Saturday, October 20, 2018

Laziest Filler Yet: Teej Tweets

A potentially semi-recurring feature, in which I just take screengrabs of my own tweets that I like and post them here.

I've already typed too much.


  1. Wheelhouse Jerry texted me this morning to inform me Lance Stephenson has a younger brother named Lantz

  2. Similar to how Leonard Fournette has a younger brother named Lanard.

  3. Is that from V?

    Loved that miniseries. Np disrespect to Beastmaster, but that series was Marc Singer’s opus.

  4. fuck yeah that's "V"

    Robert Englund was great as Willie

  5. Dumping snow in Wisconsin. 90+ degrees down in Florida.

  6. V was awesome. The remake was less so.

  7. Uber is a pivotal development at W&M homecoming where parking is a cluster and you might otherwise drive after getting loaded.

  8. that's strong. also, why did it take this long to figure it out?

    marls and i are preparing for a mini-homecoming/oktoberfest. not the same without you clowns.

  9. I haven’t driven a car around Gainesville in years. Uber is clutch in college towns during football weekends.

  10. I barfed out of an Uber last winter. Driver was not psyched. I found a $40 cleaning fee on my account the next morning. Was warranted. And I’m very glad it happened. Felt okay the next morning.

  11. My cousin Kendall got high once.

  12. Did he start eating like really weird foods?

  13. Hot October. I just want to get the firepit going, cook some s'mores, and sip on whiskey, but not when it is in the high 80's and humid AF.

  14. I don’t want to hear it, Danimal. High in NJ will be 46 tmrw, and I have two outdoor kid sport activities.

  15. That’s on you for living in the New jerus. I don’t complain about dealing with burnout surfers all the time because that’s part of the deal where I live.

    It is really fucking hot here for mid October. I swear through my shirt whilst coaching soccer this morning. Big 6-5 comeback win for my squad though.

  16. I swear through my shirts every work day.

  17. i love that TR puked in an uber in the last year. also love the cold weather. we are playing on the waterfront in elizabeth tomorrow. will be cold and windy as fuck. better than sweating.

    and rob and marls are doing coktoberfest.

  18. Dave, you’d dock your students for this. He puked OUT of an Uber. Reading comprehension. Also, fuck the FL people and 80 degree whining

  19. TR did his puking while he was IN the uber. the puke itself flew OUT of the uber (but not all of it, thus the $40 fee). therefore TR puked IN an uber last year. not near an uber, IN an uber. the puke ended up near the uber (and some of it must have ended up in the uber or he would have contested the forty dollar fee). sometimes reading comprehension means going beyond the literal and imagining the scenario.

  20. The Uber was cranking heat. I was going 35-40 mph on curvy roads. I had consumed 8 or so Grapefruit Sculpins and a scotch and made a poor decision when a vape pen found its way into my hands. I absolutely coated the outside of the car. Some chunks may have been inside, but he needed a car wash ASAP.

    I’ll let the teacher parse the language, but those were the facts.

  21. 90 degree heat since we’re all being specific this evening. And Teej, I put you in to a fried chicken and dumpling dinner at Momofuku and that’s how you repay me? Well, then fuck your too...I guess.

  22. Mark, props for the Momofuku rec

  23. At least Oregon’s helmets look cool.

  24. Fuck all of you. I’m sleeping in a tent tonight on a Cub Scout camping trip. It’s cold and zson snores.

  25. I’m pretty jealous you guys get to go to that. My love of fried chicken is well documented. I love dumplings quite a bit too. Actually just introduced my 6 year old to them during our dinner at the local Thai restaurant.

  26. And it just started raining.

  27. tribe soccer wins! nobody tell tr.

    waking up in the morning in a tent, unzipping it and walking outside as dawn is breaking is mad underrated. unless it’s raining. in which case, bah.

    got day drunk with my lady and now staring at a fire in my backyard, contemplating how i’ll give all the gheoghies a piece of my mega millions winnings.

  28. You pitched a tent with your lady outside at dawn? And now it feels like fire in your backyard?

  29. Rob, when you win the mega millions, can I have enough money to buy the wizards so I can fire Ernie?

  30. Day drunk is such a nice Saturday choice. My wife is out with friends so I’m him watching football and drinking bourbon. She could go out every Satuday night during the fall and I don’t think I’d mind.

  31. Some tremendous helmets tonight. LSU, Purdue, Utah, Oregon. Wazzu’s ain’t bad either.

  32. 2112 still brings it. May be Neil Peart's best work.

