Saturday, June 02, 2018

Stuff You Slept On, Alternatively Titled "layzman's filler" -- rob Edition

Predictably, rob sent me a fully-formed layzman's filler submission. Pay attention Dave.

In 1990, a regionally successful band from Tucson, Arizona released its second album. In 1993, that same band toured with Pearl Jam as its opening act. And within two years, it was disbanded, its legacy carried away like desert dust in a heavy wind. But that second album, man, that thing rocked.

I'm talking about Auntie Ramos' Pool Hall by the Sidewinders, a rollicking 50 minutes of grunge-era (but not exactly grunge) alternative rock. This record could've been the soundtrack of any period film about disaffected teenagers set in the desert southwest, guitar-heavy and evocative of its geographic roots.

The album kicks off with its best tune, 'We Don't Do That Anymore', a young grown-up's lament about how it hurts to stay up late these days, a wistful "I've got a job, you pay the rent and what do you know. All that time spent wasting time, has come and gone." 'Sara's Not Sober' follows, turning the opening track on its head, kicking up the guitars a notch and asking a lover to choose booze or her man. 'Get Out of That Town' could fit in on a Godfathers record, another 80/90s alternative throwback. 'If I Can't Have You' changes the calculus on the typical lovelorn tune, 'cause "If I can't have you, I'm gonna find someone new." And 'Came on Like the Sun' is at turns a sweet duet and a drunk's regret story, wrapped in a Tucson sunrise.

I haven't heard this album in nearly 20 years. And I don't own it any more. But I loved it once, it's Western twist on the East Coast alternative guitar bands that were the soundtrack of my 1990s. And now I'm gonna go listen to it again.


  1. love that album! i owned it. i will give it another listen as well . . .

  2. Excited to dig into these guys in next few days.

    Orioles are poop.

  3. Supreme Clientele turns 18 today. I am so damn old.

  4. Tybee Island gets my strongest white for a laid back vacation spent sitting on the beach, drinking and eating copious amounts of seafood.

  5. Shlara - Yes, the final episode was so good. Completely exceeded my expectations. Will avoid a spoiler here, but halfway through this season I saw the ending being entirely different and not in a good way.

  6. my diminutive winger played her final travel soccer game this morning, and she went out in style. She stepped into a rolling ball and popped it over the keeper's head and into the back of the net from 25 yards out. it was the only goal of the game, and the 1-0 win clinched an undefeated 8-0-0 season for her team. she walked off the field and away from the game with a huge smile on her face. i couldn't really ask for anything more.

  7. awesome stuff rob...KOGTB greatness continues!

  8. That’s a nice drop the mic moment.

  9. The Trivago guy is creepy as shit.

  10. Durant is Golden State’s best player. Steph is their most important.

  11. JR and Korver have combined for 6 pts and zero treys.

  12. Rob, great throwback album. And that is awesome ending to your daughters' travel soccer career.

  13. i don't use caps, whit, but thanks.

  14. pour some out for dwight clark. he'll probably catch it.

  15. I'm beginning to think Don Lemon is not a Trump fan.
