Tuesday, October 24, 2017

If a Tiger Cub's mom poops on a Toto, is TR there to hear it?

My son joined the Cub Scouts this year--he's a Tiger Cub, which is some new-jack form of Cub Scout to get 6-year-olds involved. This weekend was the council jamboree so Cub Scout packs from all over the area descended upon Allamuchy State Park for a weekend of camping and camaraderie. We both had a great time. There were a lot of things I didn't enjoy about scouting, but this trip involved much of what I loved about scouting: fishing with worms we found between our campsite and the pond; launching apples 100 yards into that same pond using a home-made trebuchet; throwing rocks; sleeping in a warm sleeping bag outside in cold weather; making s'mores 'round a campfire of our construction while the older kids told stupid jokes and sang goofy songs; peeing in weather so cold that it the stream made steam. I also deeply enjoyed showing my son how to do camping-related stuff and we spent something like 36 hours together.

I didn't get to meet too many other fathers on the trip. Two of my son's friends went and they came with their mothers instead of their fathers, so the time we spent with other kids was typically spent with these ladies. They are super nice and good campers, but they're 100% moms with constant exhortations like "Don't run!" or "Don't touch each other" or "Stop tackling each other" or "Stop throwing rocks!" or "Don't pick up the salamanders!" or "Don't swing that stick!" And that was just what they said to me, they were much more restrictive on the kids.

I met two dads and both were extremely nice but not at all fratty, which is fine in this setting. No one brought any booze, at least that I noticed. I was surprised by the dad rocking fours, skinny sweats and a big beard--I thought about asking if he was holding but this didn't seem like the right venue, at least not for our first conversation. Luckily no one was a total drag.

That said, there were some oddball parents from other packs. Like the dad with the greasy mullet who couldn't close his mouth and stared gape-mouthed while kids zipped down the zip line. Or the obese braless mom with massive pendulous breast swinging freely beneath her Pack 66 shirt, over the back of which flowed her multicolored tresses of hair all the way down to her back, which greatly contrasted her abrupt bangs--all this was so distracting I barely noticed her tooth which could not be contained within her lips. Or all the dads rocking Pack 69 tshirts without an ounce of irony or frattitude. Or all the grown men in "Dress A" Boy Scout uniform shirts.

TR warned me about this. TR, one of my oldest and closest friends, whose boys are a little bit older than mine and thus can always forecast what I'm about to face as I enter a new stage in parenting. He went through something similar and his boys quickly lost interest in scouting.

While walking to the fishing pond, as my son was collecting worms, I saw that I missed two calls from TR. I was concerned that he had an emergency and needed my help--we text somewhat frequently but almost never talk on the phone--so I called him back. Sure enough, TR, one of my oldest and closest friends, whose boys are a little bit older than mine and who kindly and thoughtfully gives us all manner of hand-me-downs, was looking for a pair of cleats he had bequeathed to us too soon. His youngest was in need of these spikes and TR was looking to get them back. I told him that I was away but to come over in a few minutes, I would call zwoman and get him squared away.

All the necessary arrangements were made in a few minutes, zwoman hung the shoes on our front door so that TR could grab them quickly (he was running late to a soccer try-out), and I was back on my way to the fishing hole.

TR, one of my oldest and closest friends, whose boys are a little bit older than mine and thus more entrenched in the machine that is our local travel sports program, was stressed out and late. Unfortunately, I directed zwoman to the wrong set of spikes (zson's were in the closet to which I sent her, TR wanted the ones I put away in the basement as they are too big for zson this season). So when TR, one of my oldest and closest friends, who was up against a time deadline and didn't want to disappoint his youngest son, got to my front door, he was disappointed.

Because TR is one of my oldest and closest friends, we have a bit of an open door policy: ring the bell and come on in. Which he did.

Meanwhile, zwoman, the woman I truly love, was doing the thing I miss most while camping: using my Toto toilet. So when TR started calling "Hello? Hello?!" in what appeared to be our empty house, zwoman, the woman I truly love, freaked out. She knew it was TR; she knew she put the wrong cleats in the bag; she knew that she had to go talk to him; and she knew that he would know what he had interrupted as soon as she stood up (the toilet flushes automatically). Luckily she hadn't gotten down to brass tacks yet so she was able to pull herself together quickly and head downstairs. But she knew that he knew what she was up to. I'm not sure exactly how the conversation went, but TR left without the sneakers he was looking for. I don't think anyone made eye contact.

As a result of my inaccurate direction to the shoes in question, the woman I truly love and one of my oldest and closest friends shared a painfully awkward moment; my wife suffered poopus interruptus; my friend became even more stressed out; and my friend's son had to go to soccer tryouts in running shoes. I blame it on the Cub Scouts.


