Sunday, September 10, 2017

That's My Fun Day

As you certainly know, because you're an educated crowd and you dig your music, the late Prince Rogers Nelson was a prolific songwriter. Wikipedia credits him with writing (or co-writing) 171 songs, which seems low, given that he recorded 260 songs on his own. In any case, the dude wrote a lot of tunes.

That first paragraph isn't particularly relevant to the topic at hand, but I needed a way to stretch this somewhat thin post idea. Some filler, if you will. You see, one of the songs Prince wrote was Manic Monday, recorded by The Bangles (and the supercute Susannah Hoffs).

"It's just another Manic Monday. I wish it were Sunday. 'Cause that's my fun day."

And today, in a complete lack of coincidence, is Sunday. See how it all comes together?

What I really want to talk about is statues. Not the ones Nazis are defending, though they've probably got an opinion on this one. No, we're talking about a different rapacious and divisive historical figure than those from the Confederacy.

The State Capitol building in St. Paul, Minnesota features a statue of Christopher Columbus. And Wintana Melekin and 2,000 others want to replace it with a monument to a son of their city. They want Columbus to come down, and Prince to rise in his place.

Says their petition, “Across the nation, city governments are choosing to remove statues of white supremacists, slave owners, and those who threatened the livelihood of Black people. Here in Minnesota, communities are reigniting the demand to bring down state’s monument to Christopher Columbus, a man who murdered, raped and enslaved Black and Native peoples in the Americas. We, the undersigned, do not believe that Columbus represents the values Minnesotans carry. Rather than glorify a man who wanted to extinguish Black and Native peoples, we should honor members of our community whose leadership we find inspirational.”

I think we can all agree that this is an inspired solution to a problem that's plaguing us as a nation. It might even be a sign...o' the times.

But why let Minnesota have all the fun? Let's get rid of Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville and replace him with Dave Matthews. Let's raze Birmingham's Confederate monuments in favor of Patterson Hood and Jason Isbell (Muscle Shoals is close enough) and the Blind Boys of Alabama. Down comes Stonewall Jackson in Atlanta, and up goes Outkast.

We could do this for a while. It'd be more fun than arguing with ignorant revanchist assholes. Play along in the comments if you've got a mind to.


  1. Revanchism (from French: revanche, "revenge") is the political manifestation of the will to reverse territorial losses incurred by a country, often following a war or social movement. As a term, revanchism originated in 1870s France in the aftermath of the Franco-Prussian War among nationalists who wanted to avenge the French defeat and reclaim the lost territories of Alsace-Lorraine.[1]

  2. Solid footnoting TR.

    Whit is gonna be so pissed about the Mike Love statue in Los Angeles.

  3. My neighbor's 6 month old is "cute" Rob. Susanna Hoffs....she still brings it! She always did it for me.

  4. I eagerly await the Redman statue in Newark.

  5. Does Teaneck go with Das Efx or the Isley Brothers? Maybe just turn Votee Park into a statue garden.

  6. me, too, danimal. she checks all the boxes.

  7. Is gong to be fun to see Dave protesting the abilly Joel statue in Hicksville, LI.

  8. I think the Russians hacked into Marls.

  9. What the hell is Michael Irvin wearing?

  10. Miami footage does not look good. Sanibel and Captiva are gonna get destroyed.

  11. can someone summarize tr's footnote. i think i got too much sun this morning. i just read about the whole "add outkast" to the confederate monument in georgia . . . i'm all for it. and you guys should listen to this episode of the test:

  12. Sanibel and Captiva are definitely fucked. Naples is gonna be pretty bad too.

  13. Rob used the word "revanchist," which I thought was a Bruce Vilanch joke, but is apparently a real word. So I shared the definition, although most of you smartypants probably already knew it.

  14. Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden are revanchinsts with respect to their hairlines.

  15. There is currently no water in Tampa Bay. Sucked up by Irma.

  16. Tarik Cohen is Rob's new favorite NFL player, right?

  17. Irma is like the McKenzie Brothers in Strange Brew. Would like to see a pic of the empty bay.

  18. Looking at the folks lining up early in Group 5 for a United flight w/ a bunch of carry-on luggage is as comical as it is sad.

  19. Shaun Gayle(?!) and Solomon Wilcotts giving us the SkySports NFL breakdowns

  20. Pics and video of the bay on twitter, TR.

  21. Tarik Cohen is a member of the Juan Epstein All-Stars.

  22. Eight games into the match and Nadal has ground Anderson's confidence into dust.

  23. Aaron Judge has regained competence as a major league hitter!

  24. Why is Ty Montgomery still allowed to wear 88?

  25. I guess Washington football fans don't congregate here any more to commiserate. Let me just say that they still suck enormously.

  26. That was a totally Washington loss. Take the lead before giving it up right before the half, keep it close in the second half and then fumble away the last drive. I might root for Jax.

  27. How's the GTB FL contingent doing?

  28. Giants look nearly as shabby as Washington.

  29. Lost power about 2 hours ago. Have had nearly a foot of rain in the past 18 hours. My house was starting to let in a bunch of water. Not because waters are so high (street is flooded) but because my front door was letting in a bunch of water at the bottom corner. I patched it with Flex Seal. I swear to fucking god. I sprayed that shit in the corner of my door a bunch and the water stopped coming in. I am a flex seal customer for life.

  30. Well the guy in the commercial makes a canoe out of the stuff so it should fix a leaky door no problem.

  31. I've used flex seal for minor leaks before and it's legit but this issue is something that would've flooded my house, or parts of it, had I not been home. Flex Seal was a bit of a Hail Mary. Had already tried sandbags and those weren't working. Major save.

  32. Winds are still high but from looking at the radar we've made it through most of the worst rain/wind combinations of storms. Good thing, because water is halfway up my lawn. The worst of the storm came much earlier than forecast. Can't ever remember a hurricane this hard to predict. Thank God it wasn't a 4/5 when it hit like originally projected.

  33. We came really close to flooding tonight. Closest I've come since my house flooded right before my senior year of high school. Still a ton of wind but the rain his regressed from "Biblical". Just have to finish off these last few hours and we're good.

  34. Good to hear, Mark. Hope Dan is okay, as the Weather Channel broadcasts flooding and high winds in Jax.

  35. Good to hear on Irma.

    Count me in for the Oh Susanna club. Were you guys like 12 at the time you were into her?
