Friday, November 03, 2017

The boys are thirsty in Atlanta and there’s beer in Texarkana

Soooooooo, our fearless leader is off to the Epcot Food & Wine festival and has left the “inmates to run the asylum”.  I feel ok using that phrase for three reasons. One, I’m not a mega wealthy team owner talking about his black employees. Two, I’m actually using the correct phrase. Three, with the exception of Shlara, you are all filthy animals. But I digress...

Anyway, Whitney demanded Friday filler and I am here to help despite being hung over at a conference in Atlanta listening to Dr. Sanjay Gupta give the last day morning keynote address. (Note to Sanjay, never take the last day morning slot at an insurance conference.  People are just trying not to barf.)

Using all my contacts in the department of Homeland Security, the Future Farmers of America, and the Orlando Chamber of Commerce, I was able to secure a photo of Rob hanging with Sleeping Beauty at Disney. 

Happy Friday!


  1. wearing my popovich/kerr 2020 t-shirt at the magic kingdom. will report back on any political interactions.

  2. And if you're gonna spew, spew in this.

  3. New post up. Sorry Marls, but it's timely. And there's a Dr. Evil picture!
