Thursday, May 10, 2018

Gheorghe's Six-Pack: Hymnal

We hired Whitney to innovate, to bring new ideas to the editorial team. Good thing we didn't hire him for volume production.

I digress.

The Six-Pack Filler gambit is an excellent new addition to Gheorghewhorld, one that I'm pleased to embrace.

Chvrches release their newest album, Love is Dead, on May 25. They kick off a world tour on May 19 in Toronto. Eventually, in October, they're coming to Anthem, the new waterfront venue in Washington, DC. I hope to see you there.

Here's 'My Enemy', one of two singles from the new record that have been released to date. You'll recognize the voice of The National's Matt Berninger in this one, which is a bit of a departure from Chvrches' normal sound.

'Get Out' is the other new tune that's in wide release. It's more in keeping with the band's traditional sound.

'The Mother We Share' is the tune that introduced me to the Scottish trio and their foul-mouthed, hypercute lead singer, Lauren Mayberry.

My wife and I took our kids to their very first club show at the House of Blues in Orlando in October 2015. Here's 'Bury It' from that packed venue.

Mayberry has a law degree, which is one more thing that might endear her to certain Gheorghies. I don't think that has much to do with 'We Sink', but I admit that I'm not a legal expert.

The band started covering Prince's 'I Would Die 4 You' early in its touring career, to much acclaim.


  1. I had a great idea for musical filler that is sort of like this six-pack shtick, but lazier. Maybe I will misappropriate Whit's idea and transmogrify it into lazyman's six-pack filler.

  2. that’s the most meta of all gtb comments. it might as well be the ur-comment.

  3. My kids love Chvrches’ “Get Out” and do car karaoke every time they hear it. They don’t get embarrassed either. They just love to rock out to it.

  4. I guess people only like the six-pack shtick when Whit does it.

  5. If my company ever tried to move me up to Kentucky I think I’d have to say know. First, because it’s Kentucky. Secondly, because I don’t think I can live somewhere that loves and approves of bourbon this much.

  6. gheorgies hate cute scottish women, z. known fact.

  7. my fat jerk of a cat just brought a days-old baby bird to our doorstep as a gift. it wasn't yet dead, writhing in pain and bewilderment. i had to take it to the woods to let it die. i am a soft-hearted man when it comes to animals (and scottish women), so this task was not one i relished. my cat is a fucking asshole.

  8. I exchnged pleasantries with Brooke Shields just now. She is still damn lovely.

  9. Andre Agassi would like to have a word with you.

  10. Hahaha - EAD, Joe Kelly.

  11. Scratch that last comment - I forgot Betances sucks moose balls.
