Tuesday, September 25, 2018

America, Fuck Yeah

There I was on Sunday night, minding my own business, getting ready to watch the Seattle Sounders take on the L.A. Galaxy in an MLS match with playoff implications. I was dicking around online, which is how I spend too many of my evenings, not really paying attention to the pregame festivities.

I heard a young voice start to sing the Star Spangled Banner, thought it was a cute little stunt by the Galaxy. Hot damn, but it was more than that. Take a listen to 7 year-old Malea Emma's rendition of our national anthem, and pay attention at the 1:15 mark.

I'm prone to hyperbole, it's been said. But it's no exaggeration for me to say that performance was among the top two or three versions of that song I've ever heard. Whitney Houston's Super Bowl effort sits atop the leaderboard, and Jimi's guitar at Woodstock probably the most memorable, but Malea Emma killed that notoriously challenging tune.

Even Zlatan loved it, and that dude's not even American.


  1. Carl Lewis disagrees with these rankings.

  2. Uh-oh. Marvin Gaye's version was pretty good too, but this little girl crushed it!
    I propose a new anthem rule - if she's not there to do the anthem, we skip it.

  3. i'd co-sign that plan, rootsy. we're the only country in the world that conflates patriotic displays with our domestic sporting events, which leads to all manner of stupidity. case in point, the kaepernick kerfuffle. there's a blog post in me on this topic, but it's half-baked. so, like most posts.

  4. Rob, I understand holding back a half-baked post on this topic, since it's a bit more serious than the standard GTB fare.

    I was at the gym today, and there was a black man in the middle of the locker room ranting to no one in particular, next to his electric scooter and pile of clothes. When I arrived, he was totally naked. I went and had a 15 minute steam, showered and shaved, and he was still going, finally having managed to put on a shirt, but not yet any pants, and get quite a bit angrier. I even agreed with much of what he was ranting about, but nobody is trying to encourage that scene in a ymca locker room. It's enough of a shit show already.

  5. not bad . . . but she's no enrico pallazo

  6. it'd be a very special gtb post, rootsy

  7. Too bad for that naked guy. I'm sure he could find many ways to have a good time. They have everything for men to enjoy. He can hang out with all the boys. He can get himself clean, he can have a good meal. He can do whatever he feels.

  8. Need a super fancy DC restaurant rec for my pop this weekend. Geoff doesn’t come around these parts any more, he was always a good resource. Anyone else have a suggestion?

  9. Blue Duck Tavern in Georgetown

  10. if it were jason's dad, i would recommend the Green Lantern.

  11. Why does Amtrak bother to offer WiFi? It’s always too congested to actually connect to a website.

  12. Amtrak WiFi has been a fraud forever.

  13. So I just got around to watching this post’s video clip. and to quote Yacht Rock episode 4, forgive my francais, but fucking shit!

  14. Don’t you think the band name Nazareth should have been reserved for a Christian rock act? As I listened to the chorus of “Hair of the Dog” for the 500th time (“Now you're messin' with a son of a bitch“) it seems odd that that would come from Nazareth.

  15. Mind you, I’ll listen to it 500 more times before I sit through another full listen of “Love Hurts.” Egads.

  16. Whit is shitting on the Dazed and Confused soundtrack. Sacre bleu!

  17. Was that when Hirshfelder was gettin there??

  18. Yes. I loved that fat, boobie-squeezing kid.

  19. Projecting? I just wanna dance.

  20. Fiola Mare for your dad, Whitney

  21. Nice Village People reference TR. I wonder if somebody had to forcibly remove the naked guy from the locker room. It sort of seemed like his intent.

    I'm ok with Nazareth's version of "Love Hurts". I rank it below the Everly Bros. and Gram Parsons versions, but I don't hate it.
