Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Other Paul Newman Things I'd Rather Have Than Paul Newman's Paul Newman

Paul Newman's Rolex "Paul Newman" Daytona sold last week for $17,752,500, making it the most expensive watch ever. This was surprising in horological circles. The fact that this was Paul Newman's Paul Newman was cool, as was the full back story, but this is a lot for a watch that was unloved for decades, and it wasn't a limited edition from the Holy Trinity of Swiss watches. My father-in-law has one for God's sake! If you want to buy one, read this first.

Anyway, $17,752,500 is a lot of scratch. I can think of a lot of Paul Newman's other stuff that I'd rather have if I had that kind of money.

For example, Adam Carolla (not Toyota Corolla) bought Paul Newman's 1979 Porsche 935 for $4.4 million. I'd rather have Paul Newman's 935 and $13,352,500 than Paul Newman's Paul Newman.

Paul Newman's house is on the market for $5.5 million. I'd rather have Paul Newman's house and $12,252,500 than Paul Newman's Paul Newman.

Paul Newman's Organic Italian Salad Dressing is $2.99 at Target. I'd rather have Paul Newman's Organic Italian Salad Dressing and $17,752,497.01 than Paul Newman's Paul Newman.

After all, as cool as Paul Newman is I bet Steve McQueen could whoop his head.


  1. I guess someone finally cut off Trump's Twitter access over st the adult daycare center.

  2. He must have found his blackberry in Kelly’s diaper bag next to the sippy cup.

  3. Enjoyed the backstories on the watch Z. I consider myself a watch guy despite not having purchased any. I have however been given a few, including a used/pre-owned Tag Heuer Monaco - which is to Steve McQueen as is the Daytona to Newman. Of course, it wasn't actually Steve-o's but I always dug it and was simply too tight (and sensible maybe?) to drop the coin to buy it. My boss purchased one for himself about a decade ago. He is a real watch guy with some real deal pieces. The Tag just wasn't him and he always knew I loved it. He surprised me with it for my 20th anniversary a year ago.

  4. that's pretty sweet. the best professional gift i ever got was a signed carl yastrzemski baseball.

  5. Halloween is gonna be fun in my ‘hood after I barked at some loca parents for encouraging their kids to TP many houses, including my own. I made the parents get their kids out to clean up.

    Parents drive their kids around town so they can TP houses. It’s a massive eyesore until rain/wind eventually causes the mess to disperse in a couple weeks. I don’t get it.


  6. Hate Halloween. There. I said it. Am just glad this year isn't 80 and muggy like the last several. That will ease the annoyance a hair.

  7. I love that particular Tag, that's a fantastic work gift. My uncle Mitsu gave my father an Omega Seamaster as a high school graduation present (his wife was from Switzerland so he went there often and bought cheap Omegas). My father gave it to me as a 31st birthday present and I wore it every day until I bought myself a Grand Seiko in Japan. If you wind it it keeps pretty good time.

  8. I enjoy this post. And Paul Newman's movies. Top 6, as ranked by this clown:

    6. Nobody's Fool
    5. The Hustler
    4. The Sting
    3. Slap Shot
    2. Cool Hand Luke
    1. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

    I could watch BC & the SK 100 times. Such good shit. Who are those guys?

  9. Is it just me or are Jerome H. Powell and Rex Tillerson twins?

  10. I haven’t owned a watch in well over a decade. Only jewelry I wear is my wedding ring.

    I love Halloween. My time in Gainesville reignited my love for it. Few nights are as fun and debaucherous as Halloween in a big college town.

    I was at my kids school for her kindergarten Halloween parade this morning. It was a far different kind of fun but fun nonetheless. She and her classmates were so excited. I don’t envy elementary school teachers today.

  11. The Ringer scooped my post for tomorrow with their analysis of the Garoppolo trade. Sort of.

  12. Aren't Jared and Ivanka volunteers? Or at least unpaid? Doesn't that cut the wrong way for the assertion that George Papadopoulos was just a "volunteer" in no official capacity with no influence?

  13. Z, stop using logic. This is Murcia in 2017. You and your fancy knowledge trickery...you are just an elite who doesn’t understand real Americans. Keep it up and you’ll get sent to a camp to take care of you “smart people”.

  14. for reals. you're anti-maga, z.

  15. I thought Murcia was a village in central Catalonia.

  16. The neighborhood we live in goes bananas for Halloween, which somehow has meant our kids/family goes bananas, too. Our yard is decorated more every year -- this year we seem to have a skull/blood theme going, along with a corpse-like ghost figure that slides from the third floor roof-line to the first on a pulley-system rigged by my husband. And we will hand-out candy to about 800 kids, give or take, in 2 hours. Our oldest doesn't go trick/treat anymore but still dresses - for GoT fans here -- he's Renly Baratheon this year. (He's only read the books not seen the show -- we're not that depraved as parents, reading them is bad enough.) Anyhow, Halloween - serious business around here!

