Sunday, January 07, 2018

This Week in Wrenball: A Very Stable Genius

I'm too emotionally close to William & Mary hoops to be objective, which generally translates into poor predictions borne of irrational expectations. But I'm usually wrong within a reasonable margin of error - generally speaking, I know whether the team will be good or bad.

I don't know a goddamn thing about this team.

To wit, I said this in our preseason preview: "We've begun a season where a number of CAA teams look to take big steps forward, and the green and gold have pretty clearly taken several in the opposite direction. In Tony We Trust, and all that, but if this team is to win even 10 games, it'll take one of his great coaching jobs."

Jimmy Moran is an assistant with the Blazers.
W&M's comprehensive 90-65 win over Delaware on Friday night was their tenth win of the season. The very stable genius in this conversation is Tony Shaver, not your friendly neighborhood blogger.

The Wrens' 3-0 start in league play has them atop the CAA standings, and is the first perfect start through three since 1997-98. That team was really damn good, riding a young Jimmy Moran, the late, lamented Bill Phillips, and senior Randy Bracy to a 13-3 regular season record and a co-championship. (We'll choose not to dwell on the late-season ankle injury to Moran that cost W&M dearly in a first-round CAA Tournament loss to American.)

A win today at an average Drexel team would enable the Tribe to match its best-ever season-opening stretch. The Tribe's next game is a home tilt against a JMU team we already beat on the road. Our good friend Shlara is booking rooms in Charleston in anticipation of a CAA Tournament run.

And we're trying to retain a semblance of balance.

Yes, W&M is flying. Sure, your Wrens are the best shooting team in America (for reals: W&M is tops in the NCAA in three-point FG% (.463), FT% (.811), True Shooting% (.649), and Effective FG% (.620), and third in overall FG% (.522)). And, indeed, the Tribe is balanced - every member of the starting lineup makes more than 50% of his shots (and all average at least 12 points per game).

But it's super early, and the three league wins came against JMU, Hofstra, and Delaware, none of whom are expected to challenge for the top of the table. The Tribe is one Nathan Knight injury away from calamity, and one poor shooting night away from losing by 30 to a bad team.

On the third hand, it just takes three good days in March.

Dammit, Shlara.


  1. Rob, see
    AST post last comment for Fla stuff.

  2. The payoff to dry January comes on weekend mornings.

  3. Tribe game opened with the good guys giving 2 at Drexel. It is now 1. Tribe is 8-1 ATS this season.

    I was perusing the Ken Pomeroy ratings this morning to see what what is driving that line, since pure gut feel suggests the Tribe should be getting more love. The one thing that jumped out to me is that W&M is ranked as the #1 luckiest team in the nation right now with the clear suggestion that they will revert to the mean.

    The math says take the Dragons today.

  4. tony shaver coaches luck, marls

  5. zson and I will soon be rocking our James Lofton and Jim Kelly jerseys, respectively. Am I doing him a disservice or should I just let him be the Cowboys fan he wants to be?

  6. you are doing him a disservice, which is your prerogative as his father

  7. Fuck letting him be a Cowboys fan. My Dad raised me as a Bucs fan and it has led to mostly misery but the few times it didn’t were glorious. Ronde Barber’s interception return in the nfc championship was one of the greatest moments of my sporting life.

  8. History is on you side Zman. Raise him a Bills fan. He may body slam himself on a folding table in the Rich Stadium parking lot but at least he won’t be a raging front running douchebag

  9. Flashing light Touchdown ugly Jags sweater for this one. It is obnoxious.

  10. I’ve got the Simspon jersey on

  11. I've got a

    Jim &
    Thurman &
    Andre &

    Shirt under my Kelly jersey. And Ruth Bader Ginsburg socks. It all seems like good mojo.

  12. my sister in jacksonville just sent me this text:

    Those hideous Bills pants that gheorge just tweeted about? Saw 6 pairs at the grocery store at 7:20 this morning. There are so many bills fans it is unreal.

  13. Marquise Lee never finishes a play without talking shit, regardless of outcome. Overall he's an asset, but I'd like to trade him.

    Nice throw Blake.

  14. OJ is at the game. I repeat, OJ Simpson is at this game, in a McCoy jersey.

  15. But hey...they ARE tough throws to make...when the TE or RB is 5-7 yards away from ya...

  16. twitter tells me that smart guy w&m grad sean mcdermott hasn’t exactly mastered clock management.

  17. This should be 7-0 Bills but for goofy moves by McDermott.

  18. OJ is with fans in Nevada. I foolishly believed a tweet. Never again, internet

  19. If it looks like the Bills are going to win, it may be worth my swinging by The Dirty Buffalo, the Bills-themed wing joint we frequent in Norfolk. Owner gave away a lot of free drinks last weekend.

    If, per usual, however, they blow it, gotta steer way clear.

