hair, from his nose to his toes. And it lined his crate. I had to bathe him thoroughly, scrub down a crate, throw out a bunch of shit-stained toys and then clean myself. Good times.

  23. In other news, Maron interviewed the surviving Beastie Boys members last week on his WTF podcast. Very good talk.

  24. That beats my story and not in a good way TR. Gag me with a spoon.
    My story which I thought initially was triggered by Sam the cat occurred at 3am. A very very loud crash woke me while scaring all fecal matter out of me concurrently. Remember, I am home aloning it here. I walk out of my bedroom to find a decorative glass plate that had been hanging on the wall shattered on the floor. Unsure of the cause but will keep you apprised of developments in the case. Danimal reporting live from the first coast. Back to you.

  25. This further underscores my theory that dogs are like sailboats: you want to be able to borrow them for a day but ownership is too difficult.

  26. my wife and i are away without the kids-- my parents took them to florida-- but with the dog. the dog is way better behaved than the kids.

    you guys need to watch "derry girls."

    it's on Netflix. irish version of "mean girls" in the 90s in northern ireland at a catholic girls school, during the troubles. so funny and so good. we watched it after going to "garvans," a new paltz irish pub with the only Guinness tap in the US installed by Guinness. i did not know this and remarked that the guinness was really good and got a lecture on how it's the only authentic guinness, as far as nitrogen and co2 and authentic tap, in the US. it is quite good. that made the show better, so i recommend watching "derry girls" while drinking guinness. if your kids love mean girls, they will also like this show.

  27. and you guys are the best-- great year over here again. perhaps i'll start contributing more now that i've given up trying to post something every day.

  28. After typing that comment last night, we found dog shit piles on the carpets in each kid’s bedroom. And one dog barfed on our bed at 4 AM. So yeah, it’s still going awesome.

  29. I will be drinking Guinness shortly. I do find it hard to believe Dave that they have the only proper CO2 set up in US. I shall endeavor to find another but no debate the proper set up followed by a proper poor = brilliance!

  30. I thought Florida would win but I certainly didn’t think they’d blow Michigan’s doors off. Hard not to like just about everything that Dan Mullen has done since returning to Gainesville.

    Also didn’t expect the itish be on the verge of being run out of the building early in the second half. Trevor Lawrence is gooood. His receivers aren’t bad either.

  31. that might not even be the most impressive major sport win for florida today

  32. my wife just boarded a plane for berlin via rekjavik. she'll be there until january 6. i am thankful at this moment that i have a daughter who is able to drive, else i'd be dreading single parenting/chauffeuring. as it is, i'm mostly dreading having to clean up around the joint and put away all of the christmas decorations solo. i don't have that much to complain about.

  33. Yes, Florida beat the tar out of a Butler. Just when I was about ready to give up on that team.

  34. Trending towards another snoozer.

  35. Trending towards an expensive day too.

  36. Smoked a salmon tonight on the egg, a first. 4 1/2 stars out of 5. I am trying to be humble.
    A buddy of mine who just returned from Mass., by car, brought with him some appetizers that made it extra tasty.

  37. kyler looks a little skeered

  38. You should work at the carnival Rob.
    Laughing out loud on this end.

  39. An aspiring billiards professional, these Lincoln commercials are working on me.

  40. Minisummit at the Wellmont. GFK and DBT attract wildly different crowds.

  41. So, Danimal, oysters? Mushrooms?

  42. More like a hard jello Whit. In hindsight it should have been the dessert.

  43. Greg brought us some of those same appetizers as Xmas gifts today. Engaged Greg is a very different animal. Much less asskicking.

  44. Seton Hall - St John’s is legit exciting. Always fun to watch two NYC teams battle. Chris Mullin has finally put a good team together.

  45. Seton Hall won after a terrible call by the refs. They should be ranked next week.

  46. I would love for one (or both) of those schools to recapture NY/NJ recruiting and become basketball powers again. I used to love big St Johns games in MSG.

  47. I just saw the game winner for Seton Hall. Onions!

    Game on in South Florida?

  48. Also, Murray has some impressive combination of physical gifts.

  49. this would be the greatest comeback in the history of college sports

  50. yeah on murray. dude has a hose and wheels. kinda like a mobile detailing service, only different.

  51. Not sure how to respond to the “dude has a hose” comment.

  52. So you don’t watch much baseball?

  53. my kids are upstairs laughing their asses off just hanging out with each other. it's goddamn music, y'all. my little one is 14 and moody as hell, and her sister spends most of her time at work, with her boyfriend, or at dance. so their time together is limited to begin with, and often fraught. the older one leaves for college in 20 months or so. life comes at you fast, they say. but the laughter i hear from upstairs is giving me all the feels.

  54. My 9 y/o is asleep on our family room carpet with the dog nuzzled up against him. So I’m almost in the same boat as Rob. And it’s great.

  55. Amen, brethren. I’ve had substantial QT with my high school daughters this week and it’s been pretty fantastic. They are laughing at and with me the whole time and I love it. Lots of 143, as Mr. Rogers used to put it. Makes my holidays pretty goddamn great, and I don’t take it for granted.

  56. Just hoping you fed your dog some Immodium TR

  57. that game wound up a lot more fun than it looked like it might be. i kinda think clemson looked better than alabama, comparatively, but alabama flosses its teeth with pocket passers, so i don't know shit about shit.

  58. Seemed like Alabama let up a little early but they were also playing against an otherworldly college QB. I’d favor Bama over Clemson next week but I think we’ve got a game on our hands.

    This is a better Tide offense than we’re used to but not the same type of defense. Good, not great.

  59. I’ll take Bama next week. Clemson is loaded but they’re not built to punish Bama with Lawrence as a freshman. Lawrence is great but Bama as a unit is better.

  60. Bama and Clemson are the best programs in CFB. By a wide margin.

    If Florida, FSU and some others (Georgia is on the precipice) make a comeback the power stays in the southeast. It’s getting harder and harder to deny that’s where the talent and money (largely) resides in CFB.

    Better athletes and more commitment.

  61. I look forward to TR’s update tomorrow regarding his dogshit-flecked house. Whenever I hear zkids laughing together I fear for my life. Their collaborations often result in terrible outcomes.

  62. TR, do you own a dog as well as the one you are sitting for? we gave up dog sitting for these reasons-- if you own a dog and introduce a new dog, bad shit (pun intended) happens.

    why is rob's wife defecting to berlin?

    and i too am skeptical that this is the only properly installed guinness set-up in the united states, but i'm not going to argue. the bartender was very vehement. what do i know? i thought the other bartender was irish because of her accent. turns out she's australian.
