Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Look. This is a team effort, boys and girls. A lot of you aren't going to be super happy when performance evaluation time comes around this year. And the Christmas Jelly of the Month Club budget won't be as generous if we can't start churning some content out of this factory. Consider yourself warned.

At least Teejay's got an excuse:


  1. That's the way I sing. Can't help it.

  2. Welp Teej, we kept the secret duo under wraps for as long as we could.

  3. Reason to be a bit more optimistic about the mess in DC - official friend of G:TB Major Tom has left the FBI and is now a Counselor at the DoJ.

  4. yeah, that should clear the mess up

  5. I'm a little bummed out there is a post called Moonlighting and no refernce to Agnes DiPesto.

  6. teejay is agnes. agnes is teejay.

  7. We could use a little more Agnes DePosto

  8. TR - St. Simon's Island / Sea Island is a smaller, quieter, less touristy version of HHI. Have not vacationed at Sea Island in fairness but know it pretty well. I have vacay'd at HH. I feel confident in saying that if you like HHI, you'll love Sea Island. I'd suggest staying at the resort.

  9. I figured someone by now would have posted the clip of the ceremonial 1st pitch at Fenway last night. If only we had a Red Sox fan here.
