Monday, August 27, 2018

Expanding the Parameters

It's always cool watching brilliant creative types share the things that inspire them. We learned a while back, for example, that Open Mike Eagle was a huge fan of They Might Be Giants, which obviously hit us in all the right places. 

And we'll start this week on a fun note, listening to Big Boi riff on his love for Kate Bush's beautiful 1985 alternative hit, 'Running Up That Hill'. I didn't see it coming, either.


  1. timmy t! thanks for that gem, whit.

    just put an epic up on SoD, if anyone has time to kill.

  2. I love Big Boi loving this Kate Bush song.
    I love this Kate Bush song.
    I love Kate Bush.
    I love Bush.

    Love is all around!

  3. Neil or Jeb? Whither Busch?

  4. Should I put my money where my mouth is?

  5. Z! Absolutely. $3500??? Less than an hour away from you?? This is your destiny.

  6. Olcat23's comment about his old Herald gives me pause: "In the rain it was a tossup whether more water came in through the floors or the roof." This car does not have a top and I do not have a functional garage, adding to my rain concerns.

  7. Happy Birthday to Greg. His acerbic brand of wit is missed around here.

  8. ok, i should keep up with the comments-- didn't know TR was at the game. we both noticed rooney's love of the one touch pass last night. he was more donkey than shrek.

  9. i watched the game from the comfort of my living room. my only quibble with tr's analysis is that i think that rooney put in a decent shift in terms of movement off the ball. he made several hard runs, though i agree that he didn't do much in terms of taking on defenders with the ball. he's getting tons of love from his coaches and teammates in dc for his professionalism and work rate on and off the pitch.

  10. i'm doing eurosteps around the office in honor of manu ginobili's retirement.

  11. Rob - my counterquibble is that I can count on one hand the number of full-effort runs he made over his 75 mins. The great strikers are dangerous from sideline to sideline. He rarely left the middle third of the field.

    His passing skills are still amazing, as is his vision. But he rarely took on defenders. Maybe this was an aberration.

  12. fair enough, tr. i’ve seen four or five of his matches with dcu. his work rate has been good. and the team’s results have been good with him after being dreadful without.

  13. I love Acosta. He’s tiny and solid and dirty as hell. Lost in the noise of Rooney’s big highlight a couple weeks ago was Acosta tripping a player who tried to join the counterattack. Watch the replay if you missed it.

  14. The Triumph Herald auction ends in 2 mins. Currently $6500. Bummed Z didn't snag it.

  15. ...of course there's a Miata ending in 90 mins in Connecticut... $6,600

  16. "Tiny and solid and dirty as hell" might be my favorite line of the year, it could be used to describe many things around here.

  17. And I promise to buy something stupid on BaT someday, just not that particular stupid thing.

  18. I am fairly excited about that possibility

  19. While I was moving zmom home, zwoman took zkids to Liberty Science Center where zson found a stuffed plush brain and got it for zmom "Because she had a stroke."

  20. two great things to binge:

    bundyville . . . podcast and longread articles

    detectorists-- really weird and funny british show

    review on SoD

  21. Dave pimped SoD so hard that everyone left GTB.

  22. I went to gym in early afternoon today. Went to a stationary bike for my little 20-min interval ride to close things out. A woman proceeded to sit down on the bike next to me and start SCREAMING into her phone to a friend about something inane. And then right in front of me, an effeminate male tae kwan do enthusiast started practicing elaborate spinning jump-kick routines, which moved closer and closer to me. Whatever a rational person’s comfort zone is for having spinning feet/legs near them, mine was being encroached. Severely. And the dude was hairy as a mofo and had nut-hugger shorts on. I was half expecting an acorn to launch out.

    I feel like this was God testing me and my internal rage factor. Surprisingly (to myself at least), I put my volume up and my head down and ignored the nouse, hair and potential rogue ball around me. Old TR would have done some barking at strangers. Not sure if I’m happy or sad about this. I’m losing some bitterness in my golden years.

  23. Old old TR would’ve kicked that guy’s ass and taken his letters.

  24. After hitting him with a flip flop.

  25. Are you sure that wasn’t dave doing the Rex-quan-do?

  26. in the vein of TR's story, yesterday i got to the library before it opened and so i sat down on a nearby park bench by the little pond and read a book . . . i had 17 minutes to kill. thirty seconds later a heavy set woman with crazy hair and a toddler in a stroller sat down ON THE SAME BENCH. there were other benches around but this was the most convenient. (she too thought the library opened at 9 AM instead of 10 AM. (the website says 9 AM) i learned this because she told her son all these things and more. she was really encroaching on my space and running a constant monologue to the child, but i wasn't going to up and move so i dug in and really tried to concentrate on my book. she kept talking and then the geese started walking out of the pond and she said, "okay, we're out of here." i was like: yes! i wasn't afraid of some geese walking past. but it turns out that she knew more than i thought. the geese-- ten of them-- got even closer to me than the lady. people must feed them or something. i had to get up and move.

  27. Dave’s feeding the geese in public.

  28. I started listening to Bundyville yesterday. On episode 2, but still no appearances by Al, Peggy, Kelly or Bud. Sad!

  29. remember to balance bundyville with detectorists, or you will descend into madness. and i am definitely writing that up as a single sentence, unless something crazy happens to me at costco today (which it probably will).


  30. If you can correctly spell gonorrhoea, it pretty much means you have it, right?

  31. would have been funnier if you misspelled it.

  32. They got a shot for that shit, Whit. Don’t sweat it.

  33. If anybody’s looking for a good sub-2 hr Netflix doc, I highly recommend The Seven Five. It chronicles some really dirty NYC cops who worked in one of the most dangerous precincts in the five boroughs in the late 80’s and early 90’s.

    The level of corruption is astounding. Almost as astounding as the extreme NY accents the guys have. Really good stuff.

  34. in detectorists, lance drives a yellow 1977 triumph TR&. would never have known the significance if it wasn't for zman.

  35. What is that character? Are you typing on a Syrian keyboard?

  36. And I saw The Seven Five. Very good and just insane. Good mustaches, too.

  37. I just committed to an Oktoberfest party where “lederhosen attire is welcome.” Not sure how excited a man my age should be about wearing lederhosen to a party, but I am very fired up about the whole concept. It’s a 3 PM, adults-only party with a band. Will be a disaster in the best way.

  38. Will Tiara dress like a St. Pauli girl?

    ... asking for a friend.

  39. Awesome, TR.

    Will you buy

    or rent? Or fashion your own?

  40. I had not thought of rentals! I have shopped around on-line and stuff gets pricey quick. But I don’t want to be the guy there in a cheap Party City costume. Will need to think a bit and maybe try to find a place in NYC.

    Other issue is I don’t drink beer any more. But I can throw back a shit-ton of dry Riesling.

  41. 22 year-old tr just felt a disturbance in the force, and then jammed himself
