Saturday, August 04, 2018


I am hoping there are at least a couple of you that have yet to see this commercial starring FIGJAM Phil Mickelson. When it first came to my attention on Thursday I have been meaning to post it, cuz let's be real, I don't do much around here. Like Tiger, my feelings towards Phil are so very conflicted. What I do like about Phil is his self-deprecating humor, displayed like never before in the video below.

And hat is off. I bought a couple of their shirts a year or so ago in a, you guessed it, golf shop (Sea Island TR!). I hadn't seen or heard of the brand. Bought the shirts b/c they are absurdly comfortable. Until I saw this ad, I didn't realize they were Mizzen+Main - I had to go look b/c I thought they might be. And surprise! They were. Are. Will continue to be.

Happy Saturday everyone! Less than four weeks out from football...hang in there.


  1. With those double zs I assumed Snoop was involved. Doesn't look that way.

  2. While we're on fashion...sharing this amusing piece b/c I don't think too many of your Gheorghies are in the habit of reading the WaPo fashion columnist:

  3. I'm fascinated by his python jacket. Under what circumstances would he wear it? Like, where does a middle-aged white Republican male lobbyist go that he can rock snakeskin?

  4. You wear it when you meet with Russian oligarchs in Cyprus. Duh.

  5. just grabbed a 55" tcl roku-enabled set, mark. the price sure is right.


  6. A flaming drink mishap left two people injured at Gordon Ramsay restaurant...
    the cocktail in question was a flaming beverage called the Rum Donkey

    Do you really need a disclaimer when you order a Rum Donkey?

  7. We have multiple sizes of those tcl Roku tvs. They’re very good for the price. Especially if you’re going to use them mostly to stream.

    Whitney mentioned seeing Steel Pulse in the previous thread. They are playing on the beach hear about a mile from my house next Saturday. Tickets are $20. I’m pretty excited.

    I’m also going on hour 3 of being tattooed today. Why the fuck do I do this to myself?

  8. We are about to embark on tv project. Do you guys have cable Mark and Rob? We are tired of Comcast fisting us monthly. Please tell me.

  9. The Alarm playing at local venue Ponte Vedra Concert Hall in two weeks....I had a brief affair with said band circa ‘86 and ‘87. Thing is I am flying west at oh dark hundred the next day and out of whorlando. Anyone here into said band?

  10. I can't say enough good things about Fios.

  11. And you can watch football every week?

  12. i like fios, too, just don’t need to pay for a third cable box.

    bodeans are coming to leesburg in october.

  13. I just cut the cord. We use the usual streaming services and YouTube TV. 40+ channels, including local as all the sports channels. $40-50 a month. I’m testing it out before football season to see if it’ll work for me. No complaints thus far.

  14. so i’m aware of the prohibition on wearing a band’s t-shirt to its show. but i need a ruling. there’s a dude at this jake shimabakuro show that brought a ukelele. that seems aggressive.

  15. Danny Boy, I like The Alarm that I’m familiar with. Just a few songs. “The Stand” is a classic; the song “68 Guns” was so close to greatness.

  16. The GTB intern just got me a mimeograph that says that singer Mike Peters is the only remaining original member of The Alarm. That’s probably fine. Proceed accordingly, Dan.

  17. more ukuleles here now. wonder if he does a uke-a-long.

  18. Should rename themselves "Snooze". I shall miss that one.

  19. So 3 here for Fios. Very progressive group at gtb. I will direct me bride to look into it.
    We sold Mutt's Cuts wife is on a tear at the homestead. Post to come about that experience by '21, '22 at latest.

  20. The wife met me for drinks and dinner post tattoo. Our first stop was a bar that has a great booze cellar that I also had a gift card to from coaching soccer. Found the Pinhook Rye. It better be good, Z.

  21. I’ve had the whistle pig. It’s quite good. Z and I agree on quite a few things so I’m ready to just tell him he’s an idiot at this point to break the trend.

  22. I can watch football every week, personal schedule permitting. I don't have access to all the games though, I don't know if that's available on fios. I only have one TV so cable box pricing isn't much of an issue for me.

  23. Back to Dimebag Danimal's post here... I'm not a Mickelson fan, I love the nickname FIGJAM, and yet I love this ad. Makes me like him way more. And your review of these shirts make me interested in one. Depending on how much they run.

  24. you must find a way to see jake shimabukuro play live. he's touring with a guitar and and a bass, and he shreds on a ukelele. one of the most joyous live performances i've seen, and in a tiny little venue.

  25. no twee, dawg. but lots of wee.

  26. Chris Russo objects. Maybe I'm zdawg.

  27. I just watched the Mr. Rogers documentary with my dad in a local theater. Holy cow is it good. Holy cow does it draw tears. Carry on.

  28. real men cry at the mr. rogers doc, tr. true story.

    also, 2018 will be jimmye laycock's last season as the head ballcoach in williamsburg.

  29. On behalf of Jo Polniaczek, pour some out for Mrs. Garrett.

  30. I got teared up at the Mr Rogers doc, and my manliness is well documented.

    I'm about to head way off the grid while we force march the kids over the stunning Bigelow mountain range in western Maine. I hope my flask is big enough.