  1. What a sweet story. And more PG than I was expecting!

  2. There was Penthouse Forum element to it that crept out of nowhere. Fortunately it never materialized with an epilogue of Zman killing TR.

  3. back in the early aughts, when we founded this internet weblog, this was the post we envisioned.

  4. Is dog-catcher an elected position?

  5. that's some well told suburban shenanigans. and the part about the kid having to do travel try-outs in running shoes made me cry.

  6. I had no idea she was dropping a deuce! Inconvenience for you, I'm sorry.

    To give some context, i) it was a baseball tryout, ii) my younger son gets legit anxiety in these situations, and finding out his dad gave away the cleats he used as recently as four months earlier would exacerbate the anxiety, iii) we had soccer cleats as a backup, and iv) everything we do in my house is brutally difficult due to this godawful renovation.

    Stress got to my little one during the tryout. I'm sure his manic dad didn't help. He was cruelly cut from a travel soccer team two months ago, and is on the A/B bubble for travel baseball, so I want to give him the chance to improve his self esteem. But if he ends up on the B team, he'll be a leader and crush it.

    So all that factored in to why Senora Zman walked down the stairs to find a frantic Iranian Polack rummaging through her coat closet.

  7. Pour some out for Benson DuBois

  8. In a hotel room outside of Chi-town. Getting ready for the day I could have sworn I heard a newscaster report on Benson's death, and crediting him as being the star of the Jefferson's. I was in the john shaving so wasn't positive. Sure enough, she comes back on corrects the mistake. That's effed up!

  9. Very surprised that Fats Domino was still alive up until yesterday. A NOLA classic.

  10. I think he outlived the average lifespan of folks nicknamed Fats.

  11. How big is the sample size underpinning your thesis, Marls?

  12. Fats Waller
    Fats the Lambo

    That's all I got.

  13. This lends credence to Marls' theory:


    These guys were relatively short-lived, although they're all from like 800 to 1000 years ago so maybe they were relatively long-lived, relatively speaking.

    Here are more recent fat guys:


    They span a broad range of ages.

  14. Jackie Gleason (Minnesota Fats) 71
    Fats Navarro 26
    Fats Waller 39
    Fats Jenkins 70

    Mostly jazz musicians and pool players. Maybe that is adverse selection When it comes to longevity.

  15. Pretty sure Fats the Lambo is still alive, living in a state of domestic adversity. A few years back he allegedly took down some old growth trees on his property as retribution for his wife's lack of adventure in the bedroom.

  16. She wouldn't take his wood so he took hers I guess. Is this the same woman he was miserable with in college?

  17. Then, as the president would say, he knew what he signed up for.

  18. I love that a couple gainfully employed folks immediately rose to the challenge to delve into such a futile (yet entertaining) exercise. That's what gives this blog its magic.

  19. Totally unrelated news - I went for an early afternoon run at the gym before an onslaught of work stuff starting at 4 PM. Wanted to get a 5-mile run in ahead of a race I'm doing in a few weeks. I decided to freestyle it on the iPhone while on the treadmill, which is dangerous b/c I'm not petite and prone to clumsiness. I survived w/ no spillage while randomly looking for tunes for 42 minutes.

    The tune I went to out of nowhere that I probably had 't listened to in a decade, you may ask? Stranglehold by Nugent. I was able to compartmentalize my feelings about him and dig into that bloated, thoroughly enjoyable cock rock opus. Song is so good. Totally made my day.

    Do I need to call that a guilty pleasure? Can I just say I dig it? Why do I need to feel guilty about any tune I dig? I dug it so much I played it again on my trek to Penn Station. It works well as an urban commute tune.

  20. In Portland ME for the evening. The beer options are outstanding.

  21. If you're playing it off the Dazed and Confused soundtrack you're fine. If you bought a full Twd Nugent album then you have a mora dilemma.

  22. Portland is a cool little city. It goes without saying that you must get a lobster roll, ideally from one of those shitty little shacks along the water.

  23. Portland, ME is an AWESOME town. Lucky for you, northeast weather is unseasonably pleasant. Eat up and drink up. Many many cool joints in that compact downtown area.

  24. Yeah just missed the pleasant weather by a day. Full on N'or Easter for my 24 hour visit. It's dry in the pubs though!

  25. Who buys music these days (other than vinyl)? You pay Apple a couple bucks a month and download at will.

  26. I should be going to bed, but watching Wall neuter Lonzo will be too much fun to miss.