  33. Wow. Sounds like Mr KQ fell into the Temple of Syrinx.

  34. I very well may have on my way to A Passage to Bangkoktober TR.

  35. This morning, my kid and I watched the gutwrenching story of the young Purdue fan who is in hospice. Not sure if any of you caught it on ESPN, but it was moving Got dusty for both of us. When it ended, my kid looked at me and said “Dad, we have to root for Purdue today.”

    So yeah, I’m loving the Boilermakers’ effort tonight.

  36. He could use some Papa John’s.

  37. Watched it a few minutes ago. Purdue won for Tyler.

  38. I also saw it after the fact after it was retweeted earlier today. Pretty cool.

    In a less inspirational story, the best athlete at my high school who I played basketball with (I was a sophomore and he was a senior) played WR at Purdue so I’ve always had a soft spot for West Lafayette. Huge, convincing win.

  39. The end of the ODU game is one of the more improbable conclusions to a football game you’ll ever see.

  40. Chris Paul amd Rondo had to happen. They’re both such assholes.

  41. NBA should let the fisticuffs happen w/o outsized penalties. Fans love it and the players need to get that crap out of their system.

  42. Today is picture day for my 5th grader’s football team. So we needed to get to the field 90 mins ahead of our 1030 AM start. 43 degrees, cloudy and 17 mph winds. Sweet.

  43. But did you sleep in a rain-soaked tent in 33 degree windy weather last night? And then get up at 6:30 and break down the nearly frozen waterlogged tent in 39 degree windy weather?

  44. high of 70 to downright brisk.
    heading to jags game, which means they'll lose.

  45. We had a great time, caught some fish and helped other kids learn to cast (and catch their first fish). The sleeping part was not fun. I will say it was worth investing in a decent sleeping pad.

  46. Had a blast in Williamsburg this weekend. Now drinking a Guinness at Tortuga’s. Life is good.

  47. I don’t care for the NFL nearly as much as CFB but the redzone channel is like crack.

  48. My kid got concussed today. End of game, they’re down 7-0 and the QB throws a Hail Mary-like pass. Undertrhrows my kid, who comes back for it. As soon as it lands, he gets drilled on a helmet-to-helmet hit. Face mask hits his nose, and then he falls back and his head hits the ground. Suboptimal conclusion, especially since he couldn’t hang on to the ball. He was short of end zone, and thinks he let the team down.

  49. that sucks zman. i thought he played soccer? not that it matter . . . plenty of concussions in that world as well. luckily, he'll forget all about the dropped pass, once the amnesia kicks in (but he'll remember it the next time he gets his bell rung).

  50. we played on the waterfront in Elizabeth today. so windy. i'm very pleased to be back in my house and not in a tent. fuck sleeping in a tent when it's windy.

  51. Someone need to tell Daboll that you don’t get points when your QB throws INTs.

  52. dc united just clinched a playoff berth. amazing.

  53. “Daddy why do we like the Bills? They’re bad.”

  54. Hope your boy is ok TR. Has to be scary these days with all the concussion knowledge. Not like the old days of "seeing stars". I just figure all the Aslin, weed, and whatevs evens it all out. That and hanging with Whitney.

  55. i was frequently concussed as a kid, teenager and young adult. i'm totally fine. and TR was IN that uber when he puked, TJ. he puked out of the uber but he was in the uber. so you could say either one and be correct. TR puked while he was IN and uber. TR also puked OUT of that aforementioned uber. i give you a D+ (the most sarcastic grade of all).

  56. Concussion seems minor. He had “dancing pupils,” which is a telltale sign. But it went away quickly. Everybody is quick to call any head injury a concussion for CYA reasons. But there is a spectrum of concussions. We got lucky.

    Luckily, there is no nausea or sensitivity to light/noise.

    I know I had my bell rung a few times as a kid. I remember seeing stars once.

  57. Nick Mangold sighting at my favorite pizzeria. He was literally carrying his wife’s purse (she was carrying an infant).

  58. Are you sure it wasn’t nick Mangold’s sister?

  59. Can I get a ruling on whether Dave’s “I’m totally fine” was meant as stated or as a warning to all that concussions are going to fuck you up badly?

  60. The IN and OUT of an uber offers tremendous possibilities.

    Dave came in an Uber, and for that he incurred a clean up fee. Alternatively, Dave could have come out in an Uber, disappointing Cat.
