Saturday, June 16, 2018

And You Thought Filler Was Lazy

We usually try to write things in complete sentences, at least most of the time. But this morning, it's all experimental bloggery. In an effort to not lose the news cycle, and to celebrate what I think is an amazing record, herewith the notes, ephemera, and rapid scribblings that came from my keyboard when I listened to Neko Case play the songs from her new album, Hell-On.

if you thought i wasn't going to write about a new neko case record, you're crazy, man

speaking of 'man'. that's the first song she played in a live set at Littlefield in Brooklyn. but everything after that came from her new record, 'hell on'.

'god is a lusty tire fire' - title track. operatic, theatrical. 'i'm an agent of the natural world' - a damn force of nature.

there is no voice in the world like neko's. slate calls it 'her lonesome mesa of a voice'

'chipped my tooth on an engagement ring/and that's bad luck' bad luck

'i left home and faked my i.d./i fucked every man i wanted to be' curse of the i-5 corridor - epic tale

the guardian calls it "a pitch-perfect roar of female defiance"

gumball blue, written with carl newman, new pornos autobiography

winnie/gorgeous ode to women warriors 'i wanted to be her sailor's tattoo'


  1. anyone ever seen stuart holden and mary carillo in the same room?

  2. I hope the similarities are voice-only. But that is a funny call. Voices nearly identical.

    I’m rooting hard for Iceland, but only b/c I want to see more shots of Icelandic women.

  3. You know it's summertime when Gold Bond works its way back into my morning routine.

  4. Nigeria-Croatia is a matchup a tremendous kits.

  5. stephen miller is an incel, no?

  6. My 10 y/o lost in his baseball playoffs to a team from Nutley, which is a very blue collar town. Coach of other team had a kid pitch all 6 innings. He threw well over 100 pitches. He did it to rest his ace if they made the finals. So reckless with a young arm.

    We also had a moment where one of their kids hit a pop fly and an opposing dad yelled “He don’t got it!” twice very loudly as our shortstop was going under it. The shortstop missed the ball and was heartbroken. I almost told that fat bastard of a parent to fuck off, but an assistant talked me down. I regret not saying something.

  7. Totally agree with you! Had me searching online to see if Carillo was commentating for soccer!
