Saturday, September 23, 2017

Where Have You Gone, Peter Venkman?

We've been pretty consistent here with respect to our concern that the world-destroying power of the Large Hadron Collider isn't receiving anything close to the level of public scrutiny and panic that it deserves. Other than CAA Hoops and Muppet videos, it's our stock in trade.

Of late, I gotta tell you, I've been less concerned about the LHC's intentions, mostly because it feels like this is a world that could use some annihilation via black hole. Frankly, we kinda deserve it.

That doesn't mean I haven't been on the lookout.

Just yesterday the black helicopter pilots at CERN announced plans to build a new collider three times larger than the LHC, some 90-100 kilometers long, in an effort to keep pace with Chinese particle physicists. If you think the LHC is going to take this lying down, friends, you don't know that vindictive bastard very well.

And while the eyes of science are on the mega-collider debate, another demonstrably evil development has taken place.

According to NASA and NOAA, "The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series (GOES-R) is the next generation of geostationary weather satellites." Launched in November 2016, GOES-R just started delivering high-resolution satellite imagery this hurricane season. Some of the incredible images we all saw during Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria were captured by GOES-R.

So it would seem that the latest NASA/NOAA collaboration is not just innocuous, but a really important and valuable scientific and forecasting tool.

That's what the LHC's sycophants wanted you to believe, too.

GOES-R. Say it a couple of times. Take out the hyphen and say it again. What's it sound like?

Maybe, just maybe, does it sound like...Gozer? As in...the Gozerian? Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Gozer the Traveler, Volguus Zildrohar and Lord of the Sebouillia?

It does, doesn't it.

On your toes, people. And see if you can find Winston Zeddemore. We're gonna need him.


  1. Back off man. I'm a scientist.

  2. Zeddmore is the man. Always has been. Tokyo's "pubs" refuse to show Premier League football. Suboptimal.

  3. First soccer game as my daughters coach in the books. We have easily the worst team out there. 2 of 7 kids have ever touched a soccer ball before a couple weeks ago. We are going to get SMOKED all year long. Pray for me.

    On the bright side, Marls is in town. Looking forward to some beverages with him.

  4. nba and nfl twitter are aflame this sleepy saturday

  5. The NBA is the best pro sports league. And it's not even fucking close.

  6. That will also help you pronounce Gose, a refreshing style of beer. Goes-za.

  7. Loads of potential upsets in the making on top of the Fla St loss that has already happened.

  8. I once bumped into Sigourney Weaver exiting the Duane Reade on 2nd Ave between 56th and 57th but she didn't recognize me.

  9. Why do you hate America, Rob?

    This has been a particularly profitable betting day for me so far. Lack of offense in College Park is my only blemish so far.

  10. A nice one here as well though am going to lose the Boston College game. Had An aggressive Tech bet and normal on Navy which looks like it will end up a win. Not sure about tonight's games...may just sit idle.

  11. If you ever come to Osaka please don't spend your time at Universal Studios like the Americans at the breakfast table next to me. You'd be surprised at the amount of culture you can find in Japan outside of American theme parks. Note that these are adults without kids, apparently on a business trip.

  12. They traded Melo (who autocorrects to "smell")?! The only jersey option for my son at this point is Porzingis. And the LJ jersey I got him on eBay for $15.

  13. Get him an Enes Kanter jersey. He's swarthy, like TR.

    Only wager I have going tonight is the Unser in UGA-Miss St. Tempted to put a little on Penn State because I think they're really, really good.

  14. Hahaha Knicks. Great haul for Melo. Not even a first rounder a couple years out, when OKC will be poop after everybody leaves.

    Zero ability to watch any American football here is not that awesome. However, I can get all the Japanese futsal I want.

  15. zson's friend is from Japan. I've been tasked with tracking down a Japan National Football Team jersey, in away white, with Kagawa's name on it. This seems like it should be easy if I could read or speak Japanese.

  16. Nothing better than NBA Twitter, especially on a day like today,
    And I finally got around to ordering my Popovick/Kerr 2020 t-shirt today--seemed like a good time for that.

  17. I hate famous figures using the word "divisive" in regards to Trump. It's such a lame adjective. It's good to use when you are under pressure to say something, but don't have any balls. Call it what it is - ignorant, racist, deluded, etc.

    I would love to see every NFL player kneel during the anthem today - whites, blacks and others.

  18. That's been my thought, TR. While damn NFL takes a knee tomorrow. Won't happen but would be cool.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. went to a women's pro soccer game tonight. african-american family in front of me sat through the anthem. pretty courageous on their part, though suburban dc ain't exactly alabama.

  21. Florida Football is taking many years off my life.

  22. also just got myself a popovich/kerr 2020 shirt. it's officially a gtb movement.

  23. Anthem least one entire team will take a knee today. And possibly all.

  24. You guys are as speechless as I with the Jags win arentcha?

  25. Just saw the Gruden Corona commercial, Sperry Topsiders! Got to be flip flops right.

  26. Yeah, Squeak. This administration befuddles me in their consistent compulsion to take a podium (either literal or virtual) and say something when saying nothing would really serve them far, far better. You know, the old "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."

