Thursday, January 18, 2018

USSF Presidential Election: A Very Special Guestie

Obviously, those of us with interest in both William & Mary and the United States Soccer Federation have a rooting interest in the race for the USSF Presidency. And some of us (coughshlaracough) aren't particularly subtle about our preference. So, in the interest of impartiality, we asked our pal Fay Guy in a Speedo to weigh in on the process that culminates on February 10 with the election of the new USSF boss.

Sunil Days Aren't Here Again
Columbia Grad

As the current president of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF), Sunil Gulati has taken as much heat for the USMNT's failure to qualify for the upcoming World Cup as Bruce Arena, the coach he (re)hired for the campaign. As a result, Mr. Gulati has decided to step down from the  position he's held since 2006 after being re-elected for a record-breaking 4th time for the 4-year post. Obviously, Gulati has done some incredible work for the sport in the USA, you can check out his C.V. at if you don't believe me. The reason Gulati is affiliated with Columbia U is due to his status as a Senior Lecturer in Economics there. The reason he is a lecturer at Columbia is due to the fact that his position as current president of the USSF is a gratis position. How am I supposed to trash on a guy who is the de facto head of a non-profit and works for nothing?

The equivalent position in the FA in England made a couple million pounds last year for reference. The USSF is run as a non-profit and none of the 14 board members draw a salary, including the president. A quick scan of their 2016 tax return confirms this as well as a few other items of interest. Apparently all of the board members average 5 hours per week to oversee the behemoth that is US soccer while the staff (coaches, players, et al.) average 40 hours per week. These hours seem patently ridiculous given that a flight to talk to former head coach Jurgen Klinsmann to LA from NYC is 5 and a half hours if you're lucky. The numbers also reveal that USSF CEO, Dan Flynn, earned $695K while Klinsmann made $3M as head coach. If this doesn't annoy you enough note that his assistant coach, Andreas Herzog, earned almost $400K while Jill Ellis (W&M '87), the head coach of the unfathomably successful US Women's National Team earned just over $300K. The average salary of a Senior Lecturer at Columbia is $77K and it isn't even a tenure track position. No wonder the USMNT can't compete in the easiest and worst regional division of world soccer, CONCACAF; there isn't much at stake for the brass if the team succeeds or fails. No carrot, no stick. This seems incredibly un-American, maybe our Communistic approach to a relative nascent sport in this country is a reason for our lack of success. Gulati has been faulted in the past for not attending important games for the men's and women's teams in the tri-state area and his excuse for not attending is that he's had a class to teach at the time. I imagine this is a problem unique to soccer anywhere else in the world except for the 'shithole countries' recently referenced by our orange-in-chief.

Wharton grads
The election for a new overlord president is a few weeks away and there are eight candidates vying for the unlucrative position and middling power. Out of those eight, most Americans have only heard of one, Hope Solo, and although she has no shot of winning there would be a beautiful symmetry in having a dual dumpster fire presidency to rival the one in the Oval Office. The front-runners are Kathy Carter (W&M '91) and Eric Wynalda. One is a marketing guru and President of Soccer United Marketing and the other is Eric Wynalda. Mrs. Carter (Kathy, not Bey) represents the old regime and didn't decide to run until Gulati opted out. The current administrators are promoting her presidency while Mr. Wynalda is the populist front-runner with radical ideas to shake up the tedium also known as MLS. Either way, apparently there's not much at stake here. How can there be for a position that has no salary at five working hours per week? That's like me listing viewing on my resume. Soccer will continue to limp along on the fringes of the American sporting consciousness. The MLS will continue to earn enough dough to keep it from radically altering its structure. The USA's developmental soccer progam will continue to be a pay for play affair that's only available to the privileged, unathletic few. Winter is no longer coming and there's no Game of Thrones until 2019. It could be worse, we could be Italian.*

DeVry grads
*Italy is neither a shithole country nor a place to be maligned. They failed to qualify for the World Cup as well.

(If you're scoring at home, the official G:TB prediction is that Wynalda and Kyle Martino join forces after several ballots fail to resolve the issue, and Wynalda wins. And is a trainwreck.)


  1. you’re gonna hurt whitney’s feelings, marls

  2. i, for one, am shocked to learn that the nra is a venal fucking stain on the american body politic.

  3. Is venal the adjective form of Venus?

  4. I think it’s spelled Fey Guy in a Speedo, not Fay.

  5. i like to sprinkle the occasional typo in my posts to satisfy the interests of my particularly anal readers. man of the people.

    speaking of the people, northeastern travels to williamsburg this evening to take on the first-place tribe in a battle of title hopefuls. the huskies are 4-2 in conference, and perennial contenders. they also have a devil of a time in the heart of the colonies, which is odd, given their bostonian base. tribe is favored by 1.5, and while i think northeastern is probably a better team who will drill us in boston, i like the good guys to cover tonight.

    irrational exuberance!

  6. Btw, Zman's toto toilet is very nice. It was great catching up with him and Carles.

  7. Can zman’s toilet bless the rains down in Africa?

  8. Hold the line, Teejay. Hold the line.

  9. It certainly checks yer undercarriage for a bit of the ol' who's your father.

  10. northeastern shooting 71% from the floor is an argument against my theory

  11. Rob, are you referring to me when you talk about some people not being subtle about their opinion on this job?

    We all see how things work when an unqualified populist with radical ideas is put in charge.
    Do you want your national soccer program to be run like this country?
    I don't think so.

    So, everyone needs to do the right thing and advocate for the most qualified person for the job: Kathy Carter.

    OMG...I just realized this is the 2016 election all over again.

  12. what gave it away?

    i'm not saying i disagree. she'd be excellent. i'm just handicapping the race. she's fighting an uphill political battle in an environment where people are pissed at the establishment. and she represents the establishment in the eyes of many. so, yes, it's 2016 all over again.

  13. Doesn't even a vague resemblance to DJT send people running away from a candidate?

  14. TR/Shasta/Zman- last year y’all gave some kid firendly NY recommendations out in this space. I actually copied a bunch of them into the notes on my phone in anticipation of this summer when we planned to take the 16 year old on a trip up there. Of course, my phone died a few months ago and I lost them. Would you mind sending those to me again?

    Thanks in advance.

  15. Shasta is my own nickname for Shlara, obviously.

  16. we just hired a guy who's so reminiscent of the alex moffat weekend update bro character that i'm starting to wonder if i'm being punked. it's amazing.

  17. ok, that explains that-- thanks fatguy! i was wondering why we aren't doing better at soccer when we enlist every middle class child in the country to play for at least a couple seasons.

  18. Having an 8 year Basil Hayden’s courtesy of SPG rewards. Kind of makes up for the fact that I drove to orlando tonight for what is basically no reason.
