Saturday, March 24, 2018

Why We March

I don't want to take your guns. I just want common sense to prevail.

I don't honestly believe that any meaningful progress on sensible gun regulation will be made anytime soon.

I'm not really sure my presence will make much of a difference.

And my 16 year-old daughter is kinda nervous about what could happen.

But we're still going to the March for Our Lives today in D.C.

Because hope is better than fear.


  1. My shoe buying moratorium didn’t last long. But when you win the limited draw for a pair of Tinker Hatfield Jordan 3s, you kinda have to spend.

  2. This is why I love Zoltan. He sends me Kemba texts and always supports our mutual shoe addiction.

  3. holy shit, i take a couple days off from the internet and the next thing i know, i'm russell crowe! skillful deduction zman. love that mosasaur skull . . . much better investment than a classic car.

  4. and marls, you are almost correct: the takeaway is that with a bit of hair, i look like a combination of 90's brad pitt and 90's russell crowe.

    whit's takeaway about TR's job is that he now he can make OBFT XXV. i'll sweeten the pot: i'm going to grow my hair out . . .

  5. Dave is incredibly self absorbed. I like it. Because I can relate.

    In other Dave related news, I’m getting my first taste of how awful other parents are through the prism of youth sports. Had words with another coach last weekend. This week the opposing coach openly scolded one of the parents from my team because they were too eager to perform the standard post game celebration that the 5-6 year olds love. He called it “nonsense”. They are small children. Isn’t nonsense what they’re all about?

  6. Owning fossils sounds cool until you read about how they're often illegally taken from Asia and have to be returned at your expense. I'll stick with cars and sneakers.

  7. back from the march. powerful stuff, made the more so by the fact that none of the speakers were adults. kid after kid spoke with anger, with passion, with clarity, and with resolve. this one amazing teenaged girl was so nervous that she puked during a poem, composed herself, said 'i just puked on international television, and i feel great!', and finished her poem with a crescendo. there were a fuckton of humans there, too. not generally my favorite scene, but man, i'm glad we went.

  8. Love the start time of the early game tonight...

  9. Guys--I was lucky enough to volunteer at the DC March today.
    These kids are American heroes.
    I feel good about them being in charge when we're old.

  10. i brought a few fish fossils home from asia, probably illegally. that's all they seem to sell in byblos.

    and i've been on every side on the prism in youth sports. i've kept my cool and instructed my team to do the same, i've lambasted other coaches for celebrating too much, i've celebrated too much, i've lost my temper, i've gotten double t'ed and had to run subs through a parent, i've coached from the sideline, i've stopped coaching from the sideline, i've been a role model and i've been a lunatic. lately, i've kept my head on straight but my take on it now is that anyone involved in youth sports-- especially if your own kids are involved-- is a hair away from losing their shit, and every practice/game that you comport yourself with the right amount of patience and passion is a major win.

    nice job with the activism rob. you should have projectile vomited for peace!

  11. reports now that the march had 800k participants, which is about 200k more than attended trump's inauguration. i feel bad for the small asian country that we're going to bomb tomorrow to assuage our idiot president's* ego.

  12. My daughters were at the march and i would have been too if not for this trick hip. Agree on the speakers, they all were fantastic. Gave me some hope.

  13. What tricks can your hip do?

  14. Porter Moser made $420 K this year. He’s gonna make a whole lot more next year.

    And Jay Wright, at $2.6 MM/yr, seems underpaid.

  15. Just put on some Elvis music and you'll see.

  16. The thought of Marls watching Mr. KQ gyrate his hips pretty much took the air out of this thread. Nice job, Marls.

  17. leonard hamilton getting pissed about being asked about not fouling down four with eight seconds left is...well, it's something. him actually not fouling in that situation is something else, entirely.

  18. Sorry TR. That was not the response I was hoping for. I was hoping for a card trick or two. Alternatively maybe Mr. KQ was letting his hip enjoy the services of some professional ladies.

  19. I’m glad we’ve grown up and won’t resort to jokes that involve Mr. KQ’s advanced age and that he suffers from the most cliche of old person maladies.

  20. he suffers from incontinence, too?

  21. In other news, someone at Netflix deserves a raise for casting Parker Posey and Molly Parker in the same show.

  22. what's happening, gheorghies?

  23. The preview for Isle of Dogs made me feel like I was wasted but I wasn't, I was in the theater to see Peter Rabbit with zkids and stone sober.

  24. It’s just so easy to root against Duke. Phantom baseline step-out call reinforcing preexisting beliefs about curious Duke-friendly officiating facilitates it further.

  25. zson is rooting for Duke. No idea why. He's also excited for 60 Minutes. No idea why. Taken together he isn't excited about overtime.

  26. you guys, i’m starting to think donald trump is kind of a bad guy

  27. The 60 Minutes was a whole lot of nothing. Her breasts are ginormous.

    Happy to see KU win, even though they didn’t play great..
