Sunday, September 03, 2017

Sit-around Sunday Sounds

You're not doing anything today. No reason to try to hide it. Embrace the inertial pull of your sectional, pull up an internet-connected device, and dig on some soothing tunes.

Jason Isbell's recent Tiny Desk set is sublime, and there's a little lagniappe tucked into the last tune for people who wonder what it might be like to sit in with the band.


FOGTB Dave Fairbank tweeted about Chris Whitley and few days ago, and while I knew of the man's legend, I didn't know any of his stuff. Holy shit, but this dude's sound was incredible.

St. Vincent's new single, 'New York', is almost certainly the most beautiful tune ever recorded that prominently features the word 'motherfucker'.

The National have a new record out on Friday. If the first two singles are any indication, it's gonna be killer. Here's 'Day I Die'.

Have a great sit-on-your-ass Sunday. It's the least you could do for you.


As part of my ass-sitting, I read this great Washington Post feature on Hanson. You read that correctly. NPR Music called their new single, 'I Was Born', "...a gloriously rousing, life-affirming top-down anthem that's virtually impossible to resist." It's seriously catchy, for real.


  1. No props yesterday for the Dukes of James Madison. Very sad.

  2. we were too busy watching howard pull off the greatest upset in cfb history.

  3. HELLLLLLLO from Scotland. I've never seen more travel golf bags on the baggage carousel than just now.

  4. post updated with a new hanson song to fill out the day with some hooky pop.

  5. norm macdonald had the byu/lsu total number at between 20-26 at 9-1 odds. lsu scored midway through the 4th quarter to win, 27-0. not the worst beat ever, but agonizingly close to an amazing bet.

  6. Good stuff Teej....have fun. You should try their scorchety scotches.

  7. Office Space on cable. They mute "asshole" but not "pussy." I'm confused.

  8. cats are fuzzy and lovable, whit. assholes, not so much.

  9. if you don't believe me, check out the video for grizzly bear's new single, 'mourning sound'. don't say i didn't warn you, though.

  10. The president uses the word pussy conversationally so how inappropriate can it be?

  11. not often that virginia tech brings the more sophisticated of the two fan bases to a ballgame. cousin on cousin violence tonight at fedex.

  12. out for your cornhole, buddy.

  13. WVU-Tech is fun. Watching Will Grier toss it all over the yard is less so.

  14. he should cool off once he has to face big 12 def...oh.

  15. Biggest comeback in CFB history underway in Pasadena.

  16. I have no idea what happened in the Twin Peaks finale. If the whole thing was a dream I'm disappointed.
