Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Happy New Year

On this election day, I'm here to break down...

Nah, I'm not here for that. What will be will be, with respect to the path our nation will choose. No, on this day, we celebrate something a lot more fun than politics.

Happy first day of the college basketball season, my friends. The schedule's packed with games, but the headliners feature Michigan State against top-ranked Kansas and Duke against Kentucky, both from Indianapolis.

The nightcap marks the competitive college debut, and one of likely just 30 some-odd collegiate games for Duke freshman Zion Williamson. One of the most hyped players in recent history, Williamson may be the rare beast to live up to the advance billing.

I saw the 6'7" Spartanburg, SC native at last year's Beach Ball Classic in Myrtle Beach. Unfortunately, he was in street clothes due to injury. So I missed all this:

That shit is absurd.

Way more to come from these parts on the new season, including our This Year in Wrenball preview (hint: we're not going to make the dance this year, but we're going to be decent once again). But for now, let's just enjoy the fact that we can turn off our brains and enjoy some good old-fashioned amateur sports coached by millionaires.


  1. Left my voting station at 609 AM. Just sayin’.

  2. I am very excited for the Zion experience. He looks like an absolute beats. Kansas will be very good this year. They totally reloaded.

    Unfortunately, I will be working until 8, and then yelling at CNN’s John King while holding a scotch on my couch until I pass out at midnight.

  3. Way to rock the vote TR
    Apparently the lines down here are goofy long.

  4. i bet there's a statistically significant correlation between goofy-long lines and percentage of minority registered voters. lines flowing smoothly here where it's majority white.

  5. Don’t worry Danimal. Jeff Sessions will get some good old boys out there to clean out the unsavory folks from those lines.

  6. I voted for more rapists, gangs, and immigrant hordes, at least that’s what the Republican TeeVee pictures told me.

  7. I would like to be able to do just one, any one, of the things Zion Williamson does in that montage. And by that I don't mean I would like to be able to do any one of those things repeatedly, I just want to do any one of those things once in my life.

  8. the dunks and blocks are cool, but the plays where he just snatches the ball out of the air with cool disdain are preposterous

  9. #4 may be a fine player. but his job on the floor seems really easy with a large margin for error.

  10. Fell down stairs in our house, fractured my wrist...and hip. Hip’s the real dagger. All about that walker lyfe for a bit now.

  11. Holy crap, Teej, so sorry to hear it. I sent you a get well gift. Open tomorrow.

    Feel better, fast, my man.

  12. that sucks teej, take it easy and heal fast.

    whitney knew you were going to fall down the stairs and sent an appropriate gift? are all the gifts clairvoyant? i'm getting nervous.

    what's in the box?

  13. down goes corey stewart. one nazi falls. many more to go.

  14. lots of other results less encouraging for the dems. we're gonna do this again, are we?

  15. mac mcclung got the start for georgetown in his first-ever collegiate game. i did not see that coming.

  16. Sorry Teedge. Good thing I got you Life Alert for Gheorghemas.

    I was going to write a post about the Bills’ futility but the rest of the world beat me to it. So I’ll beat a dead horse in the comments and I’ll beat it thusly: two years ago the Bills traded down from the #10 pick and took Tre’davious White at #27. At the time I was happy although I commented here that I would’ve been happy if they took Deshaun Watson at #10. Anyway, the Chiefs took Patrick Mahomes at #10. Tre’davious White is a good player but boy, I’d rather have Mahomes or Watson. Luckily, the Bills did take a QB later, in the 5th round of that draft—Nathan Peterman. So it worked out great.

  17. i appreciate z taking our minds off of the election returns

  18. People are surprise by the Florida senate and gubernatorial races? Inbelieve I called this a few weeks back.

    A lot of stupid, corrupt racists in this state.

  19. Oh...surprised by the congressional races too? What am I missing? It’s fucking Florida.

  20. In more fun news, TR is right about Kansas. Their freshman guards are legit.

    Zion is absurdly athletic and so much fun to watch. RJ Barrett is better and more compete a player. I’m excited for Duke-Kentucky. Oh yeah, Florida is playing FSU IM Tallahassee tonight too.

  21. Fox News called the House for the Democrats.

  22. This Beto-Blobfish race is pretty fascinating. Not sure the Texans realize that Beto is Irish, not Latino.

    What makes that mixtape "official"? I question the veracity of that claim.

  23. fox news is trying to suppress democratic votes and/or drive republicans to the polls in the west, my man. their projection came with dire warnings about what would happen to trump, including subpoenas and impeachment. me smell something rotten.

    if you think i'm being melodramatically paranoid, well, just because i'm paranoid doesn't mean our democracy is a sham.

  24. I ran over 4 miles at lunch today. I realized that I drank an iced coffee afterwards, and little else until I got home.

    I am about to finish a bottle of white. I see a headache in my future.

  25. Mike Braun didn’t have time to touch up his die job before election night.

  26. i knew it was going to happen, but that gollumish motherfucker cruz winning just sucks

  27. MSNBC called the House for the dems too. Fix is in.

  28. Dana Bash was married to John King? They had a baby together and then divorced!? I bet it’s mighty awkward in the mkeup room.

    So much for the “don’t dip your pen in the company ink” mantra.

  29. Good night for the marijuana legalization fans.

  30. I'm really sad Beto didn't win.
    Y'all be *shocked* to hear that I'm a big Beto fan.
    Was hoping for a Hallmark-movie-ending-like win for him tonight, despite the data predicting othterwise

  31. beto can run against john cornyn in 2020 for senate. he's got two years to consolidate his support in a year where trump is on the ballot.

  32. g'nite, gheorghies. hoping to wake up to learn that steve king and dana rohrabacher are ex-congressmen.

  33. No Heller on that list, Robbie?

  34. Damn, TJ. Sorry to hear about the fall. Hope you heal up fast. Take lots of medicinal MJ.
