Monday, November 13, 2017

Fuck You Cancer - Continued

Rob's recent "Fuck You, Cancer" post followed shortly thereafter by a Tweet from Shlara announcing her 7-year anniversary of being free of cancer not to mention Whit's recent push for additional volume from those of us who are, well, under-performing as it pertains to submitting posts, prompted me to contribute to our Q4 content output. (SOD material there, no?)

Over the last twelve months I've become involved with a young charity here in town, the Apryle Showers Foundation. Founded and led by a neighbor, friend, and all around world-class guy has made it an honor to do so. Though not terrible by any means, the website is in the process of being completely revamped so no judging please should you meander that way. And should you, you'll read Bill's story. A year or so into his marriage to Apryle, the second for both of them, and on the same day he was let go from his job, they learned about her death sentence. How they handled it is still awe inspiring to me and every single person that knows either or both.

Anyway, the purpose of the quick post is simply to raise some awareness for a good cause, though I do reserve the right to ask for a few dollars down the road. I'd ask Rob and Mark to share among your friends and family here in North Florida, and for all to remember this should God forbid, a friend or family member becomes someone who might benefit from its offering.

Last year we held our inaugural 10K race. With 476 runners and roughly $40,000 raised, we exceeded the expectations of all including those of us that put on the event. Saturday, April 8th, is the date of next year's run so put on the calendar if you are feeling frisky. In the meantime, Like us on the Facebook please.

That is all - carry on.


  1. the fact that cancer has remained the big c and can still wreak that kind of havoc is devastating and scary. i was afraid to read that "emperor of all maladies" book but maybe i'll man up and give it a try. it's wild that you're probably better off with HIV than many types of cancer . . .

  2. Cancer got both my parents and both of my wife’s parents. So F the big C.

    In less unpleasant news, I got to see both Kostas Koufos’ and Richard Pitino’s faces on adjacent HD TVs at the same time at a tragically sad Cincinnnati sports bar. Wow. Koufos’ whole look is bizarre - giant schnozz, awful receding hairline, and a lame back-to-front comb-over. Pitino is just gross in a traditional “he’d probably ruphy your sister if given the chance” kinda way.

  3. Watching Frankie Smokes not back down from LBJ, and then watching Kanter step in to protect his teammate, was the first time in, well, ever that I’ve felt a pang of longing for that Knicks franchise I dumped due to Dolan many years ago.

    Those two just endeared themselves to that Garden crowd in a big way.

  4. we're going with the alternative spelling for roofie, then? i'll modify the g:tb style guide.

  5. I thought he misspelled murphy but I'm one to tawk.

  6. I am fan of Frankie Smokes. He and Porzingis are two really nice building blocks.

  7. Let's just call it rohypnol.

    Brice McCain just got an MNF shoutout!

  8. peter vecsey quoted biggie on twitter last night in reference to enes kanter. used n***** in the tweet, just like that. the sociological debate that's ensued is fascinating. i don't feel like i could ever use that word, even in a quoted/paraphrased context. but it's hard for me to articulate why. just feels disrespectful.

  9. That debate is fascinating. I sing a number of weird old songs where I have to substitute that word, usually with 'People' or 'Family'. If you really want to sing a song, it's not that damn hard to change a word.

  10. Those born in Virginia may have some state (commonwealth) pride and want to sing the famous tune, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny." While it has a place in the Old Dominion's history, no white person should ever, ever sing it.

  11. True Whit, but that one could be easily altered to be non-offensive too.

  12. I somewhat recently clued my stepdaughter into it not being cool to rap along to that word. I hadn’t heard her do so but she listens to plenty of rap and I know far too many white kids who have grown up listening to rap who think nothing of doing it.

    She seemed legitimately surprised that it wasn’t acceptable. After riding in the car with some of her friends, my wife confirmed that the parents of these kids have not had the same conversation.

  13. ...things we didn't have to worry about when listening to Whodini, UTFO, Kurtis Blow, and Rock Master Scott & the Dynamic Three in 1984.

  14. some quality college hoops on the docket this evening

  15. Mark - Chip Kelly to Gville. Thoughts?

  16. You should listen to Boogie Down Productions as KRS-ONE almost never uses that word (except for one song on Edutainment that has the word in the title so it's easy to spot and avoid).

  17. Kelly’s offense is a nice fit for the type of athletes and QBs that the state regularly produces. I’m still pretty skeptical that it will happen but I think he’d be successful in Gainesville.

    A lot easier to recruit in Gainesville than Eugene.

  18. Coates addressed the use of the N word rather well the other day.