  17. We only have about 40 people (kids and adults) headed over to our house to trick or treat in our neighborhood. Which normally is no issue but the power went out about 2 hours ago and is supposed to be back on at 2:30, strike that, 4PM. That gives us 30 minutes before the first group of folks shows up to pregame. But I have feeling the power won't be back on by then.

    We are super lazy and leave a candy bowl outside our door while we go around the neighborhood with the kids. Which reminds me, got to clean out the pull along wagon for the rolling bar.

  18. Unpaid volunteers don't do anything important in Trump's administration.


  19. My neighbor has a bunch of people over every year for pizza then sends everyone out with to-go cups of cider and bourbon. It's remarkably civilized.

  20. I went to a regional luncheon today. Of the 500+ in attendance, I noticed just two people, one on either side of the crowd, wearing resplendent Halloween orange amid a sea of autumnal brown and black attire from the rest of the assembled.

    Turns out I used to be married to each of the two orange-clad people. Life is goofy.

  21. Shut it down folks.
    There will be no further entries in GTB's "Comment of the Year" category.

  22. It's a day ending in a "-y", so it should come as no surprise that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is once again saying outlandish shit at the podium.

  23. paul newman is dead? how did i miss that?

  24. and TR that is the craziest shit i've ever heard. next year, spray with your hose. i hate halloween. we have a game tomorrow and the my player's will have a candy hangover.

    as a side note, was drinking a strong and hoppy ipa out of a growler, so a little flat, and thought i'd scare my son off beer and offered him a sip. did not go as planned. he liked it and said it tasted "kind of fruity."

  25. Whitney likes 'em festive. Or perhaps he turns 'em out festive.

  26. I can get into Halloween a lot more when it's on the wkd. Didn't we go over this last year? WhyTF can't Halloween be the last Friday or Sat of October? If I ever run for President, this will be a highlight of my platform.

  27. whitney's working his way up to having all of the directions on the compass covered in that room.

  28. A winning presidential platform could be:

    Halloween and Super Bowl on Saturdays
    Observing Christmas Eve and Christmas during the week (weekend Xmas is a waste)
    Eliminating Daylight Savings
    All Veterans have off on Veterans' Day

    And colluding with Russia too.

  29. one other item on this post, was anyone else REALLY surprised that Adam Corolla spent 4.4M on a car? That's a lot of scratch for a guy I wouldn't think possessed that much scratch. If you have that kind of scratch to spend on a car, that would usually indicate the scratch you did possess was significantly more than the 4.4m you spent on the wheels. way to go adam corolla.

  30. I don't believe you can finance those sorts of purchases - maybe z knows that but fairly certain you have to come to the table with cash money bitches.

  31. That's like the SoD dream come true. I rather enjoy it, too.

    Zman for President

  32. "Celebrity Net Worth puts Adam Carolla's net worth at $16 million as of June 2017."

    So over a quarter of his net worth was a car he probably can't drive around town.

  33. That official portrait of Trump is awesome.

  34. I think Carolla might be worth more than that.


    Anyway, he's a big car guy. He had a remarkably well-curated collection of vintage Lamborghinis that he sold off recently. I suspect he buys them as investments so he might be leveraged. Thank you for the vote of confidence Danimal, but I do not know the protocol for paying for 7-figure cars at auction.

  35. i am very onboard for zman's "holiday cleansing" platform. i am drinking alcohol to avoid eating the candy. one of my kids is still out collecting shitloads of sugar, the other is in the basement with his friends, playing poker for candy. each kid has a five pound sack. it's a school night!

  36. there are now girls at the poker game. this is insane. when can i kick them out? the new "curb" episodes are a national treasure.

  37. yikes. there were just 25 middle schoolers at our house. they finally left to get more candy. my kids are still roaming town around, and i want to go to bed. president zman would never allow this.

  38. President Zman

    Make America Not Fucking Suck Again

  39. At least one dude with a byline suggests Kap to the Pats. Come on.

  40. can you imagine the frostiness between maga brady and kaep? this needs to happen. though it won't.

  41. w&m just got a hoops commit from a white kid from vermont named thornton scott. on the one hand, that's as white a name as you might find. on the other hand, thornton has a good history in the 'burg.

  42. I lost zwoman and zkids whilst trick or treating and wound up at a house party. Drank directly from a bottle of Jack Daniels being passed in TR's front yard. Got home in time to help put zkids to bed. zwoman was surprisingly understanding about it all.

  43. I heartily support Zman’s presidential platform. I never knew adults were doing so much drinking on Halloween when I was a kid.

    We have discussed the whole Halloween on the weekend thing, Dan. Its always worth bringing up again though.

  44. By the way, I saw TR's first floor mid-renovation and, well ... say a prayer for TR.
