Friday, July 20, 2018

Whaleplane? Whaleplane!

I've been a bad Gheorghie of late. I've forgotten our very simple charter, to seek joy in the world and promote it. So I'm pleased today to have seen something wild in the world that made me smile reflexively, and happy to share it with you.

Friends, I give you the Airbus BelugaXL cargo plane:

Look at that beautiful, goofy, flying whale!

Airbus says they built it to shuttle airplane parts between various manufacturing facilities in Europe. It can fit two Airbus 350 wings within its fuselage. I think they also built it to give our fucked up world something to smile about.

Sure worked for me.


  1. Zed, I love Joe Beningo humor but not as much as Steve Sommers humor. So does Doris from Rego Park.

  2. >cough cough cough<

    The Schmooze is the best. I'm happy Francesca is back but he's an echo chamber without Dawg.

  3. Jerome in Manhattan thinks you stink.

  4. Robin Williams doc is good.

    Hola, Jorges.

  5. Avett Brothers show last night. They still bring the goods. Despite what Rootsy will tell you.

  6. The British Open (yeah, I still call it that) is bringing the goods. Big cluster of high-profile guys at the top, including El Tigre.

    I’m psyched that I’ll spend my Sunday driving 3 hrs to the Berkshires and back to drop my kid at sleepaway camp against his will. Next year is the holy grail - the year we may have both there.

  7. i just played soccer for two hours. i feel very happy with my plan to sit on the couch for the rest of the day.

  8. I just ate Buffalo chicken pizza and pork empanadas. I'm happy with my plan to sit on the couch, then go to Juan Carlos's tiki party. I might even break out my Magnum PI outfit.

  9. I just broke my shoe purchase ban at Flight Club. Grabbed. Pair of Jordan 4s. I don’t feel bad about it at all. Physically I don’t feel tip top though. That may be a result of the night sans kid that the wife and I had out in Manhattan last night. Twas great. Had awesome Yakitori at Tori Shin that includes copious amounts of saki. Followed that up with much, much more alcohol and some 3 am McDonalds. I regret nothing.

  10. marcus thornton is playing in the basketball tournament, live on watch espn.

  11. We are doing an early b-day dinner for the youngest b/c the eldest will be in camp for his actual b-day. Their very favorite restaurant in the world is Red Lobster. So we’re off there for dinner. Always a handsome crowd.

  12. we may not ever see the sun again here in the mid-atlantic

  13. my 14 year-old wanted to watch jaws. so that's our evening plan.

  14. You’re gonna need a bigger plan

  15. Red Lobster brought the goods. I guess.

  16. farewell and adieu, you dear spanish ladies

  17. If one ever finds yourself in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Go to Hometown BBQ. If you do t believe me, just go check my instagram. One of the best meals I’ve ever had. Just an overload of delicious smoke meat.

  18. More food recapping. Yesterday morning I went over to a friend’s who was having a BLT fest. Replete with eggs and softshell crabs as toppers. And Bloody Marys as accompaniment. It brought the goods.

    After a nap I cruised on down here to Nags Head, NC. Suboptimal weather led to the largest liquor store run I’ve made here in a while. Good times ensued.

  19. I love BLTs. My parents do too. We used to do BLT nights at my house growing up. Now one of my favorite watering holes serves a great one. Just a beautifully conceived sandwich.
