Thursday, November 29, 2018

Let Me See That Pong

Gheorghies of a certain age will recall sitting in front of a television screen, gripping a rubberized joystick mounted on a square base with a round orange button, and tracing the movements of a decidedly analog dot across the black abyss displayed in front of them.

We face a different sort of black abyss now, but that shouldn't stop us from celebrating today. Forty-six years is a long time in the context of technology, even as its a blink of an eye in other ways. But today in 1972, Atari launched the first ever commercial videogame, Pong.

Here's a Wired story about the game's creation. It all seemed so amazing back then.

And if you feel like playing, and are willing to take a few security risks with your company's computer, go get some.


  1. That article is really long and hard to read on a screen and reminded me that my subscription to wired (the print version) had lapsed. it's only five bucks for the year!

    new post on

    inspired by a gheorghe post that reminded of something . . .

  2. The article is not long enough imo. I feel jipped. Good story though.

    1. Dan, it’s spelled “gypped” ... because it’s a slur regarding gypsies. When I worked for the government, someone used the term and had to go to sensitivity training.

  3. Park the Bus should be linked from this site. Especially considering that half of those links are dead now.

    And look for my new site Park the Bush. Content still to come.

  4. the trifecta of ethnic slurs of the bad deal: gypped, jewed him down, and indian giver.

  5. Apologies our readers. No offense intended!

  6. Pong wasn't played with the joystick controller. It had the wheel top and button on the side. I have an old Atari 2600 in the attic with about 30-40 games. I should break that bad boy one of these days.

  7. not looking for your 'facts' or 'truth', 'squeaky'. just read and enjoy, dammit.

  8. Wait a minute. Was PJ and Squee really about TJ and Squea?

  9. My grandfather had a Digitek 2001 (no relation to Bob Digitech) and it was dope but I could never figure out how to play squash.

  10. I’ll defer to Catherine and her apparent encyclopedic knowledge of ethnic slurs, but doesn’t “hewing him down” imply that he got a good deal?

  11. Autocorrect doesn’t like slurs

  12. Gheorghies, what are your weekend plans?

  13. I was in Dallas this week and so was NIN, which I found out about the morning after from the client. Would have scalped a ticket if I had known.

    We have a "Amerika" themed party on Saturday night. I'm sure there will be no MAGA hats at that one. Should be interesting mix of alcohol and politics.

  14. America with a "k" themed party? like America is fascist?

  15. My weekend will involve visiting zgrandmother in the hospital and hosting zmother's birthday party. It will also involve an 8th birthday party at a place that has the world's largest collection of magnetic tiles (which might actually be cool) and a three hour Cub Scout hike. It will not involve showering or drinking tap water because the water main on zstreet burst around noon and flooded the area, nearly washing away zcar which was parked in front of zhome while I was eating lunch, so the DPW shut off our water for the foreseeable future (I don't think they fix pipes on the weekend). While I was slogging through water in my work clothes, a neighbor (and, predictably, a W&M alum) said "I think you should move your car!" to which I replied "That's what I'm trying to do" and when she said "Do you want my help?" I said "No" in my coldest tone.

    /bitter rant

  16. Tough decision for folks who have Kareem Hunt in their fantasy football league.

    Glad the NFL acted quickly on that. Way to go, Roger!

  17. We’re spending the night at gaylord palms and taking the kid to “Ice!” at the same hotel. It’s an annual thing where they build an enormous ice sculpture city in their huge ballroom. It’s really fucking cold but it’s also pretty neat. Well done, enormous ice sculptures done in a specific Xmas theme. This year’s theme is “A Christmas Story”.

    Tomorrow we’re ditching the kid and going to a big dinner at a place called The Gathering Table with friends.

  18. When I lived in Boston they called the giant ice sculpture city “outside”

  19. Kareem Hunt is now Ray Rice but with a higher yards per carry average and thus employable.

  20. The Chiefs and NFL have to decide if they are zero tolerance organizations. This is certainly less than Ray Rice cold cocking someone but it’s not good. The backstory of racial slurs and super drunk 19 year old girls and her punching him in the face first... to some degree those factors all have to matter, and to some degree they don’t. Life is unfair. You can’t do that shit.

  21. It was 9 degrees in Ice. I could never survive in the north. The sculptures were pretty spectacular though.

  22. They do a similar Ice thing at the Gaylord in DC. I hate the fucking cold. It was a mild 36° last night here and I shivered like I was having a fucking seizure. F the cold.

  23. That Putin/MBS dap video though.

  24. Hunt’s “kick” was not really a kick. It was more of a “you suck and I want you to roll over” move. But when an NFL player does it to a 19 y/o girl, it’s at least a misdemeanor.

  25. This seems like an assignment for GTB:

    General Mills wants movie pitches for its cereal monster mascots

  26. don't tell us what to do, shlara.

    we should totally do that.

  27. I’ll ask on TR’s behalf: can it be an adult film?

  28. I didn’t anticipate Kareem Hunt being released nearly immediately.

  29. Stunning. How long until he’s a Patriot?

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I’m not surprised, however, that the nfl is lying about knowing/seeing this.

  32. Heading to Amelia tomorrow night for 13th anniversary. Reservations at Salt. Can’t wait. Might get lucky too.

  33. pour out some of that real patriotic nobility for george h.w. bush. that dude was a goddamn american hero.
