Monday, November 19, 2018

Gheorghasbord, Early Holiday Edition

In honor of not one, nor two, nor even three of my neighbors already having their external Christmas decorations up on November 18, here's a seasonal run-through of the various bits and bobs running through my increasingly taxed headspace.

It's not the season yet, but it's close, so if you're looking for both a gift for me, and some new holiday tunes, you could do worse than grabbing the first holiday album by Old 97's. Entitled 'Love the Holidays', it's mostly a bunch of new tunes with vaguely holiday themes, with a handful of standards thrown in. It's a stealth new Old 97's record, and coming one week after Rhett Miller's latest solo release, 'The Messenger', it makes for a nice little Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa box set for the 97's fan in your life.

We've written about Becky Hammon here in the past, and we're on record as thinking that women deserve real chances to coach, manage, and generally be involved in operating sports teams of both genders. But the recent trial balloon floated from Cleveland about the possibility of Condoleeza Rice as the Browns' new head coach is a mockery. There are any number of women working their asses off across the major sporting landscape (not enough, nearly), and for Rice to jump the line because she's a high-profile fan who's dabbled in the game a bit belittles their hard work.

We found a sport that's right up TR's alley. Or, perhaps in a more apt analogy, one that's a bullseye for our friend. No less august a journalistic enterprise than Reuters reported this week on a fragrant kerfuffle in the world of competitive darts. Dutchman Wesley Harms accused his opponent at the Grand Slam of Darts, Scotsman Gary Anderson, of aggressively odoriferous flatulence during their round of 16 match. Said Harms, “It’ll take me two nights to lose this smell from my nose.” Said TR's wife, 'Been there'.

Thirty-three years to the day of Joe Theismann's gruesome leg injury, Washington quarterback Alex Smith was felled in similar fashion. Pundits quickly offered Colin Kaepernick as an option for a team with playoff aspirations that are now tied to Colt McCoy's performance. Others were quick to note that Kaepernick would be unlikely to sign for a team with a racist mascot. I think this is right, which offers Dan Snyder and the NFL a unique solution to its collusion problem. Little Danny Starfucker should offer Kaepernick a contract, which he'd refuse on principle. The NFL's lawyers would be quick to note to the court that a team did, in fact, seek to employ Kaepernick, and as such, there's no case for colluding to keep him unemployed. Checkmate.

And speaking of checkmate, we're seven games into the world chess championship, and current champion Magnus Carlson and American challenger Fabiano Caruana have drawn each one. Wake me up when someone blitzes.


  1. The names in world class chess and worlds strongest man seem oddly similar. I am surprised by this.

  2. I threatened to sneak over in the middle of the night and tear down a neighbor’s Christmas decorations for being up too early. Mrs. Marls was nonplussed by the idea.

  3. I set up the lights holiday on a few bushes out front last weekend but did not turn them on knowing it was too early. Move paid off with the 8" of snow we got this week. I just have to plug in one cord and not deal with hanging lights in the snow.

    Neighbors that moved into our hood two years have had their professional done set-up up since November 1st. They are from NY, so I assume that's stand operating procedure for down there.

  4. Hey - I resemble that accusation! To be clear, the keto transition has removed 96.9% of my flatulence. My dairy intolerance is pretty much a non issue now. Cheese and heavy cream don't bring it on like milk for me. Sorry. But it's amazing that it took me until age 43 to address the issue of one type of food causing some major gut damage.

    Big vacation mistake by TR and the missus - we let the kids put sunscreen on themselves on Day 1 of vacation. They are 11 and 9 and we are in the sun all the time, so you think they would have their shit together. Nope. Oldest forget to put it on his face, and youngest has all kinds of missed spots. The wife even missed some spots. Will make our afternoon catamaran/snorkeling trip interesting.

  5. how 'bout them jaguars? our OC made his way to a swim meet for an hour or two on saturday afternoon. the meet was held about 2 miles from the stadium making it manageable i guess. he immediately referred to the team being "banged up" and needing to pull people off the street to play. if only a street person could have replaced blake. sadly, it is now all about accumulating losses to get a top draft pick.
    the alex smith injury, terrible break, pun intended. and strange, very strange, 33 years to the day and same final score.
    happy monday everybody.

  6. “TR’s Costa Rican Misadventures” would’ve been a completely different storyline 20-25 years ago.

  7. if samantha huge was interested in what it sounds like when a couple hundred thousand alumni collectively say 'meh', then she nailed it with the head football coach announcement.

  8. Not sure if most Tribe alums give a shit about our HC. But I do. And I like that we have a guy who has won in VA before. I’ll be the first to admit that he will jump for a I-A job the second he gets an offer. But that means he’ll try to pull together a decent Tribe as soon as possible.

    Amazing that the DLC proved to be the power broker behind all of this.

  9. he's never won with players he recruited, in virginia or anywhere else. i'm highly ambivalent, though i do like his agent.

  10. Points are Huge, at least to Samantha.

  11. I love TR's enthusiasm. I'm in. I have heard a handful of male, pale, and stale alums echo Rob's meh on Mike London. I say let's see what this cat can do.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I had no plans to stay up until the end of tonight’s football game but there was no way I could turn this off and go to bed. What a fucking show.
