Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Audience Participation

Big day for our pal Whitney. He's purchased the frozen peas. He's consulted his doctor. He's still got oats to sew, but as of this morning, no more seed. And to help him through, we commissioned a playlist.

Or at least the beginnings of one. You, the good people of Gheorghe: The Blog, get to add to this to your hearts' desire. Be kind, but be amusing.

zed man wanted something sexy, so here we are:

All yours, friends. Let's send our friend's, um, friends off in style.


  1. "Mac the Knife" by Bobby Darin
    "Jack the Ripper" by LL Cool J
    "The Seed 2.0" by The Roots
    "Jimbrowski" by the Jungle Brothers
    "Jimmy" by Boogie Down Productions
    "Buddy" by De La Soul
    "Let Me In" by De La Soul ("I got the semen headlocked you won't get fat" is preposterously on point here)
    "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" by ODB

    This playlist could be entirely late 80s/early 90s hiphop. Rappers used to love to rhyme about their junk.

  2. All checked in and ready to get cut. I think.

    Cut me, Mick. Cut me.

  3. "King of Pain" - The Police
    "Great Balls of Fire" - Jerry Lee Lewis
    "Deez Nuts" - Dr. Dre

    Will never forget my Doctor who color commentated during the procedure, continuously referencing the "Vazzy". Was difficult not to howl.

  4. I’m all done and in bed with an ice pack. Recovery begins. Thanks for the soundtrack, Robert.

  5. "hot blooded" to "cold as ice."

    good luck with the recovery, whit. i'll take over populating the earth . . .

  6. Did he need to use a jeweler's loupe to find your bits?

  7. He said it was fairly standard down there. Considering the chilly temperature in the office, I’ll take that. He tethered my crank to my shirt. Didn’t need a heavy duty band for that scared rabbit. Anyway, glad it’s done.

  8. "Balls to the Wall" by Accept.

  9. I need to do some Gheorghesourcing on a last-minute vacation! Given I appear on the verge of re-entering the work force (tentative 7/9 start date), we are trying to pull off a last-minute vacation around July 4th. This is proving difficult.

    We found something manageable for Sea Island, GA. Am I a fool for going there in early July? I have heard amazing things about the place. And I just like the southern beach/island vibe. Folks are nice there.

  10. Watching the Caps parade. Pretty awesome.

    If only the jerkoff-in-chief had this many people for his inauguration...

  11. Ovi is starting to look like Rasputin, no?

  12. TR - Sea Island won't be any hotter than most of the non-mountainous areas of the country TR. Nice beaches and the breeze to boot. The property is stellar really if I do say so, and very family friendly. If I wasn't going to be in America's Town for most of that week, I'd crash your party.

  13. This parade/party is outstanding. Midday Tuesday in the nation’s capital. Each player is being announced and comes to the forefront of a stage on the mall with the Capitol as a backdrop. And comes up and slugs his Budweiser and maybe throws the aluminum bottle into the crowd.

    Pasty legs in shorts. Bad facial hair. Terrible shades. Dorky dances. And lots of beer. Good fun.

  14. And Ovechkin goes back to the mic at the end of the celebration and asks them to turn down the music so he can add one last item:

    “One final thing... before the season I told you we wouldn’t fucking suck! And now we are the champions!”

    And the crowd goes wild.

  15. joy williams's weird novel "the changeling" is set near sea island, georgia. you could read that.

  16. Instead of going on vacation?

  17. Thank you, Danimal. We look forward to sullying the place with our Jerseyness.

  18. It's 840 PM and still not dark, and it's my kids' last week of school. They've been outside for an hour with no fighting. The Yanks are winning and nobody is judging me for pouring a healthy 18 yr Chivas. Life is pretty good.

  19. i too am enjoying life. my travel team was only HP team that made play-offs, we won our first game and then had to play the winner of a much better flight tonight. i was hoping we didn't get destroyed, but also kind of hoping we lost-- because if we won we have to play the finals on one of our best player's bar mitzvah day, which would have caused a scheduling nightmare. and our goalie has a fractured hand. best result possible: we actually outplayed the other team, but they had one giant kid who finally broke through and scored, so we lost 1 -0 but played great and now we can all enjoy the bar mitvah and consequent block party.

  20. You gotta recharge the mitzvah!

  21. Day 2 of Operation Nutslice. Still resting. I could get used to this lifestyle. The 2 weeks without intercourse is a downside, but I have GTB to occupy my time.

  22. 2 weeks without, nice humblebrag.

  23. why do you think he dates 19 year-olds, squeak?

  24. I'm just bitter, as always.

  25. Happy healing Whitney. I hope people around you are letting you rest.

    My boys were all "Hey dad - how's the ole nutsack?" and now equate the to what we did to the cat, despite knowing better.

  26. anyone ever have a jersey framed? curious about what that’s gonna cost me.

  27. Having your own framed or a famous person’s?

    I have an 8x10 frame for you if it’s your own.

  28. Rob - go to framebridge.com to ballpark the cost. I am having them frame a couple things right now. Pretty neat model they have.

  29. Jimmy Fallon is the absolute worst. He turned a Travolta interview into a pure fluffing session (which Travolta probably really enjoyed). Nothing resembling a question in the whole segment. Just preposterous fawning.

  30. I agree, 60 Minutes has gone way downhill since the days of Mike Wallace and Ed Bradley.
