Saturday, June 23, 2018

Fuckmooks to the Barricades

I came here this evening to finish a cathartic and ultimately impotent post about our current political environment. It wouldn't have done much, but it would've been a marker to posterity about where I stood at this particular moment in time. I'll complete it in a day or two, but I'm kinda drunk, and I came across the most epic of Twitter ragestorms from a wordsmith of the first order, and I believe his words must be recorded in the event the Praetorians guarding the high castles of social media riches scrub them from our collective memory.

There's so much here. The outrage is real and justified. It's an indictment of the elevation of economic value over humanity. It's a celebration of the versatility of the language a communication method and a cudgel - can you imagine that we lived in a world without the word 'fuckmook' before today? It's rage against power subservient to power. It's fucking beautiful and it's awful and it makes me sad and it makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.

I just got done telling my kids over a gut-filling meal of fajitas and margaritas (the latter for me and my wife, not the teenagers) that they have an obligation to stand up for people less powerful, less visible, less white. And I came home to find out that even people like David Simon get silenced, even if only for a week.

The road ahead, my friends, is paved with peril. Don't be fuckmooks.


  1. I am a big fan of wittily inserting profanity into passionately written prose. Or at least trying to.

  2. that's one of our core fucking tenets

  3. RIP, Vinnie Paul. I hope you and Dimebag Darryl are jamming in Heaven.

  4. Cornhole tournament on ESPN. Come on now.

    The dude winning is named Matt Guy and he appears to use “the method.”

  5. If you have some drinks today, and you should, have one for Mike.

  6. Mike is the guy you wrote the post about a year or so ago, right? My condolences to you and your wife.

  7. On a much lighter note, I watched the Simmons/NBA Finals thing last night.

    I enjoyed it because I’m a basketball junkie. Way too much Simmons though. I liked his quick interviews with players and personalities. Could’ve done without clips of him doing his podcast. Ultimately, I hope they keep doing it and tweaking it to make it more on court action heavy.

  8. Thanks Mark. Open bar at the post-funeral lunch because Mike firmly believed in open bars. Basil Hayden's is perfect at noon.

  9. That goal by Klose was an all timer

  10. My Grandma’s wake had an open bar for the same reason. I was underage and got hammered because my Dad felt like she wanted it that way.

  11. the fucking germans, man.

    and god bless you and yours, z.

  12. When I read Zman’s comment I was drinking a Pacifico. Not sure if Mike liked Mexican beer, but the tribute went out to him nonetheless.

  13. Rob- re: your TV question: I bought three TCL Roku TVs last year for my living room and pool/back deck. They’re not too expensive and pretty good quality. They’re smart TVs too so you don’t have to mess with cable hook ups. I streamed the Germany game whilst sitting in my pool this afternoon. Definitely worth a look.

  14. thanks, mark.

    after years of threatening to do so, i bought a kayak today. and i have a tattoo appointment for next sunday. things are happening over here.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Wife and I solo tonight after returning yesterday. She is in one room finishing up The Staircase...which Dave btw - thanks for that podcast with the alternate theory! That has wings for sure. In another room drinking my vod and watching original The Office. We ate suchi from the grocery store. This is us.

  17. Z, having a vod for Mike.
    Rob, what’s next?

  18. Gheorghe: The Tattoos. Lets do this.

  19. We could all get “Famighlia” tattoed in script on our forearms.

  20. i have an idea for my second tattoo, but it might have to wait in line now

  21. My forearms are taken.

    Im excited for Rob’s tattoo.

  22. z, wife and I drinking at 30,000 feet, toasting to Mike

  23. Roll up to the Frontera at O’Hare during a slight layover. Bartender to my wife: “Hey, good to see you.” #businesstravelinglady

  24. drinking a 25 oz. bottle of founders' dank wood, which is described as an imperial red india pale ale. it's also 12.2% abv. if i seem incoherent on here in a little bit, just wipe the drool from my mouth and cover me with a blanket.

  25. I’m definitely getting a fleur-de-lis as a nod to my love of New Orleans. Where and when should I?

  26. or forearm, obft. either way.

  27. My wife and I are planning on doing the same when we revisit New Orleans in November, Whit. I’m not sure where I’ll fit mine but I’m excited to figure that out.

  28. I’m also about 15 hours into my back tattoo. Probably another 10-15 left depending on how much my tattoo guys geeks out. It’s going be great though and I’ll break my G:TB post moratorium to talk about it.

  29. there's a moratorium? no wonder we haven't had a draft preview post in a while.

  30. That’s what I was told, by my shit bag of an enormous employer. Not you, Rob. I like you much more than the enormous healthcare company that is slowly killing me.

  31. is there a six goal max differential in this league? that's what we have in our new jersey travel league and it's annoying. danimal, glad you got the other possibility for the staircase-- it's so weird it has to be true.

    am i supposed to understand all those tweets? i'm seriously considering a total internet moratorium (except for how to videos and googling pictures of shit . . . and soccer highlights . . . and some other stuff)

  32. took my kidlet to cheerleading camp near state college, pa this morning. hunkered down at the moment at rusty rail brewing company in mifflinburg, pa. little town, middle of nowhere, and this place is killer. avetts and drive by truckers on the soundtrack and terrific beer and grub. these laid-back country folk are on to something.

  33. Feels good to mingle with them, eh?

  34. Is that near Dunderburg?

  35. I have no desire to ever live in the country. I get the appeal. It just doesn’t appeal to me.

  36. Paul Casey showing a lack of testicular fortitude today.

  37. Bloodsport is on Vice. It’s tournament time in case anyone is interested...

  38. I’m rooting for the TR’s against Portugal today.

  39. from your lips to allah’s ears, marls

  40. A little late, but did want to send condolences to Zman and his family. So sorry for your loss. May remembering Mike and how great he was bring you all comfort! And here's to hoping things look up since the last few weeks have been more than any one person/family should have to contend with at once. Good grief! I hope your Mom and Gramma are recovering/settling in now better.

  41. Thanks Donna, and everyone else.

    It's really poppin' off here today! All you C3/Coke bottle Corvette fans should bid on this:

  42. Went radio silent until I could watch Iran-Portugal. My dad would’ve been proud. They played great.
