Monday, August 20, 2018

Whit's Next Stop

There is no shortage of news clips or articles down here in the F-L-A on the real estate community featured here...
Only in Florida (for the short-term only). And only Jimmy Buffett. 


  1. I was in Maine last week, and my niece dragged us to trivia night at a place called "Margaritas". I agreed to go, with the understanding that if I heard even a snippet of Margaritaville that I would make a hasty exit.

  2. It’s well documented that Rootsy is allergic to Buffett music.

  3. And while I enjoyed Buffett’s old stuff and subscribe to the tenets of the Church of Buffett, Orthodox, he is now a money grubbing corporate bastard with dollar signs replacing every lost shaker of salt. This post shows the latest ridiculous development.

  4. I for one am looking forward to the Jimmy Buffet line of branded funeral services where you can send your dearly beloved parrothead off to the great Margaritaville in the sky.

  5. I pre-paid for my Rocawear casket.

  6. VW reads GTB.

  7. Drone flying outside of office window. Should I give it a show?

  8. What's the worst that could happen??

  9. Maybe just happen to be naked, then when you wind up all over the webs, you can sue them.

  10. in this day and age, absolutely nothing

  11. Speaking of age, Adrian Peterson is about to become a R**skin. Six more rushing TDs and he passes Riggins.

  12. Daniel Snyder will retire his number.

  13. He will never pass Riggo in drinking cold ones

  14. Who wins the Wade Boggs vs. Riggo cold one contest?

  15. the national republican senatorial committee called out jason isbell (and ben folds) today as being part of the 'unhinged left' because of their support for tennessee democratic senate candidate phil bredesen, and criticism of the president*. i didn't think it was possible for me to like isbell more than i already did. but i do.

  16. Marls - nobody nobody nobody is in the same echelon as Wade Boggs. Except Andre the Giant.


  18. Is it good or bad if the police chief of your town sends you a LinkedIn request to connect? Asking for a friend.

  19. someone post a trump is fucked meme

  20. I’m not sure anyone here is convinced that weasel really is fucked

  21. Learned recently that a newish neighbor of ours owns The Christmas Story House. Met him tonight at our kid’s school. No, I didn’t ask him about it. Give me time though, You can find his story on the Google.

  22. zson said to zwoman “You’re a lawyer, do you get to decide if Trump gets impeached?” I’ve heard many questions that begin with “You’re a lawyer ...” but that’s a new one.

  23. It’d be a lot cooler if you did...

  24. trump isn't fucked and he does even think anything out of the ordinary has happened (nor do his supporters). in the carefully curated universe of trump and the right-wing media, the lead story is that an illegal immigrant killed a US citizen and there's a rigged witch hunt on the left. we live in a divided universe.

  25. Yes! I went to Breitbart last night and Mollie Tibbetts was the headline. I had to thumb down multiple times to see Manafort/Cohen. MAGA!

    I love how Trump asserts that Manafort isn't guilty because "he was with Reagan." Caspar Weinberger was with Reagan too--GHW Bush had to pardon him for his role in Iran-Contra.

  26. GHWB's hands were pretty dirty in that same scandal, as I recall.

    James Watt, Edwin Meese, Michael Deaver, etc. No one's above the law, Seagal taught us, even in the Reagan administration.

    Lucky for Trump his base is as ignorant of US History as he is.

  27. Trump's gonna die one day, and he'll go to Hell. Not because he's a racist. Not ONLY because he's racist. Because of his blind ambition and his hunger for votes, he turned a blind eye to the suffering of people the world over. And he became a pawn in the modern day fight against Civil Rights.

    Unfortunately for him, the Devil is also a douchebag. So, Random Idiots' new song is going to take place in Hell, told from the Devil’s point of view, as he does what any douchebag would do when company’s coming: He brews up some good sweet tea, and whups up some Southern hospitality for the arrival of the new guest... in the form of a big ol' pitchfork up Trump's ass.

    h/t Drive-By Truckers

  28. Kinda heavy subject matter for Random Idiots, but that doesn't mean I'm not into it.

  29. It’s mainly about the brewing of the tea

  30. "Trump-hating Democrats who pursue impeachment will be punished by the American voter"

    Fox News headline

    If Jesus Christ returned today and registered as a Democrat, Fox News would... okay, you know what verb I was gonna use, but I won't, I'll say eviscerate him.