    Mnuchin, who could really just STFU all four years and let others be targets for crushing media and public scrutiny, has now bizarrely inserted himself forcefully like a Trump-condoned sexual assault into the NFL conversation. Which only draws more attention to the current OIG investigation into his sketchy plane flight which cost taxpayers a fortune. Amazingly poor choices at play.

    Freedom of speech includes the freedom to use it in the most self-detrimental ways. Go for it, America.

  27. And I love the anthem displays all over the league. Only Trump could unify Goodell and all the players in the league for a moment. Maybe he's secretly a genius.

  28. Munchin starts the interview with a canned answer, which isn't really responsive to the question, asserting that players don't have free speech at work. Then when asked if Trump should call players SOBs he said "I think the president can use whatever language he wants." Not a double standard at all.

    And yes, I'm wide awake at 4:41 am.

  29. My question is whether the president of the United States demanding that the NFL fire employees for their speech actually constitutes a chilling free speech by the govt. It's close.

  30. We also need some of the white stars in the league that people care about to start kneeling. Until then, Trump's tweets are just coded dog whistle racism. His tweets of the last two days should really just be translated as "Those ungrateful darkie multimillionaires should consider themselves lucky that the billionaire owners continue to pay them."

  31. Finally, I would note that another successful GTB mini-summit just occluded in Florida. Many thanks to Mark and Mrs. Mark for the hospitality. Good times as always.

  32. I want somebody prominent to call him Donny Douche Bag and insist all others call him that. I mostly refer to him as "that deranged Oompa Loompa."

  33. I think I beat you, Zman. Crashed at 6 PM last night and napped/dozed until 330 AM. No line for the treadmill at 4 AM!

  34. I stayed up until 10:30 and woke up at 3:45. I am not refreshed.

  35. All this NFL/Trump BS keeps the Russia investigation and North Korea crisis below the fold or even off the front page. That could be by design.

  36. Always a good time with Marls and Mrs. Marls. Not sure if I should keep drinking or cool it and drink water on my Sunday evening. Probably will keep drinking.

  37. "So proud of NASCAR and its supporters and fans. They won't put up with disrespecting our Country or our Flag - they said it loud and clear!"

    Doesn't the fact that NASCAR is almost purely white people make their stance (and Trump's cheering of it) at best moot and at worst an example of the racism inherent in the condemnation of peaceful protests during the anthem?

    Getting to the point where more than enough attention has been paid to this, but DJT's sheer inability to make not-very-complex associations between logical points just baffles me.

  38. You are assuming that he is not making those connections. The man is not playing 3D chess but he is pandering to the only folks that really still support him - White folks who are getting left behind.

  39. Does it make you a bad American if you think a sporting event could happen without opening with the national anthem? Asking for a friend.

  40. It really is odd that sporting events have this requirement. It not like they play the NA prior to the symphony.

  41. I did some really, really stupid shit in college but the stupidity involved in the CC scam that nabbed 9 UF Football players is staggering.

  42. Looks like Beats Solo 3 headphones were #1 on the mush have list for the gators.

  43. Marls is the mush.

    Ben Roethlisberger apparently wishes the Steelers had taken the field yesterday and believes that everyone should stand for the national anthem. It's cool to see Big Ben throwing his squeaky-clean moral authority around.

  44. Ray Lewis, Rae Carruth, and OJ Simpson also have a problem with you if you kneel in silent protest during an anthem whose original verses disparaged the ancestors among your race for betraying their slavemasters during wartime.

  45. ray lewis did a double-knee kneel with the ravens in london yesterday. his morality seems...situational.

  46. Eric Reid's op-ed in today's NYT is outstanding.

  47. So where does this issue go from here?

  48. Which one? The issue of police brutality? Of kneeling during the national anthem? Of a sitting president's call to abridge the free speech of US citizens? It will all likely go nowhere.

  49. We're on a road to nowhere? Come on inside. Taking that ride to nowhere, we'll take that ride. I'm feeling okay this morning and you know we're on the road to paradise. Here we go, here we go.

  50. Re: question of anthem...isn't it the case that while anthem has been played, NFL teams didn't start taking the field for its playing in big demonstrations of flag until some time in '90s because govt gave league money to do so?

  51. the man is kicking my ass at the moment, so if one of you cool cats feels like posting something for tomorrow, that'd be great. teejay will find some money from the google adsense budget to pay you.

  52. 2009, Donna. According to the story, the players suddenly starting to come out for the anthem wasn't directly tied to the DoD suddenly paying the league millions, but you can figure it out.

  53. Marls said he was gonna post something

  54. Damn, it Whitney. Now I'm knee deep into the Heads catalog as I work tonight.

    Nice of America's* team all kneeling this evening.

    *according to some, maybe even DJT. Well before this evening at least.

  55. Japanese TV coverage of Trump is amaaaaaaaaazing. I have no idea what there saying but it's clear that he's a dirty lying scoundrel.