  20. Did the dinosaurs go to heaven? If it then why do dogs and cats go? Asking for zson.

  21. Bortles is 11-21 for 85 yards and is their leading rusher with 6 carries for 55 yards. These stats are in the 4 quarter of a playiff game they are leading. How is that possible?!?!

  22. Oh, and the dinosaurs were canibalistic assholes. No morals at all. They were the sodomites of the Jurassic era. No way they went to heaven.

    Dogs and cats are nicer and smarter than our Christian in chief so they totally go to heaven. I think it’s in Two Corinthians if you want to look it up.

  23. What about the herbivore dinosaurs, Marls?

  24. These teams suck. It's a shame because Romo's insights are bang on

  25. Maybe 12 teams making the playoffs is a bit much

  26. To be fair, and clear, they don't suck as much as the Skins.

  27. So holding a team to 3 points in 59 min of football isn’t good? Oh.

  28. Poor Peterman. But there are other occupations.

  29. in retrospect, what zman did to his kid is child abuse

  30. Brontosaurus? Covetous. Diplodocus? Did not honor their mother and father.

  31. Mannie Fresh is the House DJ today in the Superdome and he’s wearing a Saints #69 jersey. Just in case you were wondering who to root for in this game.

  32. Good call Danimal, should have said "offenses"

    On a dryuary as well but with limited exceptions. A triple ipa from The Veil is currently one of them.

  33. I had missed the “like” in Trump’s stable genius idiocy. Ignoring that anyone who says they are a stable genius should be compared to Mr. Ed, the “like” inclusion made me think immediately of this other genius in cinematic history:

    Yes, our president is Fredo.

  34. Trying be up 19 in the second half. Math is dumb.

  35. Trump totally drinks banana daiquiris.

  36. Took my boys to Isles-Devils in Booklyn today. Was awesome to park in a garage a 10 min walk away and wheel my kid down Flatbush Ave, around poorly shoveled intersections, in 8 degree weather.

    A bit of fussing/begging at Guest Services got us moved to wheelchair seating. There were not a lot of openings, so I got smushed in next to the legendary Stan Fischler (may only impress Marls/Zman). We were the equivalent of 15 rows up, right in one corner. Good hockey seats are the best.

  37. I told you that wheelchair would come in handy. zson is unfazed by the loss. He's just excited that there's another game on.

  38. A little more context on Fischler - he turned 85 recently, will retire at the end of this year, and started covering hockey in the 1954-55 season. That’s a Vin Scully-like run.

  39. At least I was right on taking the under and the points. Apparently we're rooting for the Saints because they look like Tie Fighter pilots. I guess that's as good a way as any to pick a team.

  40. In other news, I lost three or four layers of skin polishing axles for a pinewood derby car. That bothers me more than the Bills. I'm getting old I guess.

  41. It’s amazing that Kamara had to transfer from Bama because he couldn’t get on the field.

  42. I’m with zson and rooting for the Saints. I should have switched to them when Rob (sort of) did.

  43. New Orleans is a kick-ass city and Cam is a douche. Both of those facts are pretty clear.

  44. The Maven! TR hanging with NY hockey royalty. Was Shannon Hogan there?

    Tribe wins by 22.

  45. Hogan was directly next to me (Fischler was 3 seats away). She Looks like a powerful lady. At least 69” and thick as a brick. We could share pants. A bunch of jamokes kept nagging her for selfies. I debated asking her for a photo w/ my kids, but then realized I’m not a loser who would do that and post it on Facebook to look cool.

  46. You’re a much higher class of loser, TR. Way to maintain your standards.

  47. Tribe basketball is now 4-0 in the conference.
    We're experiencing bizarro global weather.
    Keep your eyes open for the locusts people....

  48. Thanks! I think.

    I’m just a loser who puts up videos from Bizarre Foods on IG of Andrew Zimmern talking about eating balls.

  49. Tribe v WVU in first round of tourney? So in if that happens.

  50. I encourage all of you to stop whatever you're doing and go get a bottle of Pinhook rye.

  51. God damn, Halle Berry still has her fastball.

  52. that is an incontrovertible fact

  53. Will do, Z. Just finished a bottle of Basil Hayden’s so I need to reup my stash.

  54. oprah’s bringing the heat, too. in a different but important sort of way.

  55. Halle Berry and Jennifer Lopez have been elevens for 20-25 years. No idea how that's possible.

  56. In other news, I stumbled across Mike Huckabee's talk show on TBN. The studio audience is ... homogenous.

  57. Hogan is built like a brick shithouse. Mrs. Marls loves her because of her Michigan ties.

    I doubt that many of the milk toast mouth breathers in the Huckabee audience know what homogeneous means and that most think it is a sin of some sort.

  58. Do they know what milquetoast means?

  59. No. That’s French for 1000 pieces of toast, right?

  60. That’s my worst malaprop in a while. ‘‘Twas not autocorrect’s fault. I can only blame it on my rush to get comment 69.

  61. Pinhook Rye - 10-4.

    Steelers favored by 7.5.
