Sunday, January 14, 2018

Drunk Music Lessons: The Only Dad That Matters

I was driving my 13 year-old daughter home from a soccer game yesterday, when she informed me that she was a big fan of The Clash and The Pixies. Obviously, I'm an excellent parent. Because I let her watch Stranger Things, where it turns out her enjoyment of 80s alterna-punk blossomed.

Like, I suspect, many parents of teens, my opportunities to spend real quality time with my kidlet are few and far between as she pulls away like a normal human adolescent and her moods swing from surly to really surly. So I was low-key thrilled when she eagerly accepted my invitation to spend the evening on an internet tour of the alternative music that raised me.

I didn't have quite the same happy buzz as the last time I gave her online music appreciation lessons (at least I didn't when we started), but I certainly enjoyed the time spent hanging out on the couch talking about and listening to tunes, most of which follow. This is a musical memory that'll stay with me for a while.


  1. I’ve got a lot of thoughts about this as I have a 16 year old who I (semi) often bond with over a shared love of hip hop. But I’m at the gym now working off the bourbon I drank last night. Smell ya later.

  2. Mr. Wendal made the list!? Have a dollar. In fact brotherman, here have two!

    MY 10 y/o is a big fan of Alt Nation, but will occasionally go to Octane. He doesn't like heavy metal yet, but he digs hard rock. So there's hope rock isn't dead. But with that said, he freaks out when Kendrick Lamar's Humble plays on TV. He only knows bits b/c Dad's not ready to let him hear all those lyrics.

  3. I’m taking another big favorite today. Can’t put money on the Blaketanic on the road in the playoffs.

  4. that big country video is amazing on so many levels. i always loved that song but i don't remember watching the video. wow.

  5. Jacksonville making me look stupid. Not the first time that city has done that.

  6. Don’t feel bad Mark. More unpredictable than nfl lines are the Jags. Clearly our OC Hackett and Bortles are afflicted with some form of schizophrenia.

  7. My dad got into iTunes like 8 years too late and I have been helping him populate his library for a year and a half. I let him make the ultimate decision but most of these made the cut.

    Rush by B.A.D. Is awesome. I distinctly remember, in the days before downloading, MTV playing that video at 2:38PM every day for like two weeks and trying to get home from school (that let out at 2:20) in time to catch it.

    Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong was also groundbreaking. “Ain’t nobody gonnna bow no more when you sound your gong” is a fantastic example of lyrical writing.

  8. Apple makes it so effing hard to cancel digital subscriptions. I hate them for that.

  9. Bortles might get 100 yards passing!

    TR, subscriptions are hidden under settings, iTunes & App Store. Click on your Apple ID and log in. Then click on subscriptions and cancel the crap like LinkedIn premium and classic Swedish erotica of the month.

  10. I feel like the break from Rush was copied/sampled endlessly.

  11. Antonio Brown is good at catching footballs.

  12. I’m excited to put all the money I have on New England next weekend.

  13. bill conger is up to 63rd out of 97ish motorcycles still in the race through 8 stages. according to his brother, he's sore as hell, and he's just trying to get to the finish line, but he's in good spirits.

  14. You know, a lot of people expected maybe Blake "Cutback" Bortles or Leonard "Jungle Death" Fournette would go to the AFC Championship this year.

    Those guys are Jags!!

  15. Did Jags clinch the “over” by themselves?

  16. Big win for the first coast today. Ha-yuuudge. I do hope all here, except Mark, will be rooting for a N.E. Defeat next week.

  17. Bizarro games today. Jags are a dynamo on offense. Brees is a turnover machine.

  18. What a terrible decision by Keemun. Yeah.

  19. Took a flyer on N.O. before last week to win the whole kit and caboodle.

  20. I laugh every time I see Manti Te'o.

  21. alert for my jersey homies: i’ll be in trenton over st patty’s weekend for my daughter’s cheerleading competition. make plans accordingly.

  22. Taysom Hill was an awesome college QB. He ran for about a billion years on Texas. Then he tore his knee up multiple times. Pretty cool to see him make a huge play on, on special teams of all things in this game.

    This is such a Vikings way to lose this game.

    Alvin Kamara is unbelievably good at football. Drew Brees is pretty good at throwing it too.

  23. No love for my last comment??? Come on.

  24. Keenum! Foles! Your NFC Championship game!

  25. I don't know that I could've made that tackle but many average guys could've. Can we just give the trophy to the Pats now?

  26. zdaughter wants to know when this game is over so we can watch We Bare Bears.

  27. Jon Hamm and unforeseen tandem.

  28. That was unreal. And it lost me money. Oh well. Sports are fun.

  29. Mark....did you have the Vikings at 5.5?
    Many did....bad beat of the year w the extra point not getting kicked

  30. Okay. Here’s the deal. There’s this movie called Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

  31. poor marcus williams. it's really hard to figure out what he was trying to do there.

  32. Whit - it vaguely registered as an 80's reference, but I would have needed to effort myself on the web to figure it out. I did not do that. Was too busy grilling and counting the hours until February.

    Next time I cook, come here for the strudel.

  33. Trenton is an abomination of a capital. And it's an hour from me, unfortunately.

    If I was you, I would stay across the river in Bucks County, PA. More stuff to do there.

  34. dave - will try to stay in princeton to make it less of a pain in the ass for you, but i don't have any of the competition details yet.

  35. that's for you, too, tr. i love princeton. will definitely take an opportunity to stay there.

  36. related to this post, i had forgotten how smoking damn hot liz phair was back in the day. zoinks.

  37. Trenton is fuggin boolshit wit dat "mild flava" Tayla ham ovah deh. My Tayla ham has fuggin baaaawls!

  38. hey gheorghie - singular. TR, the only guy who even attempted to process the most clever joke I’ve ever commented here.

    Hey, TR. You rule.

  39. someone needs a little stuart smalley in his life today, it seems. you're funny enough, whit. you're smart enough. and gosh darnit, people like you.

  40. i just heard 'box full of letters' coming from my kidlet's room. my work here is done.

    now someone post something so we don't have to scroll for three weeks to get to the bottom of this post.

  41. whit - that is a pretty good comment but def needed the fast times hint. sorry.

    I fell off the wagon yesterday with the jags win - 2 beers only tho. I shall go until next Tuesday to get back on it.

  42. Speaking of 90s alt rock, the lead singer of the Cranberries died today. Dolores O'Riordan was 46.

  43. 6 hours and not one "she's coming back as a Zombie" joke?

  44. Big Little Lies is pretty high on the awkward scale, in terms of shows to watch with the missus.
