Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Summer Dave: Audio Up Your Ass Edition

If things go according to plan, I'll be driving down to Norfolk when this post hits the internet. For your convenience, I have provided two pieces of audio that I recently produced. If you're headed to the OBFT, you can listen to them before you see me, and then we'll have something to talk about (besides kids and the weather and the state of our bowels). If you're not headed to OBFT . . . well, your liver thanks you.

The first piece is a song I just finished. It's called "Monkey Mind" and it's about the primitive anger and frustration that's lurking just below the surface of modern life. So often, I want to throw shit around the house, yell and rant, and just up and leave the situation . . . and it's often the simplest things that cause these feelings: the kids still don't have their shoes on, I have to call the tree guy and get an estimate, the laundry needs to be switched over . . . but everything can't go in the dryer, you've got to take out the bras and swimsuits and hang them or put them in a little bag or both . . . and don't forget the dryer sheet or they'll be static cling!

I don't want to call the tree guy, and I don't care about static cling (in fact, it's kind of magical that electrons can do that shit). I want to go play tennis or noodle around on my guitar. It's fucking brutal. According to Jared Diamond, it's the worst mistake the human race made, switching from lazy hunter-gatherers to industrious and specialized agricultural city-dwellers. Anyway, we can't go back in time, we can't retreat to the trees, but I can write a song about it. And, because of the internet, you can listen to it.

The other piece of audio makes me very very sad. Last week on The Test, I gave the ladies a quiz on the blues, and they bombed it. I was so excited-- I thought I had the perfect clips: easy to identify and clearly pointing to a larger theme (a famous film) but I was very wrong. You can hear me getting more and more depressed, as I realize that they don't know anything about the blues, and they've got no shot at solving the riddle. Humor me and give this one  ashot, and then tell me I'm not insane.


  1. Unless Dave is exaggerating, I feel he and I have a similar temperament. Very sad.

    Let's pour one out for Ara Parseghian folks. Two-Time Nat'l Champ at ND, Miami of Ohio grad, and all around good dude is dead at 94 years of age. If South Bend ever builds its own version of Mt. Rushmore, Ara's a shoe-in.

  2. Notre Dame has a long and proud history, Danimal. Who are the other three heads on ND's Mt. Rushmore?

  3. faust, powlus, and ruettiger?

  4. the christian mccaffrey hype train's gaining steam, kids. by opening weekend, its roar will be deafening.

  5. ...until he gets concussed. Which he will. Oftenly.

  6. not if they can't catch him, tr. which they can't. if you believe the hype.

  7. who's in charge of content while most of us are at obft starting tomorrow?

  8. A UF pal asked me that question today Whit. He happily pointed out that his Mt. Rushmore would be comprised of the likes of Spurrier, Tebow, Urban, Wuerffel with one or two others as potentials. I say happily bc they are all from relative recent times. He was trolling me. ND has had some quality players in the last 20 years but probably not of Rushmore quality. I'd say Holtz, Rockne, Leahy, and Parsaghian. If a requirement to add a player, probably substitute Montana for Holtz. Very sad.

  9. I think an argument could be made for him, just not by me. You're probably joking though. He was excellent, a tebow-esque leader on that side of the ball. 4 yr starter. They lose 2-3 games if he is not on the '12 team that was pummeled by Bama. It is difficult for me to put someone there who doesn't have a championship though.
    Chris Zorich from the Holtz could put him on there.

  10. Am I the only one not at OBFT? Very sad.

  11. I'm not there either. Sad!

    Did they pack rubber sheets for He who must not be named?

  12. The ocean is wet but the bed is dry.

  13. I'm not at OBFT either. I'd love to go but feel like a bit of an interloper including myself in that weekend. If Danimal goes one year then I'll go too. Or if Greg goes since he's my original connection to this crew. Greg might be dead though.

  14. At Mets-Dodgers game w/ my youngest. You know the Mets have problems when the walk-up song from their clean-up hitter (Wilmer Flores) is "I'll Be There For You," which is the Friends opening credits song.

    Equally troubling is when the Mets pulled this guy in a double-switch in the 6th inning. Panic move. No bueno.

  15. Would love to attend OBFT. Difficult with it being within a month or two of the man trip I take part in but could happen within the next 2 years, especially if an abridged visit a la Buckles...

  16. Happy Monday Gheorghies. I can report that hazing for a first time OBFT attendee was not too bad.

    In fact, I think I was at times one of the biggest assholes on the trip. But that was only when I was slagging someone's (indefensible) playlist, or foisting spoonfuls of granular bee pollen on everyone to keep the collective energy level up.

  17. the bee pollen is real, y'all
