Friday, July 21, 2017

G:TB Writing Challenge/Friday Filler

On this day in 1899, Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, IL. In honor of Papa's birthday, we kick off the first-ever G:TB Writing Challenge. See the advice in the image below, and head to the comments to enter. Some restrictions apply, namely, if you're Dave, don't assume that the judges will have the same interpretation of 'sentence' as you do.


  1. donald trump is a dangerously inept and thoroughly corrupt buffoon.

    i win. what's my prize?

  2. I have a weekly call scheduled for every Friday that always pisses me off and ruins my attitude well into Saturday afternoon, and the only curative for this problem is to work from home on Fridays and take the call while shitting on my glorious Toto toilet.

  3. Can an action be characterized as "corruption" if it is performed with complete transparency?

    That's more of a search for truth than truth itself.

  4. i feel like you don't understand the rules of the contest

  5. I drink too much.

    Friday rabbit hole: Aphex Twin is putting up all his music, released and unreleased, he's ever created on his site. You can stream all of it for free before buying it.

  6. lol Sean Spicer just resigned

  7. Do you have a name for your Toto toilet? Would be cool if you called it Rosanna.

  8. when peeing into the Toto toilet, you really need to hold the line

  9. Did Spicer really resign "in protest?" Sounds like that's a way of slowing him to save face while getting canned.

    But allowing somebody to save face does not sound like something Trump does.

  10. I meant allowing him to save face

  11. But not Hannibal or BA or Mad Dog.

  12. when peeing into the Toto toilet, I always think of the rains down in Africa

  13. As I position myself to sit on the decadent heated seat I always tell the Toto "I'll be over you."

  14. that's a pretty good sentence, but squeak still leads the pack

  15. I've said this before. Doesn't make it less true:

    If I were as hung as I am hung over, I'd be the most popular guy in town

  16. My armpits sweat offensively large volumes.

  17. Huh. My grandfather was 5 years older than Ernest Hemingway.

  18. Rob, when you go on your river trip, be sure to make lots of "Man in the canoe" jokes. It's always hilarious.

  19. watched 10 seconds of this smarmy prick scaramucci's press conference before i had to change the channel.

  20. Gotta think Spicey saw this as a way out. Scaramucci is going to make everyone forget that Spicer was even press sec. Between his smarminess and SHS's slack jawed yokel routine, if not for Melissa McCarthy's impression, Spicer would be totally forgotten to history.

  21. kyrie demanding a trade. stuff getting innnnnnteresting in cleveland.

  22. Women are amazing creatures that I do not understand in the least.

    And no, I'm not referring to female Trump voters.

  23. I case you were wondering, the Amtrak from Lynchburg, Va to Boston is very long.

  24. strong effort by fairbank. universal theme.

  25. The right woman is worth with getting your head shoved in a toilet.

    Don't take the mundane for granted for tomorrow it might not be mundane.

  26. marls up at 5:30 to weigh in. i appreciate the dedication.

  27. I need to quit drinking. My powers of recovery have waned considerably.

  28. jim vance passed away. that'll mean something to dc folks. sad news.

  29. Jim Vance was the coolest customer in the newsroom for 45 years. Excellent WaPo article on him today.

  30. hola gheorghies-- just got back from the beach, to find that it's time to collect the information for travel team uniform orders, blech. looks like we've got a song to record on the obft.

    this sentence is false.

  31. Don't store your Alka seltzer next to your efferent.

  32. Mini summit on St. Michael's Island. Shlara, KQ, Mr. KQ, & Mrs. Marls all doing a day on the bay. Vince Vaughn is nowhere to be found.

  33. I certainly hope you're listening to some really smooth music.

  34. Move over Swanson I'm driving!

  35. zfamily has been discussing the logistics of how this Michael Phelps vs. great white shark race will be conducted safely and zson gives the shark a lot more credit than he might deserve, particularly with respect to the shark's intelligence and compassion for sentient life.

  36. Holy crap, trying to drop oldest kid at sleepaway camp and wife refuses to leave. 9 y/o boys are wild animals and I'm getting yelled at for what i thought was a suitable spot for his back-up loofa.

  37. Your kids use loofae? Does this mean you use a loofa too?

  38. I see do. How do you scrub your bung?

  39. Going to see The Australian Pink Floyd Show tonight. Pretty excited about it.

    And if recent set lists hold, they will play "One of These Days."

  40. The Basketball Tournament is my new favorite summer sporting event.

  41. I use soap and a washcloth or my hand or my toto asswash. Maybe I misunderstand what a loofa is, but aren't they highly abrasive? I guess your bung got toughened up when you were living in the west village.
