Friday, October 05, 2018

4002: A Backspace Odyssey

It seems our tiny dictator let a significant milestone go by.

On Monday, October 1, 2018, we the people at Gheorghe: The Blog, known collectively as the "gheorghies," except to people who are wholly unfamiliar with this blog, and even by some who are familiar with this blog and simply do not care for the colloquialism, did bear witness to and possibly even read the text of, in some cases, a post about beer.  Really good beer, like Keystone and Keystone Light. And others.

And it was our 4000th post.  

The big 4-0-0-0.  We're up there with The Georgia Peach and Charlie Hustle.  Which, um, isn't fantastic company if you just want to kick back and have a beer and a laugh, but still.

Nothing to be proud of, Russ.  Four thousand posts.

To herald such an achievement with a post itself that contains no real content but is merely self-referential may be considered resting on laurels, or simply living in the past.  Four thousand posts of beautiful tradition, from LeBron to Jonas Salk --you're goddamn right I'm living in the fucking past!

And to think it only took us 15 years.  (G:TBday is coming up in a month, it's gonna be glorrrrious.)

There's really only one thing I have to say to a group of friends who have spent a decade and a half bringing each other tiny bits of joy to brighten each other's every day:

Seriously, people.  Get a fucking life.  Also, it's happy hour.  (If you align yourself with the time zone of the brewery that produces your beverage.  And you drink Guinness.) 

Cheers, gheorghies.  Here's to 4000 more.


  1. A funny exchange recently brought to me...from next to the horse's mouth:
    Man - ya see that girl over there?
    Guy - yeah, your daughter
    Man - yeah. she's dumb.
    Man - ya see that guy next to her?
    Guy - yeah, her boyfriend
    Man - yeah, he's dumber. together they are the real life dumb and dumber.

    was surprising (and maybe a bit sad) to hear that said man, a great one, acknowledges his close ones intelligence. i always wondered if that was the case or if said great one also lacked in that capacity.

  2. Dave and Squirrel...

  3. I will be in Houston when Game 2 of the ALCS is played. So basically zero chance we get Stros-Yanks in that series.

  4. Thank you. That was great.

    TR- you’re going to Game 2 either way, right?

  5. backspace is a nice little lagniappe for those in the know

  6. In Gainesville for the weekend so this is likely the last sober thing I’ll type around her for a while.

  7. Here. My spelling will get better when I’m drunk.

  8. Her? You set up some road beef in Gainesville, didn’t you?

  9. Unrelated: I watched the Seau 30 for 30 recently. The highlights of him from high school to the pros are awesome. The last half of the film is decidedly less so.

  10. Congrats on the gig Rob. Offer still stands for an Aslin and a tune.

  11. The LT doc on NFL Network is pretty great.

    What’s not great (but not surprising) is the pace of Yanks-Sox. We’re three hours in and in bottom of 7th.

  12. well that game was easy to watch.

    speaking of watching, danimal's rec of the drivin' and cryin' documentary is on point. fascinating inside story of a band on the cusp and the decisions they made. fly me courageous, indeed.

  13. I shall drink no more red wine forever. Skiddit. I need a Taylor ham egg and cheese to cut through this.

  14. My 3rd grader has been having a good flag football season. He complained to me about his Thursday night game, saying he was tripped on a pick-six attempt when he was about to score. I didn’t know what to make of it b/c my kid complains a lot.

    I saw his coach after his game this morning. The coach pulled me aside to tell me what happened. A kid on the other team did a leg-first slide tackle to take my kid down. It was way out of line. My kid quickly got up and immediately spiked the ball in the kid’s face.

    The coach told me he was fine w/ my kid doing that. I am as well. Mess with the bull and you get the horns.

  15. Things going swimmingly for Man U, I see.

  16. down go the dukes. at home. to elon. the phoenix are a top 10 team, but that's surprising.

  17. tribe came back from 12 down in the 4th quarter to beat albany. first caa win for the green and gold since november 2016. guh.

  18. I had an extremely stressful but rewarding afternoon.

  19. David Price - who saw that coming? Oh yeah, everybody.

  20. Kentucky - A&M turning into a very fun one.

  21. Tribe soccer managed a tie against a feeble Northeastern squad that came in w/ a 3-5 record. #firenorris #maketribesoccergreatagain
