Friday, December 22, 2017

Gheorgehmas - Day 8

On the Eighth Day of Gheorghemas, Big Gheorghe Gave to Me

Eight Matchups Worth Watching - not really
Seven Books for Reading
Six decades of Fairbank
Five bits and bobs
Four reasons to save 68 CDs
Three balls a-rainin'
Two more automotive wormhole websites
And a bald guy and some random hor-seys

Sooooooooo, this work week has be a complete crap fest with year closing and trying to make sure that my team gets off to a good start in 2018.  All of that has cut into the time I could devote to finishing my Gheorgemas Day post.  However, after a fine dinner at the home of our Tiny Dictator, I promised him that the post would go up today. 

Dutifully, I set my alarm for 4 AM to finish off the post before work.  Groggily, I put as much wit and wisdom into my analysis of the UEFA round of 16 matchups as I could and was reviewing the post before publishing.  Then it happened.  I got the dreaded Apple swirling color wheel of death on my now 8 year old Mac.    No big deal, I thought.  Blogger saves the post as you go along.  Negative - I lost all the work I had done this morning.  It was a Gheorghemas anti-miracle.

So folks, you will just have to wait for my witty UEFA analysis.   However, Gheorgemas must go on.  Therefore, I present to you Alex Ovechkin, AKA "The Great 8".  While I have no love for the Washington Capitals, as this clip from the 2016 "Snowzilla" illustrates, Alex seems to embody the spirit of Gheorghemas perfectly.


  1. this is a new one. well played.

  2. oh, my. dick enberg passed away.

  3. If, as it happened, you don't catch the first period in Rob's comment above it reads very differently

  4. The dog ate Marls' Gheorgemas homework.

  5. “My Dick” by Micky Avalon is an okay jam for about a third of a verse.

    And I love the name Poppy White.

  6. tribe at #15 tcu in fort worth this evening. prolly gonna get drilled, but we're going to finish the ooc schedule no worse than 7-4. and that, kids, is a little bit of a miracle.

  7. I got dick like Jesus.

    My RBG socks and ornament came today, too late for Hanukkah but just in time for Gheorghemas.

  8. Arsenal-Liverpool has been fun.

  9. less fun if you're pulling for liverpool

  10. my mac is also 8 years old and every year it gets better and better at implementing the rainbow wheel of death-- so i can empathize-- but i refuse to buy a new one until it completely croaks . . . the longer i wait to replace it, the faster my new computer will be (there's not many items like this-- your next refrigerator will keep your food at the same temperature as the one you have now) but that silly wheel really pisses me off.

  11. my kidlet got her learner's permit today. stay off the sidewalks, and pray for me.

  12. watching the tribe play on facebook. chat feed onscreen, so i'm seeing a lot of tcu fans blather on. it's...interesting.

  13. I'm sure the grammar, punctuation, and spelling are impeccable.

  14. the tcu announcers talked about justice john marshall, a w&m grad, which was cool. then they attributed the marshall plan to him. which was...less so.
