Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Gheorghe's 6-Pack: Portugal. The Man

Well, the Gheorghe silence has been deafening.  Spring Break and other goings-on. It's really not time right now to drink a six-pack, unless you're retired or a raging alcoholic. Or in college.

Actually, college spring break was a month ago... and I never quite understood why it was so early.  15 of our fratres trucked it down to Daytona in 1992 and walked around in long-sleeved shirts.  And doing things most of our fortysomething selves still either chuckle or blanche at when mentioned.  Anyway, for those of you who go a bit beyond the domestic debauchery of Daytona, here's a more exotic destination. Portugal.

In the interest of spreading the love of good music, we will throw out six suggested songs by certain bands you may or may not know much about. Not much of a time commitment, just a little something to get the flavor and get you going.

Gheorghe's 6-Pack: Portugal. The Man

Where: from Wasilla, Alaska, currently residing in Portland, Oregon
When: 2004 - Present
Who: John Gourley, Zachary Carothers, Kyle O'Quin, Eric Howk, Jason Sechrist, Zoe Manville

You probably heard them last year more than once, as their song "Feel It Still" permeated the airwaves (and the streamwaves) as a summer/fall hit. Perhaps you heard them before that on ORF Rock, as we broke that song in March. That's right.

Perhaps you heard Portugal. The Man before that, because they've been making music for over a decade.  They've had a handful of songs I have dug over that time, so enjoy.

"My Mind," Church Mouth, 2007

"People Say," The Satanic Satanist, 2009

"Got It All (This Can't Be Living Now)," In the Mountain In the Cloud, 2011

"Purple Yellow Red and Bluw," Evil Friends, 2013

"Modern Jesus," Evil Friends, 2013

"Feel It Still," Woodstock, 2017


  1. I’ve been to Portugal. Like Pip and jail, I’m not afraid to go back.

  2. that comment really ties the room together, z

  3. My kids are on spring break this week and it’s really sapping my motivation to put in max effort at work.

  4. I did not know the band was around that long. They are a big Alt Nation band, and my kids beg to hear that station in the car. I dig that station a bit, but they play the shit out of whatever 30-40 songs they decide to have in heavy rotation.

    Back to the band, the station recently replayed some live show they did for Sirius. The band opened the set with For Whom The Bell Tolls, doing a decent-enough job and seguing it into one of their hits. It was a “the kids are alright” moment for me.

  5. In unrelated news, I took the family to the Dodgers-DBacks game at Chase Field last night. Very good experience. They opened the roof and opened up these big panels in the outfield right before the game. Food options were good, and the atmosphere was fun b/c Phoenix was a Dodgers town before the DBacks came to be in ‘98 (it’s the 20th anniversary celebration!). And Kershaw was pitching. Tough loss for him (6 IP, 2 ER).

    Dodgers fans ran the gamut in size, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Multiple morbidly obese Mexicans in Valenzuela jerseys, some hotties dolled up like they were road beef, tons of Puig jerseys, and an elderly woman in a Drysdale jersey. No Pedro Guerrero jerseys, unfortunately.

    Another sneaky benefit was the 640 PM start time. Game lasted until 930, which meant our kids could make the whole game. I wish the east coast games stared before 710 PM.

  6. Probably a few Lasorda-alikes.

    Brooklyn was also a Dodgers town. Back when Mr. KQ was a kid.

  7. could i see marston in that video?

    spring break vermont is cold and snowy, but the beer is good and the snowboarding is better. doesn't seem like the weather is getting any warmer in jersey . . .

  8. Toured Arizona State w/ the family today. Only 20 minutes from Scottsdale. 40K undergrad. Many are tan and attractive. And the girls are cute too.

    We wandered the bookstore, which was huge. We walked a bit and found a very cool student center, which had a Pat Tillman/veterans memorial center. Added a sobering, but important, element to the trip.

  9. It was 70 here in SEVA today.

    And happy birthday to our doofus overlord!

  10. No on reacted to TR's "road beef" call? Despite being old we really are hardened frat guys.

    Two thumbs up for Amelia Island. No snow, the speckled trout are biting, and there's lots of beach.

  11. if you happen to be watching the local news in springfield, mass this evening, your boy might be featured.

  12. TJ, happy belated birthday.

    Rob, What was the occasion? Might have to record the 6 o'clock news.

    And the bald eagle landing on Paxton would have probably freaked me out.

  13. Sedona is the shit. Wife and I are aborting Grand Canyon day-trip. Lots of awesomeness around these parts.

  14. zdaughter recently became a ninja master. I know this because she kept telling anyone at Bob's Steak and Chop House who would listen "I'm a ninja master!!!" This is one of many reasons why I drink.

  15. i presented an award to the springfield police department, squeak. couple of news stations were there to cover it. unless it was a slow news day, probably not a lead story.

  16. Vans and A Tribe Called Quest dropped a big collaboration today. Just in case anyone wants to show their appreciation for me...

  17. Treehouse Julius lives up to the hype. Cheers Squeaky, appreciate the hook.

  18. i woke up on wednesday in minnesota, from where i flew to hartford, then drove to springfield, ma. flew home yesterday and slept in my own bed. got up this morning and drove 8.5 hours to myrtle beach, where my daughter has a cheerleading competition. will make the return trip sunday - 17 hours in the car to watch 6 minutes of action.

    i guess what i’m saying is, someone please post something.

  19. Who has a weirder head of hair and why, DJ Trump or Kim Jong Un?

  20. I’d post something but I live in my car for work. 30k miles a year. And I have tattoo appointment today at 4. So I’m not writing shit on a day off.

    This back piece is officially cramping my pool/beach style. I may have to hit pause on it in the not too distant future. Not being able to get in the water at the beach or my new pool is a deal breaker.

  21. i don't think kim's hair is particularly weird for his ethnicity. i just think he's got a weirdly-shaped dome. ergo, trump's.
